Wolf RPG
Moonspear ^____________^ - Printable Version

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^____________^ - Treepie - September 10, 2024

Tag is an invitation, not an obligation! Anyone is welcome. :)

She stood at the foot of the mountain, staring at the fringes of Ouroboros Spine. It was so close, Treepie could probably make it there in minutes if she dashed across the thin strip of no man’s land that separated the territories. Two things stopped her presently.

The first was her very own body. Pie took a steadying breath around the sudden knot in her belly. She felt shaky, for no reason she could pinpoint, and it mystified her. Inhaling and exhaling again, she set her eyes on her grandmother’s village. She took a step, then another.

She paused after a dozen, her breath rapid and shallow. Her legs trembled. Tiuttuk felt an overwhelming urge come over her: she needed to turn back! Mindlessly, the youngster pivoted and scrambled back toward Moonspear, crouching just past its borderline and trying to catch her breath.

Once she did, she decided to heed the second thing holding her back. Pie called out for @Alaric, hopeful that the man’s comforting, familiar presence might suppress this inexplicable fight-or-flight mode.

RE: ^____________^ - Alaric - September 12, 2024

Alaric had been watching silently from a farther outcropping. He had taken to requenting the higher rocks to look down on the bordres since Maggak and Acrux had left them and little pauk too. His own children silent at the best of times. Perhaps the spear was not for all children. That saddened him a little. 

He watched as she moved forward and then backwards and he smiled softly when she called out. He slowly unwound himself from the spear rocks and trotted towards her. A gentle chuff when he was near.

Hello Tiuttuk.

RE: ^____________^ - Treepie - September 12, 2024

The instant she heard his familiar footsteps, Treepie let out a shaky breath of relief. She scampered up to him with her usual enthusiasm, nuzzling affectionately at the bard’s chin. She really did feel much better, just having him here beside her.

Could we go to Moonglow? Just for a little visit? she asked when she pulled back, eyes bright.

There was a shadow behind them, though she didn’t mention her peculiar symptoms. Pie wanted to see if they happened when she wasn’t alone. If they did, she knew Alaric would help her. But she hoped his presence might make all the difference.

She turned, tail waving slowly as she faced the village over yonder.

RE: ^____________^ - Alaric - September 12, 2024

A soft smoothing of her ears and head. Then he watched to see what she wanted. He kinda had an idea. But it was good to have her ask. Right?

He hoped so.

Sure we can. Do you want to go now? or wait unti morning?

He tilted his ear forward and looked down over. IT wasn't a far walk at all. He could easily howl to @Sialuk to let her know he was taking Pie to Moonglow.

RE: ^____________^ - Treepie - September 12, 2024

Can we go now, please? she asked with another swish of her tail and a determined set to her jaw.

Presuming his agreement, she took a few tentative steps forward. She felt a little jittery, anticipating the peculiar symptoms to come over her at any moment. Treepie sipped in a deep breath and kept walking, slowly but surely headed toward the rim of the spine.

She looked backward at her elder for extra reassurance, shooting him a triumphant smile he may not understand. But then her eyes flicked past him, to the slopes of Moonspear, and it slid right off her face. She froze in place, neck still twisted, a horrible sense of dread hitting her like lightning.

RE: ^____________^ - Alaric - September 13, 2024

Sure Can. He lifted a nose to gift a brief summary to @Sialuk that he and Treepie were heading to Moonglow and would be back. 

Alaric saw her face change and his heart went out to her. He picked his way downward and slowly bent his head until he was blocking her view. A warmth in his gaze and a small smile on his face. 

It's always hard to take that first step. Especially given you're circumstances.

It made sense she would worry her sibling disappeared. She would worry that she would disappear or never see the spear again, but he was with her. And moonglow wasn't far.

Let's take a deep breath and count to ten okay. I also want you to tell me what you see, hear, and smell.

RE: ^____________^ - Treepie - September 14, 2024

Alaric shifted nearer, blocking off her view of the mountain. Noticing her hesitation, he offered reassurances. None of these had much of an effect on Pie—her limbs remained rigid, her heart pattering against her ribs—at least right away. But when his words properly landed, her brow furrowed.

My circumstances? she echoed faintly, not at all certain what he meant. Okay… Treepie added, her uncertainty evident both on her face and in her voice.

But she did as she was told. For some reason, Pie counted backward, not that she noticed. After uttering “one,” she took another deep breath and gazed up at Alaric, his large figure still taking up much of her visual field. But if she turned her head…

Her yellow eyes squeezed shut and she choked out, I can’t, as another wave of mysterious panic crashed over her.