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Two Eyes Cenote might & meat - Printable Version

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might & meat - Khusobek - September 09, 2024

set after this! no posting order! <3

there existed in khusobek no desire to seek out @Machiavelli. a better man might have operated beneath sharm, but the crocodile was married to a hierarchy which meant he mattered more than any servant.

he had ignored the ways in which @Meseba had glowed for eset. perhaps taking such a softhearted man to her bed would be healing for the hebsut, and far more appropriate. he did not care for her dalliance outside their world.

the thought of her distressed khusobek with his own obsession. the mazoi halted. "will you go and get him?" he asked of meseba. "inform him that eset sends us."

RE: might & meat - Machiavelli - September 09, 2024

The piebald dog slipped soundlessly from his chamber, his lean frame melding with the shadows that clung to the palace walls. His pink nose twitched subtly, testing the air with cautious precision as he padded down the narrow hallway. No trace of Eira tonight—no lingering scent, no soft shuffle of her steps. She was likely curled up in her guest chamber, lost to the quiet embrace of sleep. Still, Machi moved with care, as if the very stones beneath his paws were listening.

Meseba would not have to look far—nor at all, really. As Machi approached the chamber, he paused briefly at the threshold, his gaze drifting over the scene within. The two men appeared preoccupied, their voices were a low murmur in the otherwise silent corridor.

Machi made no effort to announce his presence, slipping in like a wisp of smoke. He kept close to the limestone wall, his opal eyes flickering briefly over the pair before he continued his path, sliding past them with the grace of someone accustomed to staying out of sight—whether they noticed or not, it hardly mattered. He was not here for conversation.

RE: might & meat - Meseba - September 10, 2024

a firm nod is given to the captain as he is sent to fetch machiavelli, but as meseba turns to face away, to exit to fetch him, the spoken of slinks into the chamber where they were.

gaze follows him for a moment, determining that machiavelli was intent to ignore them or go unseen. it doesn't sit well with meseba, who draws in breath that lingers in his chest.

machiavelli, commands meseba. come here. there was no sense in the other man slinking 'round like a ghost. not when meseba had already seen him and they needed him anyway. he looks to the crocodile then, waiting to see if the captain would speak.

RE: might & meat - Khusobek - September 10, 2024


the last time he had gazed into those eyes, they had been tortured by pain and glazed with hatred; he remembered the blood spat and the way he had twisted the thorns. and even now he should have found himself appalled to discover no regret. not for what he had done. only who it had been.

"we have just come from attending eset," khusobek said to the alabaster wraith. "she has sent me to you for poison, which implies you have discussed such matters beforehand."

was it not true? it was machiavelli's turn now to speak.

RE: might & meat - Machiavelli - September 10, 2024

At the sound of his name, Machi’s ears flicked, and he halted mid-step, turning to face the men behind him. His opal eyes gleamed faintly in the dim light, curiosity piqued.

The poison? His brow arched ever so slightly, surprise flickering across his sharp features. Eset must have reconsidered. His voice was measured, almost bemused, Very well—this way. We addressed it months ago, and once more after my release, though... He slowed his pace, glancing over his mahogany shoulder with a questioning gaze. She didn’t seem particularly receptive to the idea then.

His gaze lingered a moment longer, before he resumed walking, his strides smooth yet cautious. Eset feared one of the children might stumble upon it, so it was relocated to one of the unused chambers at the far end of the palace—near the prison. It’s closer to the guest entrance, but I’ve been forbidden from entering that part of the palace as of late. We’ll need to take a longer route.

Without further elaboration, Machi slipped through the servant’s entrance, his pace quickening as the cool night air brushed against his sleek coat, opal eyes cutting through the shadows as he led the way around the cenote’s edge.

Eventually, they reached a fissure in the rock wall, its narrow entrance nearly hidden in the crags. Machi halted, gesturing for the Mazoi to follow before sliding inside the crevice with practiced ease. The passage was tight, but not uncomfortably so, lasting only a few paces before opening into a wider chamber.

Almost there, he murmured, his voice low but steady as he nodded toward a tunnel winding further up the wall. It was a narrow path, half concealed by the stone. With a swift motion, the half-breed leaned back onto his hind legs, pearl-pink nails gripping the porous rock as he gave an awkward but determined hop, scrambling his way up the uneven surface. He lingered at the top, breathing softly as he glanced down and checked to see if the men required assistance before continuing further into the tunnel.

Here we are, Machiavelli finally panted, his breath light as he halted at the entrance to the chamber. He stepped aside, allowing the Mazoi to enter the garden beyond. Sadly, some of them did not survive my... prison sabbatical. His words were laced with the faintest hint of irony, but his gaze remained fixed ahead.

RE: might & meat - Meseba - September 14, 2024

meseba does not like the idea of being trapped in a tunnel with the snake of eden, who speaks with soft irony .but he shrugs into the tunnel, breath stilling as he steels his shoulders tighter to his body to make himself fit.

claws splice against rock as he climbs to where the fellahin awaits and peers into the shadowed inner chamber where the poison plants wait.

a pity. offers meseba dryly, laced with the opposite of contrite; barbed wire wrapt 'round each syllable.

but he is not an assassin and alas must rely on machiavelli to show them how to use and carry the flora. on the subject of eset changing her mind, he speaks not. it is up to eset if she wished to discuss any of this with machiavelli.

how do we transport it? touch it? prepare it without poisoning ourselves?

there was nothing that meseba liked about this.