Wolf RPG
Two Eyes Cenote sardonyx - Printable Version

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sardonyx - Tavina - September 19, 2024

this is backdated to aug 22nd for timeline! no posting order; welcoming single replies or rounds, also welcome just for ref! <3

when she had settled @Medusa into blue sleep with wine laced in poppyseed, bound her belly with the leaves, and made sure she was deep in slumber, tavina sidled gently from the examination room. she surveyed the hall both ways and then turned back to the sheepskin pouch in which she had placed four squirming bundles, each swathed in rabbitsfur. 

her heart beat fast; she drew the coverlet up over medusa's slumbering shoulder, checked her breathing, picked up the satchel, and stepped into the corridor.

as a creamy moon rose over muat-riya, the sesh set the cradle-pelt down in front of their hemet. "please don't ask me, @Nazli," tavina half-begged in a hushed voice filled by exhaustion. "four. two boys," @Osiris and @Nokht. "two girls," @Serket and Asenath (@Eopei). 

her eyes searched for nazli's in that soft azure light. "i'll help you with the milk. just — just tell me if you can do this. or say no. you can say no."

she would find a coyote for them if it must be done, but each moment was one dire.