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Lion Head Mesa butterflies - Printable Version

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butterflies - Charmion - September 23, 2024

he swept free a rogue leaf from the water's surface. then a feather, two. cleansing the wellspring was a favored task for the man who had pledged himself to his noble House, to the royal palace.

he had come to know, too, that caverns meant for great entertainments laid near here as well. it was an easy place to work away hours.

a wet crow's feather dangled from between his teeth.

RE: butterflies - Neith - September 23, 2024

This morning was spent in worship at the peaked shrine of Amun-ra with her family, after which the young amiirad meditated on an appropriate offering for her namesake Goddess by wandering the noble halls. That’s when she’d happened upon the new fellahin at the baths.

Merneith regards him quietly for a moment, as if considering. He was quite an intriguing man, different from so many in the palace but in a way her young eyes were not quite able to decipher as of yet.

“Excuse me,” she interrupts, paws settling firmly upon the grounds of the wellspring, “you wouldn’t happen to know anything about the Goddess Neith, would you?” She questions, large garnet eyes clearing once with an anticipatory blink.

RE: butterflies - Charmion - September 23, 2024

the crow's feather forgotten. he is dropping into a deep bow before he thinks twice of it. she is a young royal and must be given every ounce of respect that he can offer.

but she is asking a question more befitting a priest and he felt — flattered.

he couldn't dare assume that her teachers had told her nothing. it would have been an insult to assume she knew nothing so instead — have you the desire to know a specific, Divine One?

RE: butterflies - Neith - September 23, 2024

The young royal bid him stand, though it fed some ingrained part of her to see his nose hovering mere inches off the shale.

“Yes,” she grins, pleased, soaking up the sound of her title from the well of his lips. “I am making an offering to Her shrine, and am in need of some assistance to find the perfect gift. Would you please help me, mister–?” Her voice trails in ask of the fellahin’s name.

RE: butterflies - Charmion - September 23, 2024

sorry he's a yapper!!

she is gracious. the kindness of her mother has been passed down into her, he thought.

charmion, gifted to Lord Gucci of House of Gucci and the palace Akashingo. so that she might know he was indeed here to serve nobles. that he knew exactly what might be needed in these scenarios due to his closeness with royalty.

it is a blessing to be able to help you with this shrine, Divine One. a half bow so that he might be quickly prepared to follow where she led. i believe it would be good to bring forth teeth or claws, lay them out in a circle upon a cleansed fur. i might procure a blessed herbal pouch as well, if you find it fitting, Divine One. for She is every bit as fierce as She is a creator.

RE: butterflies - Neith - September 23, 2024

not at all I adore him <3


Charmion had such striking olive-colored eyes, the princess would note. He was a servant favored by their Neb, which meant he was educated, wise, and well – charming! He knew of her Goddess and she so longed to hear more of what he had to share!

“See that a fellahin is sent to clean the baths, please,” Neith waves to her flanking attendants, “Charmion will be spending the afternoon at the temple with me.”

The amiirad rounds to his side, feeling rather grown up in his presence, for he is a far smaller man than her father and the Medjay.

“I have a new lynx fur in my room! But where will we find such other sacred items?” She asks, the grace in her countenance breaking with a delighted stir of puppy tail as she gazes into the fellahin's pointed face.

RE: butterflies - Charmion - September 23, 2024


he felt truly honored. it had been one thing to be looked favorably upon by the House of Gucci, but this was Pharaoh's own looking upon him now! she wished to have him alongside her for time spent in the temple! his mother would faint if she knew such of it.

she was charitable, donating her own lynx fur. he thought that Neith Herself might bless it so the young divinity could wear a blessing always. yet he was no priest, he did not say this.

for you, Divine One, all things can be procured. surely she knew this! yet he sought to only solidify her status — and his willingness to serve it. a mazoi might bring down a beast of your wishing for parts or i may find a fellahin who has collected such already. you need only order it and they will come from whoever can provide, Divine One.

RE: butterflies - Neith - September 24, 2024

“A bird!” The girl’s eyes flare, tail ticking with excitable beats, “An osprey's talons for Neith’s altar! As sky Goddess, she would like that most of all, don’t you agree, Charmion? Come, we will fetch my lynx cloak first!"

Pretenses of womanhood are all but abandoned now, the girl cub skips merrily in weightless joy, beckoning the coyote man to follow through the atrium towards the royal quarters where she and her family dwelled.

They round a bend and enter a painted scarlet chamber fitted with all manner of luxurious belongings. “This is my room,” she tells him, thinking how later she might show Charmion her favorite reliefs. But no time now! She draws towards a low stone slab, upon which are elegantly presented numerous furs from an excess of worldly regions. On top is the newest gift; a gleaming liver-colored lynx pelt with isabelline spotting.

Many preyskin had been gifted to the princess, and she admired them all, but this particular pelt was a present from momma and daddy following her naming ceremony, and so it was perhaps the most meaningful to her.

“This one,” the amiirad indicates to Charmion, running a tiny pale paw over the rosettes. It was especially precious, and she wanted to honor her Goddess with it.