Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest Tempest - Printable Version

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Tempest - Storm - September 06, 2024

@Callyope??? <3 but all welcome!
The scents of many wolves gave her pause in her journey. Storm lingered round the outskirts of the forest, nostrils flaring slightly as she took in each scent. It was not the first pack she'd encountered in her travels, but the first to give her pause. She thought that perhaps there was something familiar in these scents.

Or perhaps it was only a trick of the mind. Her gaze flitted across the trees a moment longer before she turned to move on.

RE: Tempest - Callyope - September 06, 2024

she is working on a delicate task when her attention fluttered. a shifting of the winds, a moving of the local herd. she could not say what compelled her to move.

she had given up asking such a thing.

here was a woman. grown and touched by things callyope could not imagine. scars that were not like those of a seal hunter. things scattered and fading.

callyoped wanted to resurface them for their stories, selfishly.

welcome, the other woman seemed as if she was leaving. she wished for her to stay.

RE: Tempest - Storm - September 06, 2024

@Callyope maybe this one?? <3 I'll get you a couple other replies too
A woman appeared as if summoned by her own fractured thoughts: tall and wreathed in the scents of many, woven in pale summer shades that reminded Storm faintly of home. She offered a worn, quick-fading smile when the woman welcomed her. Perhaps this was her forest.

Is this your home? Her own greeting was soft, nearly wistful. It's beautiful.

RE: Tempest - Callyope - September 07, 2024


not so long ago she would have said no. she would have guided the woman to gaze upon the beauty of moonglow.

instead she realized this was her home. panuk was here, moon villages could visit here to see her. it was hardly much of anything but —

it was hers. it was home.

yes, her smile is small but warm. there is more beauty within. do you wish to see? she is trusting and she is turning at once. a look over her shoulder, prepared to be a guide.

RE: Tempest - Storm - September 07, 2024

Yes, Storm echoed, enchanted in spite of herself by the woman's easy grace, the serenity surrounding her like a pleasant scent. It'd been so long since anyone had welcomed her like this.

She was nothing but a stranger here. That was what she'd wanted, wasn't it?

She moved eagerly to follow wherever the woman led, realizing that she wasn't sure anymore; that maybe what she wanted was a friend. My name is Storm, She added softly, distracted as she tried to take in all of the sights at once.

RE: Tempest - Callyope - September 07, 2024


it fits, she thinks. the silvered hues like rain clouds. perhaps the scars are where lightning had struck. maybe the confidence in her figure is from the strength of her namesake. she forced herself to not stare any longer.

i am callyope. this will be moongrove.

one way or another, she thinks.

callyope was guiding her along a moss-ridden path towards the heart of the forest. where she had been working. where a ramskin laid and a meal had been half-prepared. she had not been expecting company, but she found herself grateful that she had made the place presentable by habit alone.

have you traveled far? if you have hunger or the want for rest, i welcome you to fix these things here.

RE: Tempest - Storm - September 07, 2024

Callyope of Moongrove; it sounded almost unreal. Too good to be true, perhaps? A peaceful place, a welcoming place where she might begin anew —

Storm cast those thoughts away with teeth pressed sharply into her own tongue. Very far, She agreed with a nod. Thank you.

I'll stay a few days. Nothing more. There are no new beginnings on this path. The moss was soft against worn, rough pads. Did she deserve that small comfort? Tell me about Moongrove.

RE: Tempest - Callyope - September 07, 2024

she hides the extent of her pleasure beyond a simple smile.

there was a swelling of hope, of life. perhaps the woman would truly stay no more than the few days, but a few days of a visitor is exciting. it spelled out to her that she was in the right place.

there are moon villages all around us. one on the mountain, one out by the seaside. the first is upon the spine behind us.

the woman had asked for moongrove knowledge, but she must know these things to understand here.

moongrove will be another. it is meant to be a hushed place of hunting and trading. there will be singing too, if such pleases. while her voice is serious with some small sense of pride, there is a look of humor on her face now.

she pulled the rabbit meat aside to offer it to the woman when they settled in the heart. a motion to offer storm the ramskin for comfortably reclining.