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Herbalists' Cache what you need is a special touch - Printable Version

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what you need is a special touch - Sobeille - August 26, 2024

*makes handwavey gestures at sobeille’s whack af timeline* for @Etienne dated shortly after her meeting with Druid <3

she threaded her way through a serene valley, noticing the sky overhead had darkened.

the woman from before remained at the forefront of her thoughts. sobeille could not get the scent on her pelt out of her mind; it was sickly with a strange spice to it. musty but lively but distinctly the odor of the dead.

she stopped to drink water at a standing pond, ears tuned in to the lazy chorus of summer.

RE: what you need is a special touch - Etienne - August 26, 2024

Etienne tried not to venture far from @Suzu. But he was trying to save @Druids children. He had told his sister of what had transpired. Hoping she was not disgusted by him giving Druid her means of death.

Her children were all alone. @Heda had left. He had been sure to say exactly what he thought of the former woman he had loved like family. She was bitter and selfish and he hated her for it. And yet still part of him loved her and couldn't condemn her. Life sometimes made you bitter.

And he searched for Anselm because he refused to believe the man would leave his children. Refused.

It was with surprise he came across Sobeiile and he blinked. Had he wondered too far. He looked to the sky and then back the way he had come with a frown. No Suzu was only an hour or so away from him.


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RE: what you need is a special touch - Sobeille - August 26, 2024

drinking from the bank, sobeille watched as swamp-darners flew across the surface. their tireless wings did graceful arcs — she would have watched them forever if she hadn’t heard something behind her.

she rose, fastening her gaze towards the thicket where etienne’s form materialized. the wariness of her posture softened, but sobeille kept her distance. eti. it was as warm a greeting as she was able to muster. dere be a very sick woman south of us. did you smell ‘er?

RE: what you need is a special touch - Etienne - August 28, 2024

Etienne was not a fan of the swampier areas. They always made him feel as if his fur was sticking to itself. And there was a heaviness in the air. It just, he didn't like it. He preferred open ocean best of all, but he'd take a river too.

He blinked and blanched a softly whispered. Druid.

he was poised as if to run, but stoppped and shook his head. I do not smell 'er. But I may know dey wolf. You stay way from 'er.

RE: what you need is a special touch - Sobeille - September 03, 2024

he spoke a word - or a name - sobeille did not quite hear.

what be wrong wit’ ‘er? sobeille lodged the question with a somber cant of her yellow gaze, sniffing the air for good measure as if the sickly woman would emerge any moment.

RE: what you need is a special touch - Etienne - September 05, 2024

Etienne sniffed the air. As if by doing so he might smell Druid. But all he smelled was the wetlands and dirt. And sobeille herself and his scent. More fishy now than before.

A tilt of an ear. 'er 'as dey brain rot, rabies. No cure for dat. You get bit and dat be it.

he didn't add that he had given Druid poison so she wouldn't bite anyone. That he told her to be careful as she could.

RE: what you need is a special touch - Sobeille - September 06, 2024

you get bit and dat be it.

the finality of this statement thrilled sobeille, her blood fanning to life with steady pulses.

if only she could harness such power — she wondered how this disease worked, what part of the body it addressed first as it set in, which cells became the first victims, which cells the last — all the while the disease worked to unknot and dismantle every part of you until the brain was rotted and the eyes rolled up into the skull unseeing.

but something else bothered her too — she pushed aside the unpleasant truth, the memory of druid dashing towards her with teeth bared.

are dere many diseases like dat?

RE: what you need is a special touch - Etienne - September 09, 2024

Etienne could not voice of what he knew of rabies. He didn't know all of it of course, but from what he had gleaned. IT was a horrific way to die. And in a sense the poison was a kindness he had given. Even if it had gone against all that he believed in. And yet it felt important that he do such a thing.

Etienne shook his head. Not like dat. Dat one makes you violent and paranoid and scared. It makes you 'ate dey water. Dere be otter diseases dat be 'urtin' your brain, but not like dat. Non.

He shuddered. it is an awful way to die.