Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine agadaxs - Printable Version

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agadaxs - Nantahala - August 31, 2024

When Nantahala wasn't preparing for the big hunt, she busied herself with additional responsibilities that she had taken on. Currently, she was doing one of those tasks: hunting, which was her favorite way to pass the time. She sang a hunting song to herself as she followed the scent of mouse through the territory, creeping along with a cat-like crawl. 

aya, aya aya!

the handsome boy there, he is staring at your face!

do not look, do not look

i will say the words loud so he will hear them:

'"what did your father ask in trade?'"

aya, aya, aya!

now he believes you will be married!

see how he runs to find his own furs!

he will bring them to your father,

he will run to ask you first

RE: agadaxs - Akmaaksi - August 31, 2024

firegirl knew that song. 

firegirl slid from firemother's shade and followed her ears to where the voice which flowed through the nearby forests. nantahala. another cousin. sister to ipiktok. her mouth twitched. did cousin know what grandmother planned?

akmaaksi did not sing. but she noticed that cousin sang what was a working-song. yet she was not working upon a hide, she was focused in another way.

in shy quiet she moved after nantahala, wanting to take part in what might happen. she was not yet good at hunting; she did not go far. but she wished to learn.

RE: agadaxs - Nantahala - August 31, 2024

TYSM for joining! <3

 revealed herself in time, moving quietly after Nantahala. 

Realizing the unfolding events, Nantahala stopped abruptly, turned back, and smiled warmly, whispering quietly, Hey! I'm hunting a mouse, do you want to join me? Expecting little from her cousin's response, she vigilantly looked for any sign of a reply.

RE: agadaxs - Akmaaksi - August 31, 2024

ofc! <3

for a moment, akmaaksi was flustered, recovering with a small soft nod. a mouse! her heart beat faster and she crept to cousin's side to peer around.

did mice feel this way all the time, when they were so low to the ground? loam and crushleaf; the trailing of centipedes; the antlers thrown here long ago, overgrown with moss. she found adoration in herself for this first taste of hunting.

RE: agadaxs - Nantahala - August 31, 2024


Despite the silence, Akmaaksi agreed to hunt, and Nantahala was both surprised and thrilled by this. 

Great! I'm glad you're coming, she replied, before wondering, Have you ever hunted before? Or is this your first time? Determining her role in the hunt was crucial; would she participate as a co-hunter or an instructor?

RE: agadaxs - Akmaaksi - August 31, 2024

akmaaksi was again taken off-guard, though she did not understand why.

finally she held up a paw. 

first, cousin.

perhaps not quite her first, but did puppyish falling after leaves truly matter? she was unskilled. she wished to learn, and nantahala could teach her.

RE: agadaxs - Nantahala - August 31, 2024

Nantahala nodded, understanding the answer and seamlessly falling into her role as a mentor. 

Alright, sweet, this will be fun! she said, then hesitated as she thought of the ways that Rodyn had taught her to hunt. There had always been an open dialogue between them, and she wondered how this would work when her cousin never spoke. Would Akmaaksi be able to communicate everything silently? There was only one way to find out. 

She cleared her throat and carried on. 

Sniff the air—can you smell the mouse? If you do, can you show me which way you think the smell is coming from?

RE: agadaxs - Akmaaksi - September 02, 2024

fun. nantahala was exuberant. akmaaksi did not yet have so much confidence in her own skills, but dutifully sniffed the air.

there were many things to scent; she searched for the little trail of tiny, muddied paws and the drag of a tail.

turning back to cousin, she nodded, brow furrowing. without waiting for any answer, she dropped back into her stalk and took two steps forward. was this right?

RE: agadaxs - Nantahala - September 02, 2024

Akmaaksi was doing everything right, and Nantahala watched with pride as her cousins crouched and began to slink towards the mouse.

Good!! she praised in a whisper, crawling after her with a smile on her face. You’re doing everything right. Just keep this up while we follow the scent trail, okay? Had she been teaching someone else, she would’ve noted the need to be quiet, but she knew it wasn’t necessary because Akmaaksi never spoke.

When you spot the mouse, stop, and I’ll give directions when we get there.

RE: agadaxs - Akmaaksi - September 08, 2024

a flick of akmaaksi's ear said she had heard cousin. her steps were light and almost hesitant, though soon she answered the deepening call within herself.

she saw its tail among a fall of oak leaves ahead, and froze, unable to glance toward nantahala for fear she'd lose their quarry.

but her ear tilted again, listening.