Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake Albino VS. Albino - Printable Version

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Albino VS. Albino - Scarlett - December 14, 2014

I'm excited! @Laksha & @Kove. I think it would be good to let Laksha start first? :3

For a first-timer being close to the Greatwater Lake was quite the transition from the small Duck Lake the female was used to. The reason for Scarlett to be here was because she would meet Kove again today! Her excited mood was almost beaming into the skies. It couldn't even bring her down to feel uncomfortable in these open flatlands. The she-solf even had her tail a bit higher in confidence. She liked spending time with the white male. Scarlett wanted to make sure she was on time. It didn't feel right to leave Kove waiting. They would meet on the point closest too the mountain. Scarlett had seen the big lake when she came down from the hills, it had been a beautiful sight. As she came closer to the edge of the water she realized that she might have been earlier than she thought.

The female froze in her tracks when she saw something at the water's edge move. The creature had a pale coat like hers. Scarlett's nose kicked in and tried to get a whiff off the figure. Was it Kove? The wind was in the other direction so the scent of the curious pale creature couldn't be caught. "Hey wait!," she called out. She kicked up some gears in her pace, to only make a emergency brake seconds later. That was definitely not a wolf. Her small paws had to slow down her body, digging in the hard earth to slow down. Scarlett managed to do so just in time. It was a cat! Scarlett didn't had that many encounters with mountain lions. Okay, lets make that zero encounters. The cat must have come down from the mountains for a drink, at least that is what went through Scarlett's mind when she was starting at the cat.

Her red eyed fell into another set of red eyes. Her heart jumped. She wasn't the only one! The pale female knew it! "You are like me!," she let out without thinking, completely forgetting that it was another predator she was speaking too. The she-wolf's tail wagged in a friendly matter as she stepped closer. The albino kept staring into the other's red eyes, she obviously wasn't a dominant wolf that would do that on purpose but it might have looked like that.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Laksha - December 14, 2014

Laksha had been travelling in the north for the remainder of the summer, taking advantage of the colder climates and snow that hid her pelt so well. But now she came back to Teekon Wilds, to the land that she had a lot of fun in. She especially enjoyed the mountains here, how tall they were, how fun it was to throw her prey down the cliffs.

Her voices were surprisingly silent in the past few weeks, but that did not calm her sadistic nature. She eyed the mountain goats on the cliffs contemplatively as she bent down by the waters to drink. Her pink tongue lapped at the waters for a brief moment before something stopped her. A wolf. She hissed as the white wolf stepped closer, with red eyes like hers. It may be true that they were afflicted with the same genetic variation, but they were not the same. The voices began to whisper softly, pleased that the cougar's favorite prey was just stepping up to her, offering herself to the insane panther.

"I wonderrr...." she purred, tail lashing as she fixed her mad red eyes on the other albino. "If anotherrr albino tasssstess betterrr than a norrrmal wolfff...." Laksha licked her lips, baring the wicked blood-stained fangs menacingly, her long and sharp claws extending.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Kove - December 15, 2014

The first meeting between the two pale creatures had been successful, leaving both with a new ally and friend. They had planned on meeting again in the future, and while he wasn't expecting that next meeting to come so soon, he was glad it did. He'd hadn't needed to travel nearly as far to meet her once more, and couldn't help but feel guilty for that. The exact placement of Duskfire Glacier was unknown to him, but he'd been up to Duck Lack once before and it was a rather long trip. Scarlett had needed to make the trip twice, moving such a large distance away from her home, just to meet the ghostly lupine. To say he was flattered would be an understatement, even if his actions did not give insight to such a thing.

Bustling along, the site of the lake was soon in his line of vision. Expecting to see the albino alone and waiting, he was shocked and a bit put off by the fact that there were two forms. Both were as white as could be, which ended up causing Kove to believe his mind was just playing tricks on him. Maybe, by chance, he wasn't getting enough of sleep, and the deprivation was making him see doubles. As the space between them closed, he was quick to realize that seeing doubles was not the case. There, not far from the albino lupine, stood a large cat that seemed to match the wolf in coloration. It didn't seem as if it was all too friendly, and if he'd arrived just moments sooner, his suspicions would have been confirmed firsthand.

The pale man had never held any sort of fondness for the large cats, having only ever heard vicious tales of them when he was younger. Even if the cougar were to feign kindness, he'd never believe it. They were competing predators, and as such the chances of them actually getting along in the Winter months were microscopic. "Friend of yours?" he inquired, sending Scarlett a quick glance before gluing his eyes back to the cat. He moved closer to his fellow wolf, steps hesitant and copper orbs not leaving the cougar's face for even a second.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Scarlett - December 15, 2014

The pale female suddenly realized that her putting a step forward was not the smartest move. Her ears fell back and her tail tugged between her legs as the cat started speaking. Scarlett padded backwards. She didn't taste nice! At least she thought so? All her fear of other wolves eating her was now realized by this cat that wanted to eat her. "I don't taste nice!," she assured with a bit of an unsure tone. The cat also implied she had eaten wolf before. Scarlett bared her teeth in fear, trying to get more space between her and the cat. A warning growl coming from her throat, a rare sound for Scarlett to make.

Another scent invaded her nose, making the small wolf look up. A sense of relief rushed through her body. "Kove!," Scarlett let out and moved against the bigger male wolf. Her heart was beating so fast. She hid her face briefly in the thick long fur of his neck. Oh how foolish she was. "No. I thought she was a wolf like me but she was a cat, erhm, obviously. And she doesn't look very friendly. Let's go. I don't want you to get hurt," she urged, her red eyes back on the big cat. The young female scolded herself for jumping onto everything she saw. She should be more careful. Now it was not only her life in danger but also Kove's. Her fluffy white fur was pressed against Kove, mainly because she had no fighting skills. Hopefully the cat would just leave now they were with two.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Laksha - December 15, 2014

She chuckled lowly as the wolf squeaked in fright. Her fangs bared even more menacingly. "Welllll, you won't know until you find out...." The puma crouched into an attack position, ready to pounce at the inane albino wolf, but she stopped when another wolf stepped close to her.

The White Ghost hissed lowly, though it was a pleased one. "Morrree prreyyyy...." she purred, eyes glowing. She lashed her tail and launched herself at the female wolf first, claws threatening to land in her throat.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Kove - December 15, 2014

With eyes trained on the cougar even as he spoke to the other lupine, the bunching of the creature's muscles weren't hard to catch. Her long, sharp claws seemed to be set on a single course, and that course would take them straight to Scarlett. His own body sprung into action almost instantly, lunging towards the albino wolf as well. While the cat held malicious intentions in her leap towards the pale female, Kove's held only the urge to help. Using the force of his own body, he shoved the she-wolf away from Laksha's line of attack. The shove was most likely a bit too rough, but how he saw it, a few bumps and scratches where much better than having your throat torn out. Quick enough to move her from harms way, but whether he'd managed to remove the threat from his own body had not yet been discovered.

The ghostly brute gave Scarlett a once-over, copper orbs scanning over every visible inch of her to check for any signs that the cat my have hit her. Satisfied by his findings, or rather lack of, his attention was returned to the dangerous creature just a little ways off from their place on the ground. Letting a snarl rip through his throat, his head lowered and ears folded back against his skull. "Now, why would you attempt such a thing?" Kove inquired, not expecting even the slightest piece of an answer.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Scarlett - December 16, 2014

The pale female was getting more fearful each minute in the presence of the cat. Oh how horrible she felt for dragging Kove into this. Scarlet believed that there was no true evil in the world they lived. But this cat almost made her change her mind. She seemed to attack with out reason. It made the she-wolf fearful. She froze in fear once she saw the cat ready to pounce. Her eyes closed but she never felt the hit. Only how she tumbled down but there was no hurt after that. No sharp claws sinking in her flesh. Her eyes shot open to see the copper eyes of Kove. He had pushed her out of the way! Her side was hurting a bit but that was nothing with what could have happened.

Scarlett lay on the ground for a moment before she realized she needed to get back to her feet. She jumped up onto her four paws. "Kove, lets go," she spoke once more. She stepped next to him again because she didn't want to be a coward. Her eyes glanced at the cat before her red eyes locked and even she growled. It sounded so weird coming from her throat. "You run. I'm quick on my feet I will follow," the female spoke, although the male might not listen to her with his own pride wanting to save her.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Laksha - December 18, 2014

The insane puma's eyes glowed with triumph when she saw the fear in the other albino's eyes, but that satisfaction quickly disappeared when the other white male pushed her out of the way and took the blow. The white cougar slammed into the male, hissing with annoyance.

She darted forward, aiming a blow at the white interloper, but she was more focused on the other albino for some strange, morbid, insane reason. When the female offered to stay in the rear, Laksha nearly cooed with delight. An easier target, then. She kept attacking the white male, maneuvering herself to get closer to the albino wolf so she could dart in and finish her.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Kove - December 18, 2014

Any intelligent wolf would know that they couldn't take on an overly aggressive cougar easily, but in that moment, Kove had become an idiot. Call it male pride or stubbornness, but whatever it was, it kept him from scampering away with Scarlett. Why he didn't just leave while they could, he'd never know, nor did he really care given the current situation. Pushing the albino lupine away had clearly angered the felid even more—if that were even possible, given his first impression of her. It had hurt to have the large creature slam into him, as did the number of attacks she managed to land on him, but the man refused to show it. The way the cat moved, putting herself in places to close the distance, made it obvious what she was doing, and he wasn't about to let it happen. The ghostly male continued to move himself each and every time he could, positioning himself between the two albinos. Occasionally, he'd get a bit bolder and step forward a bit, snapping his jaws together whilst snarling at the cougar.

"If you find a way without the risk of getting hurt, run," Kove said, his words meant for his fellow wolf, despite his copper orbs staring Laksha down. To anyone who didn't know the brute, watching him protect someone he hardly knew would be looked upon as foolish, but he didn't see it that way. The female was a friend, even if they hardly knew much about one another. "Don't you think it'd be better for you to find a better, easier meal?" he inquired lowly, snapping his jaws together towards the cougar, but without the intentions of actually biting into her. "You're not getting your claws on Scarlett, no matter how much you try."

Heroism doesn't exist. The Northerner may feel heroic in the moment, but it is nothing more than an illusion, a trick of the mind. Even as he lunged towards the puma's shoulder, maw agape, it was not the act of a hero. It was simply the act of a fool, working hard to dance for something he believed in.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Scarlett - December 19, 2014

Scarlett looked in fear when the big cat jumped on Kove. She let out a soft whine in horror. She couldn't see much with Kove blocking the mountain cat. "Kove no!," she protested. She tried to think what she could do. The female could let Kove get ripped to shreds. "I'm not leaving! Are you crazy!!," she stubbornly replied. She let out a growl directed at the cougar. A frown on her face with concentration. She then moved from recklessly behind Kove. Her small body rushed forward to return the favor to her friend. The female pounded on the cat. Her body jumping against the pale cat to unbalance her and mainly to get her distracted from Kove.

Scarlett rushed away again before the other could recover. She got behind Kove and peeked over his body to the cougar. "I don't think there is any reasoning with this cat, Kove. Lets go. Please. I don't want to see you get hurt. Please listen to me. I am not a fighter. What if yo get injured badly. You don't deserve this," she hissed and tugged a bit on his scruff. One motherly act to get her wishes across. Her fearful red eyes looked at the cat. She feared more for Kove's life than her own. She couldn't live with the guilt of having Kove wounded because of her foolishness.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Laksha - December 22, 2014

She sneered at the brave white male. Why choose the albino? "I want interessssting prreyyy..." She purred as Kove snapped at her. Instead of leaping back, she darted forward, intending on surprising him and digging her fangs into the man's muzzle. After making her move, she ran after the other albino, who was heading towards her. Before the cougar could react, she was barreled over.

Before she could get up, the other albino was tugging the male away. Laksha hissed and took advantage of her concern for the wolf. She reached out and clawed at the albino's shoulder, intending on drawing pretty, red blood on that white pelt.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Kove - December 24, 2014

When do you guys want to wrap this up? c:

While the actions of the albino lupine had been somewhat distracting to him, Kove had still managed to move quick enough to avoid having the feline's fangs enter his muzzle. One managed to graze his nose, however, drawing a small bit of blood. It stung, of course, but he made sure not to falter or allow himself to get distracted again. He was, to say the least, stubborn when it came to a fight of any kind. His mind constantly told him not to give up or turn away, even when his body would protest against doing such things. Now was not the time to be stubborn, though, and a part of him knew that. The male's want to not turn tail and flee could very well result in his friend getting hurt—or even worse, if that cat succeeded in what she wanted to do.

"Alright," Kove said, caving in to the wishes of his companion. The feline couldn't be spoken to in order to calm down, and the way she spoke of wanting 'interesting' prey made it clear she wasn't going to leave them so soon. As he responded to her words, his eyes were temporarily taken off of the cougar in order to steal a glance at Scarlett. He wasn't able to see the claws coming towards her shoulder, nor would he be quick enough to react had he.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Scarlett - December 24, 2014

I agree. Lets flee from this crazy cat. Thank you Laksha! :D One last round.

The pale female barked in shock when the cat had her fangs in Kove's muzzle. Scarlett then noticed that the cat was coming her way. A fleeting pain shot through her shoulder. A yelp left her mouth before she realized it. Scarlett was one that couldn't handle pain very well. In het past she was roughly bitten or grabbed and the mind was a reminder of that. The female wanted to flee badly. The caught Kove's 'alright' and just rushed away. Her body filled with adrenaline. The small body rushed towards the mountains without looking back. She felt horrible, hoping that Kove was on her heels.

Blood dripped from her wound. As she ran the female noticed that her muscles still worked well. Only the pressure on the wound with each step hurt. Because of there rushing blood the wound was bleeding greatly. Scarlett reminded herself that blood could make it look bad. The wounds didn't feel too deep. Slowly her adrenaline we gone and she started limping badly. She slowed down. Scarlett was panting heavily and noticed she made quite the distance from the lake. She lifted her front paw to not have any pressure on her shoulder. Scarlett seemed more worried about Kove than her own bleeding shoulder.

"Are you okay?," she asked and limped forward to lick over his muzzle where he had been bitten. "Oh that was horrible. I am so sorry. I didn't know there were mountain lions here," she whispered. Scarlett was close to breaking down in tears. That might have been the scariest thing that ever happened to her.

Kove, A new thread with the aftermath or do we continue here?

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Laksha - December 28, 2014

Though she was rewarded with the lovely taste of blood, she did not get the kill. The pair ran from her before she could deliever any lasting blows, and they ran away. The cougar hissed, licking the blood off of her maw. She let them run, let them gain some semblence of hope. She would be back.

The White Ghost melted into the snow, hiding the stains of blood and sneaking off into the undergrowth. The hunter flanked them for a bit, watching their trail before disappearing. They would not be safe yet.

RE: Albino VS. Albino - Kove - December 29, 2014

Yes, thank you Laksha! These three will probably cross paths again someday.

I think we should start a new thread for the aftermath. c:

As the two of them ran off, fleeing from the snow beast, Kove stayed a little ways behind Scarlett. He had the sense they weren't yet alone for a good bit after leaving the cat behind, but the man expected nothing less. A hunter was never quick to leave their prey, even if said prey fled the scene. After awhile, though, the unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach ebbed away, until finally it disappeared when the lupine's stopped. His mind was no longer on the cougar, nor was it on himself, but was on the albino wolf with him. Flicking an ear, the ghostly male waved of her concerns, but also chose to give a vocal answer. "I'm fine," he stated calmly, panting a bit from their quick escape. "You don't need to apologize."

The fact that the female was close to tears put him off a bit, but he said nothing of it. Rather than speaking more, Kove moved closer to her and, albeit hesitantly, licked at her wound. He worked to clean it, and once finished, his copper orbs trailed to Scarlett's face, before pulling away to look back in the direction they'd come from. A part of him, the small whisper in the back of his mind, had a feeling that their run-in with the other albino was not yet over. Not wanting to worry his friend, no words of his inner worry left his maw, but he did turn to face her. "We should move further," he murmured. "It's always better to be safe, rather than to be sorry." Without waiting for a response, he lowered his head and used his crown to nudge the woman forward more, careful to avoid her injured shoulder. When they would stop, when the threat would be gone entirely, Kove was unsure, but he knew it was not in that moment.