Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Lazy Days - Printable Version

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Lazy Days - Disuri - December 12, 2014

feel free to join in! This'll be disuris first thread :)

A mountain lion lays sprawled across a particularly warm slab of rock. Today is like most of her days spent on Silvertip Mountain; uneventful and lazy. She always enjoys the quiet of her proclaimed home, though she can do without the raucous howling of the wolves that inhabit the surrounding area.

She stretches her lithe form while yawning, her tail slowly flicking across her rock slab. Winter may be here, but the sun still warms her precious rock and for that she is grateful. The cold does not agree with her one bit. It makes her short and snappy with any who think to cross her. Now that the days have shortened, she finds that there is less time that her rock is warm.

The graceful lioness does not have to worry about the cold at the moment though. Bright, and hanging high in the late afternoon sky, the sun bathes Disuri in its warm rays. Anyone who chances upon the yellow cat would believe her to be tame, especially from the raspy purring vibrating in her chest. That would be true if she remains undisturbed, but she can be a dangerous foe otherwise.

RE: Lazy Days - Godfrey - December 12, 2014

Wind was important to a hunter. Downwind and you could smell them and they couldn't smell you. Upwind, upwind was a problem. Though he tried to stay on the downwind side of things, occasionally one could not help but being upwind. The narrow mountain trail prevented much or any deviation. To his left was essentially sheer cliff the incline was so steep. To his right wasn't much better. His ears stood tall on his head and his eyes were wide and alert. However that didn't help much as he came upon the lion's sunning rock.

The angle and the wind were both wrong. So he failed to notice the woman on her perch until the last moment. When he did he started, teal eyes falling on the lioness. Well crap.

RE: Lazy Days - Disuri - December 12, 2014

Thick wolf scent, smelling of cold winds and foul meat, fills the air. A whisker dotted lip curls up at the smell. Disuri hates the aroma of wolves. To think that one is close enough to taint her air irks the lioness. Didn't they know that she is lurking here? She doesn't mind if they pass around or even through her mountain, but that was only if they stuck to their senses and avoided her.

Drowsy from her sunning rock, the beast slowly rolls on her belly to lay yellow eyes on her problem. Green eyes stare back at her from a brown furry face. Disuri yawns again to show long, sharp fangs, and then lies her head over a thick paw. Being on her favorite stone, the lioness is raised enough off the ground that even with her head down her nose leveled with his scruffy muzzle. From the expression on his face ,she can gage that he hadn't meant to intrude upon her.

Tilting her head to lick an extended claw the cat says, "
You do realize that I do not enjoy being in the presence of your kind." She runs her tounge over her whiskers when she deams her claw to be rid of the dirt that had collected on it. A rumbling from her sromach alerts her to a rising hunger. She gives the wolf a look of consideration before dropping into an irritated scowl. She doesn't think wolf would taste well, especially with the reek that rolls off their thick furry bodies.