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Moonspear Listen children - Printable Version

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Listen children - Tikaani - September 24, 2024

Tiki had been exploring the Rocky outcrops of their home and as such had been away for about 4 days. She found thr nearest cache upon her arrival back in the center of the pack lands. 

She had been learning to hunt on the Rocky spots. Had caught a vole or two. Had tracked a goat. It had been a long fun tiring adventure.

RE: Listen children - Treepie - September 26, 2024

After her conversations with Bridget and Alaric, Treepie gathered her wits and decided to make another attempt to leave Moonspear. She could’ve asked @Sialuk to accompany her, though she didn’t want to trouble her mother with this unless she had no choice. Instead, Pie sought the comfort of her best friend.

It took many days to track down Tikaani. By the time Tiuttuk spotted her, the young teenager was downright distraught. Relief flooded her at the sight of her dearest companion, then came something entirely unexpected: a rush of rage! Before Pie realized what she was doing, she stomped up to Tiki and poked her hard in the chest.

Where have you been, Tiki? I was looking everywhere for you! Treepie shouted. I needed you, she continued, lip quivering, and you disappeared, just like Pauk!

Pie’s voice rung off the nearby mountainside an instant before she burst into tears.

RE: Listen children - Tikaani - September 28, 2024

Tiki saw her friend and wagged her tail. But was thrown short from her thoughts as Tiuttuk was almost in her face. Pushing hard at her chest. Tears gathered in the eyes of Tikaani as her friend had never spoken to her so sharply before. 

I'm sorry Tiuttuk I was exploring that's all. I'm sorry I wasn't here. I didn't disappear i promise. I'm sorry. Ears to her skull unsure.

RE: Listen children - Treepie - September 29, 2024

Tiki looked and sounded so chagrined, Treepie immediately regretted the way she’d spoken. Sobbing harder now, she clutched at her friend, trying to pull her into an apologetic hug.

I’m sorry, Tiki, Pie bawled. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

She didn’t know what had gotten into her lately. That was the rub. Tiuttuk couldn’t explain this latest phase of her life, or why she was suddenly so distressed all the time when she’d always led such a charmed life before.

Pie gulped and tried to bury her teary face in Tiki’s neck.

RE: Listen children - Tikaani - September 30, 2024

Tiki was pulled off her feet and into the waiting embrace of Pie. She didn't struggle. She merely curled her paws around the other girl. Confused and chagrined. But trying to make her feel better.

Pats on the shoulders and legs. It's okay Pie. It's okay. Well lots of growing is going on and it makes things feel way bigger than they are sometimes. It's okay.

She clutched at her friend as Pie buried her face into her neck. Pie's anguished cries cutting through her.

RE: Listen children - Treepie - September 30, 2024

Tikaani held her, which simultaneously comforted her and brought on another wave of guilt. Treepie cried for another minute or two before sniffling and pulling back to look into her dear friend’s face.

Something’s wrong with me, she informed Tiki thickly, wiping a foreleg across her teary face. I haven’t been able to leave the mountain without having, like, panic attacks. I’ve talked to a few of the adults about it but…

She gestured helplessly. None of it had done any good, at least so far. Even Alaric’s attempt to accompany her to Moonglow hadn’t worked. But she was determined to try again, lest she miss out on the upcoming hunt. The thought weighed heavily on her.

I was hoping you could come with me to try again, Tiuttuk continued with another sniffle before thinking to ask, Where have you been, anyway?

The idea that Tiki could freely come and go from Moonspear curdled her stomach. It was the same feeling she got whenever she contemplated the great hunt, a strange mixture of ferocious jealousy and frustrating longing. It was an absolutely terrible feeling and prompted more tears to well in Pie’s eyes.

RE: Listen children - Tikaani - September 30, 2024

Tiuttuk was a sobbing mess. And Tikaani was unsure how to help. She had always been the one being helped. Pie was hardly ever unhappy and it rankled her. She wanted to face whatever was hurting her besteset friend and bite it's nose off. But what or who was it?

She listened. She didn't know what panic attacks were. But she had noticed that Tiu hardly ever left the pack lands. And she hardly ever went anywhere that was not part of her routine. She had always been this way. 

I can go with you. Oh i was just further up the spear. I followed a goat. They jump so high!.

RE: Listen children - Treepie - September 30, 2024

She was selfishly relieved when Tikaani reported she’d only been venturing further up the mountainside. Treepie glanced past her toward the peak, then refocused her yellow eyes on her friend’s face. For reasons she probably wouldn’t be able to explain to herself, much less anybody else, she flung herself at Tiki again, hugging her tightly.

Pulling back once more, Pie drew in a great big breath and felt some of the negative emotions melt away. Tikaani hadn’t disappeared. She hadn’t even left the mountain. And she was more than willing to help Tiuttuk face her fears. There was still the distinct possibility it wouldn’t work but just being with her best friend went a long way to settling the adolescent’s emotions.

What else did you do up there? she asked. It wasn’t hard to set aside the plans to leave—especially when the thought came with such dread—but Pie was also genuinely curious to hear more. I’ve never gone very high. I don’t like cold or wet things, so snow is… no thank you, she remarked with a small, dry laugh.

RE: Listen children - Tikaani - October 01, 2024

Tiki still wasn't entirely certain why Pie had been so upset. She had known that Pie had difficulty leaving the area. And she certainly liked routines and the closeness of family. But Tiki did too and she did not feel this way. But she would do her best to help Pie and if it came down to it and she had to stay in the mountain forever. Then she would.

Of course they had some hard work to do. But it could be done. She knew this. It could be. She had faith. 

I tracked a few rabbits adn a vole, but they got away really quickly. The stones are hard to move on.

Tiki nodded her head. It is a bit cold up there. I had to find a few hidey holes before I came down. That's actually what took me so long to get back. I couldn't travel at night. It got too cold.

RE: Listen children - Treepie - October 02, 2024

That sounds terrible, Tiki, Treepie said, maneuvering to sit beside her friend and winding her foreleg around hers. Being cold and all alone, she continued, rubbing her friend’s leg as if belatedly trying to warm her, not to mention stuck. Was it worth it?

An errant thought floated into her mind. Her friend’s adventure might make a compelling story. Pie could embellish it, make it sound a bit more treacherous, although maybe it didn’t need that. It already sounded quite perilous without a storyteller’s flourish.

You’re brave, doing that all by yourself. Did you even tell anybody you were going? I wish I could be as brave, Treepie murmured, brow knitting thoughtfully.

RE: Listen children - Tikaani - October 03, 2024

Tiki sucked on her fangs and gave a nod. I think so. You should see the sunset from the top! and the sunrise is even better. And there are so many small creatures that live in the rocks. Lizards and fuzzy bugs and goats of course, but there are also otehr little rodents that I have no idea what they are. And it feels so brighter. But I did notice if you go too high. The air hurts your chest and it's hard. So I didn't go to far up.

TIki had seen so much just in the short bursts around the area. And she had enjoyed it. But she was very glad to be home. It had been a little scary and lonely up there. She supposed.

No, not really. It wasn't what I Planned. I waslike I'll just take a small walk and then I was like just al ittle further and before i knew it,  it was dark. Then I woke up the next day and was like maybe time to go home, but then I chased the goat and well yea. But i'm here now.

RE: Listen children - Treepie - October 06, 2024

Her friend painted quite the picture. Treepie quickly decided the tale wouldn’t really need embellishments, especially if she mostly used Tikaani’s own words. Tiuttuk listened raptly to every one, trying to commit them to memory.

“…but I’m here now,” she concluded. Pie smiled and tugged at her leg, hugging against her. She leaned to let her head rest on Tiki’s shoulder, trying not to dwell on the fact she’d shouted at her moments ago.

If you think you’d ever want to go up there again, maybe you and I could go together. It sounds like the sunrise is worth the downsides, Pie mused, cheek still resting on the slope of her pal’s shoulder blade. And no risk of loneliness if we promise to stick together up there.

RE: Listen children - Tikaani - October 08, 2024

Tiki let her leg be taken and chuckled at her sisterfriends affection. She pressed her head against Pie's a gentle hum in her throat. Knowing that Pie had been scared and she just needed some love.

Sure! We can go, but maybe not while it's starting to cool out. It's ten times colder up there! She gave a soft mock shiver. 

I promise.

RE: Listen children - Treepie - October 10, 2024

I need to pare down my load and this seemed like a good place to wrap anyway! Want to fade? :)

Treepie shuddered when Tikaani mentioned the falling temperatures. She didn’t like being cold, wet or any combination thereof. At the same time, she didn’t want to wait until springtime to go on their field trip. Her lips pursed before Pie blew out a breath.

We can keep each other warm, she insisted, tightening her grip on her friend.

And Tiuttuk didn’t want to let this preference hold her back, especially after dealing with her body’s peculiar response to leaving the mount. If she was going to be chained to the mountain, she may as well make the most of it by exploring its every inch.

For now, let’s go to your family’s ulaq and grab some snacks, Pie suggested, figuring her friend would be hungry after her trip and that her family would want to see her too.