Wolf RPG
Dragoncrest Cliffs Continuity - Printable Version

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Continuity - Chacal - September 27, 2024

This will be set just before the board-wide hunt; it's time for this year's kids to do their pearl rolls! <3<3<3

Please allow @Mireille and @Val to post first. We will do pearl rolls in the forum following one of the next rounds. The next round will start in a week, or once we have all three active 'pearls' in attendance if it takes a bit longer <3

all children on NPC who are of the same age will also get the chance to do their pearl rolls, without having to come back into activity. @Jadou and @Roux will be assumed present; when the time comes, feel free to hop into the members forum to do your pearl rolls so you don't miss out. No obligations! <3

@Lucette @Shadess @Pepper @Phobos

While words would not happen for her, laughter would- and it felt good to make some use of her vocal chords while she splashed about in the water alongside her sister, diving for enough oysters so that both broods of children could take three. Her troubles would be suspended in this time; @Mirelle knew well the words to speak to the children at this time, and while she grieved for the ability to sing to her children, she knew her sister would find the words, and perform the ritual in her stead.

She told herself to be happy enough, diving for pearls, and watching the children open them. She told herself that she should rejoice to see them catch sight of their own pearl for the first time. She told herself to hope that perhaps one of the children might find a new colour- or that another might also find a pearl as white as hers.

She looked forward to these things, while still feeling loss. She smiled as she gave @Val more oysters to carry, given the fact that he could not help with diving. Together, they brought the pearls to their meeting site, and summed the pack to come together.

RE: Continuity - Mireille - September 27, 2024

she had not the musicality of her sister, but mireille would welcome them with words she hoped to stand as tribute before the way chacal had arranged their pearl-rolls before.
as sapphique gathered for another celebration, mireille looked happily toward the children of her own who would receive their own sea offering this day.
"autumn has come again," she said with a sigh that spoke of fond years here upon the cliffs. "today we celebrate t'ose children among us in de way dat has been shown to us. we welcome you wid salt and wid pearls, my loves. come, come forward."
"choose from these oysters. choose three. open dem until you fin' a pearl. i will tell you what its color be meanin' an' how de sea has chosen to guide each one of you."
her heart! filled with sorrow! with joy!
for a long and dramatic moment did mireille pause, and then offer a deep grin, standing aside and encouraging the children to rush forward in their choice!

RE: Continuity - Val - September 29, 2024

the pearl ceremony! though chacal's song was silenced, it found life in val's heart as it fluttered in joyous tune with the thrum of the sea. while darker thoughts of chacal's ailing spirits clouded his mind, val kept busy. as mirelle and chacal dived, val brought each oyster lovingly to its place among their gathering.

he looked to each member as they arrived, a small smile of encouragement, of genuine joy, of warmth to see so many faces here. and when mireille spoke, it was an expression of pride that carried itself on the aventurine's face as she shared the ceremony with sapphique's children.

what would each of them find?

RE: Continuity - Sobeille - September 30, 2024

sobeille followed her siblings and cousins, keeping silent when they asked her questions about what her pearl ceremony had been like. it was a source of conflict for sobeille: she liked that she and her maman had drawn the same pearl — was possessive over this, even — but as she looked at the pearls her siblings and cousins extracted from their glittering shells, she’d seen just how small and ugly her pearl had been by comparison.

she knew this as a reflection of her own mind and heart.

wordless, sobeille sat just adjacent her tante, studying her maman and wondering why this year mireille lead the ceremony.

RE: Continuity - Shadess - October 02, 2024

Shadess was as prompt as ever, always wanting to be involved, always the nosey buddy. If Shadess wasnt hot on the heels of her mother, she was so to her elder sister, who she had come to take quite a liking to and the fire and confidence of Sobeille had come to help shape Shadess herself as she grew. 

She came trotting into the gathering not far after her sister, giving a big grin to her mother and aunt as she did so. She was nearly squirming in her place as her mother spoke and when given the go, rushed past her siblings to try and snag the three oysters she had been eyeing: a great big one, a dark grey one and last, one that seemed to streak with silver and peachy tones.

RE: Continuity - Lafayette - October 09, 2024

lafayette and @Lucette were not far behind shadess, trotting alongside each other with long, elegant strides. for his part, the boy broke into a wide grin upon hearing mireille's words. the pearl ceremony!

he'd heard tell of this magical occasion from a couple different souls. here, his journey in serving sapphique would begin.

what d'you t'ink you'll find, luce? he asked her softly, sea-green eyes solemn as he gazed over the assembled oysters. a bright pale one, maybe? or somet'ing more colorful? his heart leapt at the thought, even as he wondered what that would mean.

he caught manman's gaze and straightened proudly, standing at quiet attention while he waited for the proceedings to begin.

and then it was time.

lafayette rushed eagerly forward, but when he reached down for his oyster of choice, he felt eyes upon him. glancing upward, he saw lucette had dived for the same smooth disk, and was holding the other end in her teeth .

now what?

RE: Continuity - Chacal - October 17, 2024

Going to bump this along :) feel free to do your rolls and once you have, you can reply to this round.

They gathered, and Mireille led the ceremony. Chacal remained with Val as her sister swept forward to gesture to the oysters with an arc of her paw in the air, inviting those gathered to come forward and choose their oysters. Chacal's eyes glimmered with memories of past celebrations- watching youngsters, yearlings and veterans alike hasten to collect theirs, not knowing what their oysters might reveal.

Chacal remained where she was, and watched as the initiates moved forward when invited. The children were the first to rush forward and grab at the shells- the twins shared the same mind, it seemed, and grabbed for the very same one. She smiled and nodded to them, encouraging them to settle the choice between them.

She looked then to the Slate and the Granite- Pepper and Phobos- and gestured for them to choose their oysters as well. At this point, they were a part of the pack, and would be treated with the same ceremony.

RE: Continuity - Shadess - October 17, 2024

For a moment, Shadess was almost in a panic as one by one an oyster came up empty. First the great big one, then the dark grey one, then the silver and peach stripped- ahh, finally!! 

Shadess sighed with great relief, her whole body slumping as the tense energy released from her. There, in the center, a tiny pink pearl. She wondered then what it meant for those who didn't get one. Did they try all day long until it happened? Maybe it was a bad omen. Maybe it meant the Iwa looked down on them. Shadess was awfully glad to be spared such embarrassment. 

None the less, despite her relief, the pearl wasn't exactly amazing. Tiny, cute maybe. At least it wasn't plain white or silver, or ugly BROWN like someone's she knew. It could be worse, she guessed. Well? She murmurs to her elders, though her gaze remained fixed with uncertainty on the pearl.