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Sky Mesa Warriors don't cry - Printable Version

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Warriors don't cry - Safiya - September 10, 2024

Safiya didn't cry, but her chest ached and her eyes burned. But she didn't make a sound. She had looked at her father until he was a small spot and she had sniffled and nudged the white male @Machiavelli 

She was gladher dad let him come with her. Even if she didn't wholly understand. She really didn't.

Beastie what did I do wrong? her voice broke on the last part and she looked up at him with eyes of sea green glass

RE: Warriors don't cry - Machiavelli - September 10, 2024

Machi walked beside Safiya in silence. He had let her set the pace, his usual chatter held at bay. He could feel the weight of her thoughts in the air between them, but he respected his small friend's unspoken need for space, allowing the stillness to stretch as long as she needed. But when she turned toward him, a quiet sniff betraying the emotions she tried to contain, something stirred within him—an ache that knotted itself deep in his chest.

Setting the bags down gently, he lowered himself into a crouch, bringing his eyes level with hers. His expression softened as he studied her face, the way her brows knit together in confusion, and the edges of her eyes burned red.

Safiya, darling, he began, his voice low and steady. He searched her gaze, his own filled with quiet reassurance. You have done nothing wrong. He let the words linger, hoping they might find a place to settle in her heart.

Not a single thing, understand? You are not being punished. His voice grew firmer now, but not harsh, as he repeated himself, making sure the words took root. Your father is doing what he can to protect you, alright?

You have been kind, and good. he added softly, the edges of his voice tinged with anger that simmered beneath the surface—none of which was aimed at her. It was not her fault that her pure-hearted innocence had been taken advantage of.

He paused, his eyes never leaving hers, letting his words sink in before speaking once more, quieter now, but no less resolute. It is not your fault.

RE: Warriors don't cry - Safiya - September 12, 2024

The silence was overbearing. But she also had no idea what to say to fill it. Her thoughts were all over the place and she truly did not understand. 

She listened studying him. He sought to reassure, help. Then why does it feel like it? Papa is sending me away and Lady Eset talked to me about how dangerous Soto is. And my sister told me she basically hated me. He has never been mean to me Machi.

She frowned in thought. She didn't understand any of this. Soto had never done anything to her. He had always been kind to her. She truly didn't understand.

RE: Warriors don't cry - Machiavelli - September 13, 2024

Machi nodded as he listened, his brows drawn in sympathy. Sometimes, Safiya, he began gently, his voice carrying the weight of experience, there are those who extend kindness only for as long as it serves their own purposes. They might have a plan— a use for someone, and once they've gained what they sought... that kindness fades. This was a truth the half-breed knew all too well—he had often played such roles himself.

You know that both your father and Lady Eset have faced many cruel things, things that perhaps have sharpened their senses. If they both believe this Soto is dangerous, he continued carefully, his tone steady, it may be because they’ve seen something in him that you haven’t been able to. Something hidden beneath his kindness. Do you understand? His opal eyes searched hers, hoping the words reached beyond the ache she felt.