Wolf RPG
Firefly Glen [PHE] galvorn - Printable Version

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[PHE] galvorn - Tavina - September 28, 2024

set for oct 1

a horrid headache split tavina's very skull. their royal court had arrived not long ago; now as rashepses strode for his invitations and decorum, the sesh led tiye into the akashingo camp.

there they straightened and primped in silence, tavina's mouth curling for want of water. but at last two thrones were set, draped in plush pelts.

now she stood to the right, hoping an hour would come in which she could rest. for now she kept the perimeter.

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Neith - September 29, 2024

It was not her desire to seed a headache for her governess, honest!

It was just that the princess was enamored with the host of others inhabiting this wild land, some of them familiar but most strange and new! As mother and father consorted with the camps, Neith was resolved to make her own diplomatic enquiries.

She’d managed a few stealthy strides when a woman appeared in her eye with a scent so familiar and intimate as to conjure warm memories in her mind.

Auntie T! She cries, skittering ecstatically through the crowds to cuddle into the leg of the doctor.

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Tavina - September 29, 2024

"oh! oh, hello, little princess," tavina chuckled, fighting the rush of nausea burning her chest as she opened fond arms to the child. it seemed scant days ago since they had been born; now neith dazzled up into her eyes, reminding tavina greatly of toula at the same age.

"you're having trouble being still in one camp; me too," she whispered in faux conspiracy. "let's go and find something to do. where would you like to go?"

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Nasima - September 29, 2024

The boys were escorted with their father—Nasima was to assist Toula and the girls—to keep an eye on—

—a blur of beautiful cream and ivory and Nasima felt her heart sink as she caught the tail end of Neith romping away. It would seem even royal princes and princesses had the ability to be scamps, and she shook her head in bewildered amusement and concern as she whispered to the other fellahin that she needed to go.

Only when she caught up did she see the girl launch herself to the arms of a dark wolf—her enthusiasm at the reunion giving Nasima a moment to pause and slow her pace—now almost unwilling to interrupt.

The other woman leaned down—enthralled with the girl, how could she not be?—and Nasima began to shimmy closer, a small smile placed on her lips—feeling the role of an intruder than a governess. “Hello,” she spoke, her eyes ranging from Neith to study Tavina.

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Neith - September 29, 2024

On any other day, the princess Neith was an exemplary ward. Now, the fellahin served as a partition between herself and freedom! Her ears flattened, eyes drifting reluctantly up into the flaxen coywolf face.

“Aunt T, this is miss Nasima. My governess,” she introduces, tone lacking its usual enthusiasm. She’d been found! And she was so close to getting an adventure with Tavina! Her paws dared to wrap tighter around one onyx leg, a shimmer of unusual defiance in the scarlet eyes.

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Tavina - September 29, 2024

"hello, nasima. i'm tavina, physician to the palaces. i was there when pharaoh and now her daughter was born," she explained, feeling the long age in uttered longevity. many years. many children. devoted, loyal tavina, every hour bid in service because she had never asked for more after —

noticing how neith did not quite wish to be collected, the sesh smiled at the pretty governess. "we were just about to seek a diversion. come along if you like, but i'll be responsible for today's malarkey," she promised with a dramatic tilt of her head. "otherwise, dear amiirad, please release your nurse from her duties before we go."

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Nasima - September 29, 2024

Her smile did not wane, even as Neith’s warmth did. It was not something accustom of the princess, but any hurt feelings Nasima might have felt was flung away as she noticed the girl wrap tighter to her chosen ward, clearly desperate to maintain this current companion.

Invited along, Nasima gave a dip of her muzzle in appreciation, her smile only broadening. “I couldn’t intrude on your time together,” she murmured, her eyes kind as they studied the physician. “I will help the others set up camp and wait for your return, princess.”

It was worded as a statement—but it hung as a question—for while she might have been the governess, they knew her true reason for being here was to meet the expectations and wants of the royal children.

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Neith - September 29, 2024

“Really?!” Enchanted, the girl pirouettes from the sesh’s side to wreathe her stubby arms around her governess’s neck in gratitude, “oh, thank you, thank you! I promise, I’ll be back soon!”

No time was spared in tugging at Tavina’s leg, “This way!” she beckons and they are off, milling through crowds towards the furthest, southeastern campsites.

“She’s sweet, really. Papa’s quite fond of her,” the princess prattles on as they walk. She might have thought better of her volume had she wisened to the doctor’s apparent hangover. “Oh! And we have a new servant, @Charmion. You’d like him, I think! He’s taught me all sorts of things, about Gods especially!” A furrow then, the young eyes peering up into the doctor’s tired face.

“Aunt T, why must you live so far away?”

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Tavina - September 29, 2024

nasima graciously took her leave. tavina turned her attention back to neith, considering that of course the beauty of the new governness was for the benefit of another. yet she did not dwell on this; she allowed herself to be led with a small smile in the princess' pleased wake.

"i'll have to meet him then. he sounds very educated," tavina commented, and then let a little sighn slip. "i used to be part of akashingo. but when muat-riya was built, well. i though i should try to work as i do in a new place. there can only be one of me, you know. i need a good trainee to follow."

she glanced up, hearing voices carried in song upon the fall air.

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Neith - September 29, 2024

“Ohh I see, so you have a trainee in Muat-riya,” the amiirad concludes, little head wrenching to listen for the same howls. The sound hung over the campsite like flags of colorful celebration. “They must be important, then,” she continues, bustling through the crowd. She stops short at a Moontide vendor and lifts an unusual seas-stone to admire it more closely.

“Satakh is quite fond of plants, too, you know,” the girl fibs, devilish mischief putting a sparkle in her eye. The firstborn daughter decided then and there that plants were much too tame for her. She wanted to engage with the same activities that were encouraged of her brothers. The rock replaced, she glanced at the doctor amusedly–

and was neither too young, nor too foolish to recognize the shades of gray weariness.


RE: [PHE] galvorn - Tavina - October 01, 2024

"one day, i hope to have one," tavina corrected gently, fishing around in her travel-pack for a pair of sunny gold stones which she offered to the vendor.

the sea-stone was placed firmly within neith's possession.  she avoided the eyes that abruptly seemed to see far too much. "i am all right, dear. i am just so tired. i'll be happy to be back in muat-riya. there the work doesn't exhaust me as much. it's all these strangers," the sesh added in a low voice, leaning toward her charge.

she led neith aside, meandering. "you'll never be as tired, i don't think. not unless you become pharaoh or queen," tavina smiled, wanting to know what sort of ambitions lay inside the princess.

RE: [PHE] galvorn - Neith - October 02, 2024

Auntie! Thank you!” She squeals, leaping exuberantly to plant a wet puppy kiss to the side of one cheek. She holds the banded seaglass over an eye, gazing up at Tavina through the kaleidoscope of colorful shapes. The sesh’s nose bulges and her purple eyes are abnormally angled. Neith collapses in a fitful of giggles, but is quick to straighten herself, as if remembering she is a princess first and child second.

“Oh!” the amiirad’s eyes look about at all the strange faces, nodding. She must feel similarly spent! But all this newness, it only fuels her excitement to a point where she scarcely knows how to contain it! “But– there are so many new friends to make!” The girl counters with her golden grin. Surely, she would never allow herself to grow so weary as Auntie!

Neith gallops ahead of the woman, gingerly mouthing her new trinket until the title is mentioned again. Pharaoh.

“All my siblings want to be that,” she confesses, Pharaoh.” And indeed she felt something so intrinsic existed within her gilded siblings– the knowledge of power and how to use it.

“I think momma’s a good Pharaoh,” Neith’s head cants high, “I think daddy’s a good Semer-wati. I don’t know what I’m good at,” she whispers, like it's a grand secret, for a princess of Akashingo should be blessed upon brith with such self-possessions!