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Two Eyes Cenote The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Printable Version

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The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Herod - August 21, 2024

Please allow @Elveera first post! @Ransem and possibly @Masa ?
@Eset for reference!

When Herod arrived at the palace's borders, glittering with the wealth of treasures and gifts, he found the mountain woman already waiting, her form steadfast against the backdrop of the grand structure.

Elveera, he greeted her with the formality of one well-versed in the rituals of respect, brushing his muzzle gently against one cheek and then the other. I apologize for the delay. An unfortunate mishap, he remarked, casting a pointed glance over his shoulder, allowed the calf to escape. It took us many days to track it down. By that time, coyotes had caught its scent and, he waved his paw in a dismissive arc, it became quite the ordeal. However, we managed to win the day, and our bovine friend remains in remarkably good shape, considering the circumstances.

As he spoke, Herod adjusted the luxurious hide draped over his silvering shoulders, his golden eyes sparking with a sudden thought. I have brought something for you to wear while we discuss our arrangements. I assume you summoned me because the boy is here, did you not? I would be quite disappointed if that were not the case, he added, his tone carrying the subtle weight of expectation, the slightest hint of warning beneath his cordial words.

Without waiting for a reply, Herod turned and signaled for the ornaments to be brought forth. The attendants, moving with the precision of those well-trained in their duties, presented the pieces—a set of broad, stately dog collars, their age evident in the worn leather and fabric, yet maintained with meticulous care, bearing minimal signs of damage. The first, adorned with jeweled hues and intricate gold filigree, caught the light as Herod lifted it, his touch both reverent and possessive.

With a practiced ease, he slipped the collar around his neck, his eyes gleaming with the satisfaction of a well-made choice. The collar settled around his neck with a weight that seemed to fit perfectly, and he allowed himself a moment of pleasure as he admired the effect. The rich colors and delicate craftsmanship of the collar seemed to enhance his already imposing presence, adding a layer of regal elegance to his weathered features.

There, he murmured, a hint of pride coloring his tone as he adjusted the collar to sit just so. His gaze returned to Elveera, sharp and expectant.

RE: The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Elveera - August 21, 2024

Herod, it is such a relief to see you, the woman breathed, a gentle sigh escaping her lips as she tapped her muzzle to his cheek in a warm greeting. She nodded attentively as he explained the delay, her eyes softening with understanding. It is just as well you were held up, for the palace has been in quite a state of turmoil these past days, though I am not entirely certain as to why.

As the collars were brought out, she perused the selection, her gaze settling on a particularly pretty red one. Yes, Hasdrubal is indeed here. I have seen it with my own eyes, but, oh Herod, it seems as though it has cast some sort of spell over them. Their leader, Lady Eset, does not seem convinced that it must be removed, she explained nervously, her ears pulling slightly to the sides as her anxiety grew. I am ever so worried about her, Herod. I do not want that... creature... to bring any harm to her, or to those who call this place home.

RE: The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Ransem - August 27, 2024

Ransem stalked near the rear of the procession; always a few strides behind Herod. An alertness was visible on the man. The cant of tattered ears and keen eyes cast into the desert beyond for any approaching shadow.

Ransem paid little attention to the Snowbird woman as she emerged from the earth. Eyes cast instead to the entrance she appeared from. Tunnels? A suitable place perhaps for any desert dweller. An escape from the sun and Ransem could smell water beyond the markers of the settlement. No, no. To be caught within would not bode well in their favor. This was a playing ground that was not his own. Herod held a snake's tongue. This element was his.

Ransem's eye turned as the Godsmouth founder adorned himself and the Snowbird. Tongue still, he did not offer himself to be dressed so readily as a dog. Approaching Herod's shoulder, Ransem chuffed once impatiently. Turmoil in the palace the gray woman reported. They've plenty of time to prepare for us.

RE: The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Herod - August 27, 2024

I'm going to keep this moving with a second round, but anyone is still free to join

Herod listened intently, first to the woman and then to Ransem, his face a mask of calm neutrality. Yet, the subtle lift of a single flaxen brow betrayed his growing displeasure.

They have indeed, the elder finally spoke, his golden eyes sweeping across the shadowed tunnels. If they are as hesitant as you suggest, then there is no telling what nonsense he has spun into their heads, he scoffed, a wry smile tugging at his lips as he shook his head. Hasdrubal may fancy himself a master of charm, but there is no reality in which he has fooled everyone. Remain vigilant, and seek out those who have not been deceived by his honeyed words--they will prove valuable, especially if their Hebsut remains unswayed.

The lion's voice grew softer, yet no less commanding, as he continued, Keep your chin up, my friends. Everyone, in the end, has a price, and we shall find these people's price soon enough. Until then, it would be wise to proceed as if they have indeed fallen under his spell. Remain cordial--after all, they are not to blame for their enchantment, but do not place any more trust in them than you would a cottonmouth.

Herod grew quiet then, he would wait only a moment longer for their guards.

RE: The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Elveera - September 01, 2024

What is the plan, Herod? Eira inquired worriedly, as though she could not be convinced quite so easily. She drew a deep breath, her eyes searching his face for reassurance. If Miss Eset will not permit the monster to be taken back to the burial site with us, then what are we to do? Shall we... kill it here?

I just cannot bear the thought of giving up and leaving this place with that foul creature still on the loose, she added softly, her voice barely above a whisper. It has caused so much pain already. We must find a way to stop it, once and for all.

RE: The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Ransem - September 10, 2024

Herod commanded the quelling of tempers and biding of time. Patient would be had to win these people's trust. Ransem could only offer an accepting grunt.

To bring the hunt into these tunnels would be foolish. Even now they could be guided into a trap. Although, it could not be denied that the thought of prowling these caverns were thrilling.

The snowbird chirps nervously, worrying away. Ransem did not open his mouth to reassure her, but his gaze settled on Herod. Eyes hungry for the answer to her questions.

RE: The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Herod - September 16, 2024

@Eset for ref
Redating this for present-day.

Calm yourself, dear Elveera, Herod’s voice cut through the tension-- a knife through butter. With the flick of a golden ear, the Snowbird's squawking was dismissed. It will not come to that. He will return with us to the site. There was no hesitation in his tone, no hint of doubt; the lion spoke as if the outcome were already decided.

His golden eyes remained fixed on the horizon, serene in their certainty, while the figures around him shifted uneasily. Quiet fell, Herod's edict demanding obedience from all who stood near. Time stretched thin as the moments passed, and yet, the expected arrival of the guards did not materialize.

Slowly, the faintest shadow of displeasure crept across Herod’s face. His lip curled ever so slightly, a subtle signal of discontent that did not go unnoticed by those under his command.

His hawkish gaze swept the expanse once more, scouring the landscape until it settled upon a distant mammoth outcropping, its silhouette large and unmoving against the sky. Herod’s tail flicked, sharp and decisive, his unspoken command rippling through the air with undeniable clarity.

We are moving, he declared with a finality that brooked no argument. We shall remake camp and take watch over every entrance. Elveera, you will accompany us and divulge all that you have learned. His gaze fell upon her expectantly. He cannot remain hidden beneath the earth’s surface forever, and when he emerges from his refuge, we will be there, waiting.

RE: The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Elveera - September 17, 2024

The woman remained quiet. Though she had no choice but to trust Herod’s words, a gnawing feeling in her stomach warned her that the lion's plan might not unfold as smoothly as he so confidently suggested. Her eyes flicked toward Ransem’s shadowed face, trying to read the expression beneath the hood of his brows, before they returned to the golden elder, her heart still unsettled.

Of course, Herod, she finally replied, her voice steady though her heart was not. It was the most ladylike response she could manage, and she dipped her head slightly as though that simple act of agreement might fortify her resolve. I will gather up my things and meet you at the new site.

She tried to sound brave, but the thought of returning to the desert's relentless heat made her heart sink a little lower in her chest. The palace, with its cool stone floors and shaded rooms, had offered her a fleeting reprieve from the merciless sun! Now, the very idea of once again facing the desert’s scorching rays, and unforgiving sands made her skin prickle with dread. She was not looking forward to it—not one bit!

As she turned to leave, a flicker of uncertainty remained, but she held her chin high and moved with as much grace as she could muster, her thick, mountain-made coat brushing softly against the dunes. The desert was waiting for her, but so was the promise to finally end all this madness! With that thought in mind, she steeled herself for what was to come, hoping—praying—that Herod's plan would finally bring the peace they sought.