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Two Eyes Cenote Threadsnake - Printable Version

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Threadsnake - Eset - September 09, 2024

no rush whatsoever <3

She could not get the man out of her head. She closed her eyes and bent her chin in prayer, and there was the man again in her mind’s eye.

She didn’t know him– and yet she did, so many men like him, from a culture that rewarded the amassing of things and built cages around the penury of many others.

It made her sick. It made her angry. Mostly, it made her fear for @Safiya, who’s life had just started, and whose soul was unadulterated. For not the first time, the hebsut questioned the decision to promote her so early. With the new position came innumerable risks and moments to learn, Eset understood that.

But it was not only the dangers of her rank which sickened now. The hebsut sought the young mazoi with another matter to discuss.

RE: Threadsnake - Safiya - September 09, 2024

With more questions and less answers Safiya roamed the outskirts of her patrol. She took her duties seriously despite what her sister and brother thought. Her sister who hated her felt like she hated her since she was born. And Safiya didn't hate Tiye. She found her annoying and mean. Mostly she just made her sad.

A tilt of her ear and a familiar step. She turned to look towards the sound. Lady Eset. She quickly averted her eyes and wondered briefly at the woman. And what she wanted.

 Safiya had not been bad or done anything wrong that she was aware of and yet her father and her sister and her brother were so quick to tell her she had.

RE: Threadsnake - Eset - September 09, 2024

“Hello, Safiya,” she greets the young soldier on her guard. The girl is so dedicated to her task, and Eset had no desire to part her from it. Uneasiness rolls in the air, an uncertainty the hebsut moves swiftly to soothe.

“May I join your patrol? I'd like to speak with you about something.”

RE: Threadsnake - Safiya - September 10, 2024

Safiya dipped her head. Respectful polite. and yet so unsure. There was no fear there, just the knowing that her fate lay in the balance and it made her angry. Because she didn't understand why everyone was so angry.

Of course.

A twitch of her tail and a movement so that their leader could step into place.  Awoman she deeply respected.

RE: Threadsnake - Eset - September 11, 2024

She falls in step beside the proud shoulders, so much of her sculpted by her father’s lineage, but also through the religious drilling the youth had sought of her own volition.

“I have learned about the man, Soto.” She begins, eyes seeking the girl’s own. A gentle pause, Eset stills the young mazoi with a soft reach to her shoulder, so that they might regard one another directly.

I want you to know, Safiya, I am not here to scold you. I am not coming to you as a hebsut, or a figure in service to Akashingo, but as a woman. I want to speak openly with you, and hope you may feel the freedom to do the same, is that all right? Woman-to-woman.”

RE: Threadsnake - Safiya - September 12, 2024

Safiya was surprised when Eset moved to touch her. And she froze at the touch and lifted her gaze higher. Soto? What about him? He had done her no harm. 

He brought you a gift a few days ago. Legend took it to you remember? Then he came to see me once with gifts for me. They're in my room. Everyone say's he is dangerous. But he has not been unkind to me at all. Not yucky either, but Tiye said he was yucky to her.

Yes you can. She nodded. Maybe she would get some answers.