Wolf RPG
Firefly Glen [PHE] Hello fellow hunters - Printable Version

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[PHE] Hello fellow hunters - Rodyn - September 27, 2024

Rodyn moved about the area. Greeting those he didn't know and those he did. Making small notes of who to trade with and what he may bring. The gathering was growing and he was extremely pleased.

He hoped it fit the dreams Kukutux had for it. He thought of Samani and how she would have enjoyed herself.  A small smile amd he took a deep breath and continued onward.

RE: [PHE] Hello fellow hunters - Tavina - September 27, 2024

the sesh sat alone, nursing some treat she had hidden among the goods from tiye.

a skin bag filled with fermented berries, one of three she had managed to stuff away; tavina did not intend to careen through this gathering without some edge.

she knew the man who walked to be the one who had gathered them. tavina raised her chin in greeting, inviting him closer for a rest if he so desired.

RE: [PHE] Hello fellow hunters - Rodyn - September 27, 2024

The scent that greeted him was the scent of cured meats that Akashingo knew of. And the wolves that greeted him. He had met her, but couldn't recall her name. Very briefly in passing.

He moved forward a small smile. Hello I'm Rodyn Ardeth. Are you finding the gathering to your liking? Do you need anything?

RE: [PHE] Hello fellow hunters - Tavina - September 27, 2024

"rodyn ardeth." she drained another berry. "i'm tavina, physician to muat-riya. worshipper of pharaoh," she added with a wry grin. "already i have seen so much." and it was true, even if she didn't care much for mingling.

"i need nothing. but you may need a break before long," the sesh pointed out. another berry as she looked for tiye in this audience of wolven strength.