Wolf RPG
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Printable Version

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Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Flash - December 13, 2014


.He had been wandering for days now, each day heading north. Guilt prickled at his skin for leaving the pack he had come to love so much. I will return... it's not like anybody would miss me that much... he reassured himself, as he started to scent a border near by. A pack? So far in the north? He wasn't expecting that.

He paused slightly as the line... He wasn't going to past through it. He had a pack of his own. Yet thinking of the messed up Noctisardor Bypass, his insides crumbled slightly. Hehad promised Shadow he would do his best... Torn between logic and duty, Flash buckled onto the ground.

He didn't howl, as he would have liked to do. Howling was a way to relieve stress. But being so close to a border, he wouldn't dare. Instead, he continued his way. Carefully following, yet outside of the scent trail. It lead him to a small grassy field. Not even bothered by the fact that he liked sleeping under shade, he crashed down onto the soft grass and let out a pathetic whimper.

Wide awake, he laid there. Staring at the sky. Dusk had fallen, and Diana and claiming her place in the sky. Now he couldn't even seek advice from Apollo, the one thing he thought would have followed him from Noctisardor Bypass. Flash curled up into a ball, hoping he could just die there on the spot, so one pathetic life could be gone from the world

RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Scarlett - December 14, 2014

The sweetheart has arrived. :P

Scarlett had finished her wonderful den in the Emberwoods. Surely it was a bit of a walk from Duskfire but at least she had a warm place to snuggle into when she was sick from all the ice that surrounded the glacier. The white backgrounds were wonderful to camouflage thanks to her white coat. Scarlett didn't like all members of DFG, correction, she didn't like Sen. The others she had nothing to complain about. Scarlett would never openly complain truth be told. But a nice break gave a good breathing pause to the female.

The ghostly white wolf climbed up to the border's edge. When she was about to cross it another scent caught her nose. Had there been a wolf that wanted to join them? She got curious. She always wanted more friends. She liked big packs. Scarlett pushed her body into a trot and then followed the scent. Slowly but surely she could make out the golden wolf. Her nose took in more of the scent, deciding it was more male than female. Her blood red eyes stayed on the wolf as she closed in on him.

"You don't look so happy? Are you cold?," she asked immediately in worry. By the looks of it, the golden male had lost his spirit. Scarlett stopped at an appropriate distance. Her whole demeanor really friendly and open. She wasn't sure if she could drag this wolf over the boundary line, she actually didn't dare to do so, but she could be there for this male. Somehow she could relate to his misery. She had been him when she was alone, no one to call home. "Do you want me to help or go away? I wouldn't want to be a bother. I am just a stranger after all. But maybe I can be a stranger that turns a smile on your muzzle."

RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Flash - December 14, 2014

. A wolf. A wolf was approaching, and he wasn't even trying to escape or fight. All he hoped was that this was one of the wolves from the pack he was so close to, and that it would finish his life. Yet as he continued to sniff, it was a female, not a male. Females were slightly softer than males.

"You don't look so happy? " The female wolf started, she also said something ekse, but flash didn't hear what it was. "No shit sherlock." Hr growled. He sat up, now studying the wolf. Fluffy white fur, with ruby red eyes. But they were full of worry and concern. Why the heck would a stranger have concern for him? He was a pathetic creature, unworthy of anybody's concern and time.

"Do you want me to help or go away? I wouldn't want to be a bother. I am just a stranger after all. But maybe I can be a stranger that turns a smile on your muzzle." the female wolf said. Flash smiled, he remembered when he was like that himself. Something about this wolf cheered him up.

Stay... He managed to croak out. He didn't want her to leave him. This female could be the only chance he would return to Noctisardor Bypass. My name is Flash. I come from Noctisardor Bypass. He said. This seemed to take all his strength, as he crumbled on the ground once more.

RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Scarlett - December 15, 2014

The pale female realized the wolf was actually sniffing. She tipped her head a bit and let her brows fur with worry. His first reaction wasn't as nice as she would have hoped. The female immediately stepped back two steps just to be sure. She didn't want to be attacked. Some emotional wolves could be unpredictable. Once her other answer was received with a smile she knew this wolf wasn't entirely bad. He was merely sad. She didn't want to pry which is why she didn't ask his reasons to be sad.

A gentle smile tugged on her lips. "Hi Flash. I am Scarlett. I do not know the pack you speak of but I am from Duskfire Glacier. My pack's border is the one you just walked past. Good thing you did. I made that mistake of crossing the border and the alpha wasn't as friendly to me as I hoped. Although, he was friendly enough to let me in his pack.," she babbled away. Scarlett felt bad when she saw the wolf like this. No energy for a wolf his age. She stepped closer and used the element of surprise to kick some new emotions in his system by licking over his cheek. She was almost like a caring mother in a way. Soothing long licks moving going from the light cheeks to the golden fur on to of his head.

She pulled back briefly and promptly lay down next to the golden sad wolf. She smiled with a thick hum coming from her throat. "What is the thing you like to do best?," she asked. Maybe she could coach him into doing that. If not she had a few things that might cheer this wolf up. They were close by an icy glacier after all, she had found a way to have fun. A hint of a smile trailed on her lips. He was an avid fan of cuddling so this was also great for her own being as well. She knew male wolves didn't like to talk much about their feelings so she didn't ask about his sadness. It would be told if a male saw fit to tell the female. At least that is what her traditional pack learned her.

RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Flash - December 21, 2014

. She didn't leave. Which he suppose was a good thing. When she flinched, Flash was guilty. Just because he wasn't in a good mood doesn't mean he should ruin other's. The white wolf then introduced herself as "Scarlett" Which he fuond fitting for her eyes.

“Named after your eyes? They're pretty. " He nudged, now sightly friendlier. The pack's borders he was on was called Duskfire Glacier. A good name, deserving a good wolf like Scarlett. A small sigh of relief came out of his mouth before he could stop it, when she started to cover his face in soothing licks.

She asked what he liked best...“Probably hunting. " He answered, It always felt s good that he was doing something for the pack. “ I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I've just been rather...Stress around this time. "

RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Scarlett - December 22, 2014

Scarlett carefully stepped closer and took in his scent. maybe there was something she could help with. "Oh thank you. I don't find them that pretty," she admitted. "And yes, I guess so. I don't know my mother's motives." She wasn't close with her mother at all. Scarlett was glad to be relieved from her wrath. The female shook out her coat.

The albino smiled at that. "Hunting is fun." No wonder the young wolf was so down, hunting was hard in these times. Maybe that was why he was sniffling. A hunt went wrong? It could be. "You might find something that makes you happy you can do with snow and ice otherwise every winter will be really hard for you," she advised. Her face frowned a bit, more in pity. "Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?," she asked on a soft tone. The female shook her head. "You aren't bothering me. Don't worry. I don't mind helping out others and taking care of them. Even if they aren't in my own pack."

RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Flash - January 06, 2015

.Scarlett declined the compliment about how her eyes were pretty.“ No, they're terribly nice. They remind me of two rubies." Flash replied swiftly. “And yeah, I still dont get why they named me Flash though." Technically that wasn't true, he was named Blaze at first, but he changed it to Flash when he grew older, not liking the name.

“And yeah, it is. I enjoy feeling the wind in my fur." He said, now happier they were onto the topic of hunting. “Hunting in snow and ice is fun, adds a challege!" He whined. Actually he just didn't want to find a new hobby, he just wanted to keep to hunting.

“ Not much, but wanna go for a run?" He yipped , standing up and starting to head in a random direction, just away from Duskfire Glacier. He listened to her, surprised. “Not much wolves are as nice as you...Duskfire Glacier better treasure you. But for now, what about that run?"

RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Scarlett - January 06, 2015

The albino looked at the stranded member across from her. He reminded her a bit of a youngster, in a cute way. Plus he did said nice things about her eyes. The white female's tail wagged gently. I will take your word for it then, she returned with a polite nod. Scarlett chuckled. Well, your coat looks a bit burned in a cool way. So you can tell others you got hit by lightening and lived to tell the tale.

Scarlett was pleased when the young male looked happier than when she arrived. She sucked at being a warden but at least she had the talent of making a stranger smile. Oh yes, it makes you feel like you run super fast, the white female agreed. Scarlett also needed to agree on the fact that snow made things more challenging. While Scarlett's coat was white hunting was still difficult. Prey was scares in winter.

Are you sure you want to run here? The Glacier sides are even more slippery than the actual glacier, she worriedly returned. The albino was strong footed on the icy slopes but she wasn't sure if this male was. What if he got injured and it was all her fault? Her red eyes studied the male getting up and heading away from the glacier. Scarlett looked over her shoulder. She was really liking it at Duskfire. Okay, Okay, She barked before she chased after him.

RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Flash - January 16, 2015

Fade off?

Good idea actually. I might actually try to tell a stranger that next time. Now I gotta think of a realistic back story. Can't wait to see their reaction! He chuckled. That might actually be fun, Flash kinda wished he thought of that earlier.

Only too true. Hunting is frickin awesome The tawny male cheered. Scarlett's white fur made it easier for her to hunt in winter, yet his golden pelt made it easier in summer and autumn. But hunting also required skill. Skill that Flash loved practicing.

That's the actual challenge isn't it? Plus it takes skill to learn ow to get a good pawhold of snow while running. It's a good skill to learn. He said. He watched as she started to catch up before sprinting again. The world would have good wolves like Scarlett, but for now, he might as well enjoy it.

RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - Scarlett - January 16, 2015


Scarlett watched the male who had bee surprisingly easy to be happy again. A smile tugged on her lips because the female liked that the other wolf had been out of his mini depression. Hopefully he would find a way to do good himself and be inspired by her. The sweet she wolf chuckled when Flash realized how cool his color was. "Yeah I am definitely jealous," she returned. She had always disliked her white coat a bit more than she should.

"Ohhhh," the female spoke in realization. "Yep definitely something you should learn. I will be right with you." A soft hum came from her throat and then started running with Flash. It was starting to be really fun. It had been a long time since she ran without a purpose. The wind tugged on her fur as her paws thrummed against the hard grounds. What a great day.