Wolf RPG
Sun Mote Copse hemlock - Printable Version

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hemlock - Seal - August 28, 2024

Their clan was small, but the promise of new members had Seal sitting on the edges of the Copse’s borders.

@Towhee, through howl, had informed Seal she had met a wolf named @Reyson. Supposedly he, his wife @Meadow, and family were on the hunt for a new home.

The young woman hoped it to be true. Without others to hold this land, it would be too difficult to maintain their perimeter.

A cool, late summer breeze ruffled her furs and Seal loosed a welcoming howl.

RE: hemlock - Reyson - August 29, 2024

Reyson had promised @Towhee that they would come back. And @Meadow hadn't seemed adverse to the idea. So with a small party they had treked out. Said their goodbyes and moved on out.

@Lotus and Rhonen were following along fairly well. HE wasn't sure if the kids were to happy about it or not. And it had seemed alittle sudden he had to admit, but He figured why not. it was a lot like the Vale where they used to leave and for that he had little doubt that the kids would fit right it and enjoy themselves fairly quickly.

RE: hemlock - Meadow - September 03, 2024

Once more, the Ebonywood family had packed the things they held dear to them and found their way to a new home. This was less bittersweet than leaving the vale, though Meadow’s heart ached to wonder if Tamar tried to return, if she would be at a loss as to where to find them.

Still, important herbs and trinkets had been packed in the dried skin of a fawn, and the family of four found their footing after Reyson, who had scouted ahead.

There was a sense of nervousness that flickered in her chest—at the idea of seeing Towhee once more, and perhaps Fennec, after what she had done—

—but the Redhawk was a dear friend to her husband, and as each season passed and they grew a little stiffer, a little older… she sensed he needed this. A comrade to spend his days with.

A welcoming howl sounded—drawing the honeyed eyes of the healer upward. She cast a small smile to her two yearlings—encouragement, she hoped, before moving forward to greet whom she assumed was one of their new pack mates at the edge of the borders.

RE: hemlock - Seal - September 05, 2024

It felt like a bird had fluttered in Seal’s heart when she spotted the family of four arrive at the Copse’s borders. Excitement filled her as this new page turned… but there was also fear and anxiety. She felt too immature to be known as Esquire to the pack… but Seal had to trust the promise her Grandmother and parents had seen in her. Besides, she wasn’t alone in the role. TJ and Towhee had her back.

WeLcOmE!” Seal awkwardly squeaked (though she wanted to say it with confience). A sheepish grin. “Ahem- welcome to you all. My name’s Seal Sveijarn-Corten,” she said with a friendly wag of her tail.

Her carob eyes scanned their new pack members. She was immediately intimidated by Reyson’s gigantic and scared frame but tried to put on a brave face. Meadow, on the other hand, had a much more gentle and benign appearance. She was most interested, however, in the two yearlings who trailed behind their parents.

RE: hemlock - Reyson - September 05, 2024

Reyson knew that he was scary. HE tried to make himself smaller, but it was damn near impossible. Full stop. So he just tried to put some sort of kind expression on his face, though even the scars would probably mar that.

Hello. I'm Reyson Ebonywood, this is my wife Meadow she is an excellent healer and two of our four children Lotus and Rhonen. Towhee offered us a place.

A wag of his tail and a small dipe of his head. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Seal.

RE: hemlock - Meadow - September 06, 2024

They were greeted with the kind of warmth that reminded Meadow of Tamar, and it stirred a small smile to her lips. She missed her best friend—her decided sister—but she could not wait for the family to return. There had never been any indication they would.

Reyson was quick to speak, and Meadow cast a look at their two yearlings, dawdling behind, giving an encouraging nod to either. Lotus offered the lift of a paw—a version of a wave.

She withheld a sigh before turning back to their gracious welcomer. “You’re home is beautiful,” she offered, eyes already drifting out to the possibilities that lay before them.