Wolf RPG
Starlight - Printable Version

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Starlight - Osprey - December 13, 2014

ooc: backdated to the end of November, beginning of December

Several days had passed, since Osprey had got in a stampede and found herself utterly lost and confused in the middle of unknown lands. At first it had seemed that she had escaped any serious damage - apart from the nasty hit on her head - there had been nothing wrong with her. But as the hours from the event had passed, she had begun to feel weariness and pain in her whole body. Her legs and sides ached, making it difficult to walk without feeling pain. Therefore she had stayed in a small den within the Stavenger bay's territories, leaving it only to go and have a drink.

Today she had begun to feel much better and not wanting to be any more of their burden as she already was, she had wandered away from her temporary place of living and begun a little hunt. It had got reasonably cold during the past few weeks, therefore small prey was hard to find and she didn't feel well enough to go looking for anything larger. Therefore she spent her time, sniffing and listening for any signs that would reveal the hiding places of rodents.

RE: Starlight - Gyda - December 22, 2014

Gyda was far from an expert hunter, despite the months she had spent alone in the wilderness. Yes, she had managed to scrape by out there and survive, but looking at her now, one could see the toll the time had taken on her diminutive body. She had been home for a few days now, and though her family was doing an excellent job of feeding her back up, her body condition hadn't yet returned to normal.

Now that she was safely home, the child could concentrate on refining skills and working out just which trades she wished to pursue. Even if she decided against going for Gamekeeper, she would still need to improve her hunting, if only to fill her belly. So it was that the silver-pelted child could be found near the borders, nosing around for any scents to follow.

It was as she flicked her eyes up to survey her surroundings that she caught sight of a figure she didn't recognise. A streamlined grey woman, and a few sniffs at the air soon told the young Viking that the stranger belonged to another pack. Frowning, she padded forwards, fur bristling a little and tail raised.

Excuse me, she barked, eyes narrowed distrustfully. But you're not a Bay wolf, are you? Gyda was still too far away from the woman to make out any sign of injury, should any be obvious. Do you have permission to be on our lands?

Gyda speaks!

RE: Starlight - Osprey - December 23, 2014

ooc: I just realized that Gyda is Osprey's niece (through Crete, who is her brother and littermate).

There were various scents to catch and analyze, yet none of them held the information Osprey was looking for. What use did she have from a slight whiff of roe deer that had walked by here several hours ago, the strong and distinct aroma of moist earth and moss, that was hidden beneath the snow, from various paths the Bay wolves had taken, if there was none that would promise her a kill and give hope for some kind of dinner at least. She was busy sniffing and digging up a shallow den, when a voice called out to her, made her stop and turn to see, who the person was.

The impression that she had seen this puppy before in her life lasted only mere seconds, for how could she, if there were so very few young wolves outside Flightless falcons she had known. Osprey's gaze scrutinized the girl's face first, then - her entire body and stance. It was odd, how fate liked to play out it's figures, because right now Osprey had met her niece face to face and had no knowledge of that. Would never have it either, because, what had transpired between Crete and Thistle all those months ago, was a fact that had been burried deep down in the ground and forgotten. He had been erased from the history just the same way every living member of his family, who resided in the Teekon wilds, had crossed him out of the family tree.

"I am a guest," she replied, casting her gaze politely away. "My name is Osprey - who are you?"