Wolf RPG
Dragoncrest Cliffs Swimming - Printable Version

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Swimming - Pepper - September 11, 2024

The early morning was spent hunting. He had managed not to stir Phobos. This had become a sort of routine--Pepper was an early riser. He hadn't always been, but it seemed as if sleep was becoming more difficult to maintain. Even Phobos' gentle stirring could wake him. 

So, tired, he woke up with the sun, giving himself some premium hunting time. The cool air hurt at first, but as the world warmed up, so did his joints. 

His hunt had been successful enough. He managed two rabbits, which he deposited before coming to the water. It was still warm enough in the day to enjoy the water, and while he wasn't fond of the waves at first, he was growing to like them. The deep was still unsettling, but the constant rocking, if he stayed in the shallows, was calming. It felt good. It took weight off of his paws.

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 12, 2024

Stretching long legs and rising to his feet, Phobos slinked out of their shared den to search for Pepper. Lately he had grown quite attached, essentially unwilling to leave the side of his companion - though this would likely fade once he was used to the other wolves in his new home.

He followed the familiar scent as far as he could, and unsurprisingly found the other in the water.

"I see you're taking my advice!" He called out with a swaying tail.

RE: Swimming - Pepper - September 12, 2024

Pepper's eyes, which had slowly fallen closed with the cool water's massage, opened. He turned to face the familiar voice, his floating tail swaying behind. 

"Mornin' hun," he said. It wasn't really morning, but it also wasn't noon yet, either. 

"Water here is nice. Ain't good for drinkin', but feels real good." It was an invitation for the wolf to join him.

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 12, 2024

He gave a nod, soon slipping into the water to join him. Phobos had never been one to enjoy swimming, however he was beginning to learn to like it.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked as he joined the other - admittedly he was bothered not to have been woken up. That wasn't Pepper's fault, however.

RE: Swimming - Pepper - September 12, 2024

He followed the wolf with his gaze as he joined, giving him a rabbit-scented lick on the cheek when he was close enough mid-sentence. 

”Long enough for a quick hunt,” he replied. ”Woke up early again,” he added, leaving off the fact that the cold morning temperature left him in far too much pain to go back to sleep.

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 12, 2024

"Wake me up next time - I'll go with you." He insisted, returning the lick a moment later. He preferred not to be alone if he could help it.

He certainly couldn't hunt, but he could wait nearby. Keep an eye out, or simply be moral support.

RE: Swimming - Pepper - September 12, 2024

He knew from experience that Phobos wasn’t the most useful hunting partner, but his company would be appreciated. Plus, another mouth to carry a kill wouldn’t be entirely useless. 

”You sure? It’ll be early, an’ you always look real comfy.”

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 12, 2024

"I get much too cold once you leave." He insisted, yawning. Phobos wasn't one to sleep soundly, yet he managed to next to Pepper. He was not entirely sure why that was.

"I'll stay out of your way, if that's what you're worried about."

RE: Swimming - Pepper - September 12, 2024

”Look at that,” he said, turning to face him. ”Finally admits he’s better off with me.” 

He gave him a toothy grin, then bumped him with a cold nose. 

”But I ain’t worried about it at all. Hell, ya might learn somethin’.”

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 13, 2024

He snickered, maybe Pepper had been right. Since living in Sapphique with the larger man he had begun to gain a healthy amount of weight, which had made the rest of him feel much better as well. "You'll never hear those words leave my mouth my dear, I can promise that much."

He was much too stubborn to admit such a thing.

RE: Swimming - Pepper - September 14, 2024

"Ain't gotta say nothin'. It's clear." 

He had noticed the wolf in better spirits. Or he thought he had. 

"So what'd ya do today?"

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 14, 2024

"Whatever you're doing, most likely." He responded with a snicker, resting his head against the other. "Though I may do some foraging today as well - take what I can from the end of the warm season."

The approaching cold weather was never something that Phobos particularly enjoyed. The winters he had grown up in were never pleasant, and they never failed to make his job much more difficult.

RE: Swimming - Pepper - September 14, 2024

”Wasn’t plannin’ on much of anything. So if ya want a plant finding partner, I’d be happy.” 

After the swim, of course. It’d also get them some time away from the pack. He enjoyed being here, of course, but also enjoyed alone time with Phobos.

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 14, 2024

Phobos nodded. It would be useful to have an extra set of paws - so long as they didn't get sidetracked that was. "As long as you know we need to work - no distractions. Stay out of my mouth."

He gave a gentle nip to the ear of the other, tail swaying.

RE: Swimming - Pepper - September 16, 2024

"Sorry, no guarantee on that one. Instincts might take over," he said, nipping the wolf's ear. 

He had no real interest in learning more about plants, but he would absolutely enjoy teasing Phobos the whole day. It was his way of showing love.

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 16, 2024

He couldn't help but snicker. "Well, then I suppose it can't be helped." He responded, beginning to wade out of the water. So long as he got his work done, some teasing was alright.

"Have you been sore at all lately? I'll find something to treat it."

RE: Swimming - Pepper - September 16, 2024

Pepper waited a moment before following the black and white wolf out, coat still heavy with sticky salt water. 

He really didn't want the wolf knowing just how bad it'd gotten. He wasn't seeking pity. He'd take anything Phobos could offer, however, and that meant telling him. 

"Don't think them berries are doin' much for it now. It's just gettin' worse," he stated. He'd continued to seek out the berries the wolf recommended to him a while back, taking as many as he was told. The pain seemed to ignore them though. It used to feel tender around his joints, but it was manageable. Now it felt as if his entire leg bones were burning, like they were broken, but not as severe. When he could feel them, which was less often than not. In those cases, his paws felt like hundreds of tiny ants covered them, biting quickly, then disappearing.

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 16, 2024

He furrowed a brow, concerned by the statement. "I'll take a look later then." He shook the water out of his coat, questions running through his mind. Why had Pepper not told him until now?

The cold weather likely was not helping - it never made sore joints feel any better. He hoped that the worsening of his pain was only because of the weather.

RE: Swimming - Pepper - September 17, 2024

"That'd be good. If ya want to. I'll be ok."

He would be, just not comfortable. 

"I think it might be worse 'n anything them plants can help." 

That was his way of telling the wolf it was ok not to waste time worrying about it.

RE: Swimming - Phobos - September 17, 2024

"I'd rather be safe." He responded simply, tail lightly swaying. He wanted to do what he could to help; it bothered him to know that the man he loved was in pain.

He attempted to recall what herbs were in the area - something he could use to help him.