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Lion Head Mesa moth - Printable Version

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moth - Charmion - September 09, 2024

hoping to get him sorted as fellahin since that was his original purpose
@Toula @Rashepses @Senmut

akashingo is more gorgeous than anything he could have imagined.

the warmth was not just in sunshine alone, but in the very being of this place. he thought he heard song and laughter. he only wished now to hear the sharp tink, tink of Lord @Gucci's shiny wares. yet he knew it would show pride in his House and a needed initiative to come here and sort his own matters first.

he had not forgot that @Medusa spoke of a kindness from this land's pharaoh. that he might be freed, but charmion knew his oath would be renewed before the thought of anything else crossed his mind.

he found another fellahin and asked for them to send word of his arrival at once. that the gifted fellahin of Lord Gucci had come. meanwhile he preened already washed fur to make sure he looked his best. he would not stand before any nobles or royals looking like a stray beast.

RE: moth - Toula - September 10, 2024

he would be brought before her by another in his desired place, in a room freshly decorated by petals of the seasons latest bloom. before her were her four cubs, who were told to observe this day. each wore minkfurs in varying shades of hue that suited them best, and Toula looked upon them with love and pride. she herself wore the furs of the great bison, and upon her shoulder then was the growing gift that @Senmut had brought her. his feathers were streaked brown in his adolescence—at this stage, he was but a juvenile. he obeyed her, given she fed and aided in the care of him from the start. he was indifferent to the cubs, but protected them too at her command. 
the one that entered presented himself well, which was noted. gemstone gaze appraised him with much warmth and welcome within them. each royal was announced to the entering traveler, whom Toula had been told of. Toula, neatly reclined upon her redstone throne covered in soft furs, waited firstly for the deep bow he would offer to herself, and her family, before she proceeded. 
in the background, a traveling singer provided them entertainment with a soft melody.

RE: moth - Charmion - September 11, 2024

no traveling singer or storyteller could have done the beauty of Pharaoh justice. she herself was divine. Ra rose the sun for her and Nwt hung the stars for her. now they would do the same for the young royals that sat minkfur-lined.

the divinity in the room was thick enough it could have suffocated him — oh the euphoria he would have felt!

he pressed himself low to the ground in a humble bow. content to keep himself there until offered otherwise. Divine Pharaoh, Great and Holy One... his heart fluttered in his chest and his gaze stayed fixed upon the clean floor underneath him. forehead pressed firmly to the ground.

RE: moth - Toula - September 11, 2024

she could not help but mark his every move. perhaps because her children watched, or perhaps it was the true grace the attendant of house Gucci possessed. she thought him remarkable from the way he moved alone—he made bowing, of all things!, look like art.
if he did not know this about himself, Toula would come to reveal it. but she doubted very much that he did not; fellahin were taught many a thing, and for some, including themselves in the things that they made beautiful was the difference between life or death. 
not here. here, even as a fellahin, he would have the power of his ability to choose. you may rise, she grants, her voice rising over that of the singer, who paused only to prepare for their next song. you are the fellahin of Neb Gucci, I understand, she begun, and then, do you find yourself happy, to be such? or do you wish for something different? she wonders, her eyes not yet shifting from him.

RE: moth - Charmion - September 11, 2024

he is a puppet, guided by the strings of her vocal chords. his body rose and as it did such, he carefully smoothed the hairs of his chest. a delicate motion learned from so many bows before.

here was the kindness that had been spoken of. he thought, again, that storytellers could not capture this either. the option of choice was a blessing from the Pharaoh. he blessed her. now he knew he must return the humble worship at such a display.

i am happy and blessed, Divine Pharaoh. a very soft nod at the end. it is my eternal desire to serve as fellahin to Lord Gucci and House of Gucci — as well as the blessed lands of Akashingo. if you so allow it, Divine Pharaoh.

and he is bowing again, knowing it had not been asked but knowing that it shows his truth. his willingness. this is his joy in life.

RE: moth - Toula - September 11, 2024

she could find no fault in his answer, nor his hearts desire. some people truly lived for their work, and loved it. if this was what made him happiest, she would not take that from him! 
so, hearing him clearly, she too nods. if it is your wish to serve, I shall again grant this to you. welcome to Akashingo, a warm smile. you shall receive a tour of the palace from one of your fellows, but if you wish to rest first, you will be shown to your quarters, where there is also food waiting for you. this was not a world where every fellahin must look out for only themselves—he would find support here, and comfort.
she considered, already, her first gift for him! gratitude for the services he would undoubtedly provide.

RE: moth - Charmion - September 13, 2024

thank you, Divine One.

admittedly the call of rest and food does appeal. yet he knew he must see the halls of both palace and fellahin reaches first.

i will see the holy palace first for it is such an honor and only then will i retire for rest. if such is agreeable to you, Divine One.