Wolf RPG
Rattleskin Redoubt scale - Printable Version

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scale - Zoug - September 23, 2024

seven lizards taken from beneath the overhangs of limestone.

his own feet churned a protective cloud of dust to break the lines of his form into seamlessness.

eight lizards.

more mist.

zoug slunk carefully as the sun fell toward earth, taking a circuitous route back toward the ravine. five he carried. three he cached. 

the coyote trotted on.

RE: scale - Gaara - September 24, 2024

The dark coyote pup shadowed his father. Trailing his scent, yet keeping at enough distance so that A., he wouldn't disturb his father's hunting and B., so that he didn't get corralled back into the direction of home. 

The son was always curious of where his father went when he strode off from the red arches at the rising of the sun and returned much later in the day, often with food. Gaara had only been beyond the borders but a few yards before and his desire to go beyond was at an all-time high. 

This place was far different from home. Tall rock formations in pale hues instead of the ruddy red curved arches that much of their family mimicked in color. There was no large pools of water here nor creeks which snaked through the land. He sniffed and dug at many nooks and crannies and when the sun dimmed and his father was on the move again, so was Gaara.

RE: scale - Zoug - October 06, 2024

at last he noticed gaara. after a moment's stern look. zoug grunted in the boy's direction. gaara should come with him now.

tribekin trotted the land. 

he tossed a lizard in the air, directed gaara to bury it in the ground here. now, when you come back, you will eat well, he explained, his single eye glowing at the lesson.