Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek Just need you to tell me we're alright, tell me we're okay - Printable Version

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Just need you to tell me we're alright, tell me we're okay - Panacea - September 09, 2024

He'd promised Akavir a hunter. So he hunted; day and night, Panacea tracked small game through the woods, pausing only to fish for brief periods and gather energy to go on. He ate little, and slept less. Even so, his eyes were always bright and quick.

It was the cold drizzle of rain which finally forced him to give up the hunt for a time. Panacea sought shelter at the base of a large bush, tucking himself among the branches with a shuddering sigh of relief to be away from the cold touch of water. He shivered lightly, wishing not for the first time that he'd been blessed with a thicker coat.

RE: Just need you to tell me we're alright, tell me we're okay - Arlette - September 10, 2024

Arlette made her way through the territory. She had kind of neglected her garden, which was kind of a given with four children that wanted her constant attention. Luckily today Arric would spend some time with them and she had some time off to spend some time tending to plants instead of little wolves. The Beta was covered in mud by the time she finished her task and was on her way home.

She caught an unfamiliar scent though. She decided to follow it to the source. She found him under a bush, or at least that is where she spied him. She had something about a new recruit so she figured that this was him. He had a hint of Akavir on him. She noticed that he was shivering. Hello, Are you unwell?, she asked.

RE: Just need you to tell me we're alright, tell me we're okay - Panacea - September 13, 2024

The pale wolf who greeted him seemed unbothered by the rain. Reluctantly, and a bit embarrassed now, Panacea slipped from his hiding spot and stepped back politely to shake out his coat. Immediately his fiery fur began to fluff and frizz with the humidity.

No, uh, just cold, He answered softly. I'm Panacea. Akavir let me in not too long ago. Unceremonious, like everything in his life lately. Under the gentle sound of the rain, he thought he heard a child's cries. Another shiver ran through him.

RE: Just need you to tell me we're alright, tell me we're okay - Arlette - September 15, 2024

Arlette watched the wolf pull himself from his hiding spot with fiery red fur. It almost reminded her a little of her daughter's except that it was perhaps more vibrant than hers. Arlette always had a thick coat probably because of her northern roots. Nice to meet you, Panacea. Welcome to Swiftcurrent, she greeted. I'm Arlette. Healer of Swiftcurrent, she hummed.

Can I help you out? I know a vacant den not too far from here, you probably be warmer in there and dry too, she offered. She didn't judge him for being cold, the mother also knew that she would soon nestle up with her mate and kids.