Wolf RPG
Firestone Hot Springs boom shalaka, my heart skips - Printable Version

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boom shalaka, my heart skips - Lotus - August 22, 2024

Dusk grazed the grassy fields before her, painting the world in a certain fiery allure. There was a crispness in the air that had been missing for some moons now—the beginning signs that colder times were coming.

Lotus cast a stolen look over a slim shoulder, her own eyes tracing the heights that lead to the plateau. Her father was gone once more—scouting ahead, her mother had told her and Rhonen, but it was obviously to the silver dove Meadow worried more when Reyson wasn’t present.

Uninterested in watching her mother pace, the yearling stole away—a slender form of silver glazed with the setting sun as a nose lowered, investigating the hot springs and eagerly leaving behind anything that resembled worry and decisions.

RE: boom shalaka, my heart skips - Ipiktok - August 29, 2024

Night grew cooler as summer began to wane and the distant plumes of steam became more pronnounced as the sun set on the valley. Ipiktok walked along a hunters path alone as he traveled between villages. In the eyes of his village, he was a man… and the invincible feeling of a naive youth made him unafraid.

He detoured toward the hot springs, thinking it might be nice to wash his pelt. His long fur was prone to collecting debris.

There, he spied another traveler. “This man greets you,” Ipiktok said to announce his approach.

RE: boom shalaka, my heart skips - Lotus - September 02, 2024

Invested in exploring the mystery that was the springs, Lotus almost missed the quiet foot falls of the other, though the boy’s scent was what truly alerted her to his presence.

She skimmed forward a pace, trying to hide the surprise of his sudden appearance from her youthful features as honeyed eyed whisked over the other—finding her gaze captured by the strangeness of his own two-toned eyes.

The wisp of a smile threatened her features at his greeting—unsure yet if she found the ridiculously formal greeting to be absurd or absolutely charming.

“Does he?” A quiet murmur from her lips—the setting of the sun casting a warm glow upon the lands, and giving the youth before her an aura that screamed ‘mature,’ and ‘has his shit together,’ which was a far cry from how she felt she presented herself to the world.

Any other time, she might have jutted a hip forward—offering a smart quip in return to see if she could throw him off-kilter from his seemingly well-balanced presence.

Instead, she found herself quieted in this moment, a paw lifting to trace a claw near one of the hot springs she stood by. “I’m not trespassing, am I?”