Wolf RPG
Firefly Glen [PHE] young & beautiful - Printable Version

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[PHE] young & beautiful - Lotus - September 29, 2024

AW, set during the arrival of Akashingo.

It was not the impressive march, nor the adornments of the wolves that came a day past the others that garnered Lotus’s attention—it was the way in which they commanded the attention of so many others, simply with their existence.

The silver girl slowed her pace at her mother’s side, who had also stopped to observe—and found she was breathless for a moment, for she had seen nothing like them. Reyson had given word to his children to expect the cultures of many within the next month, and to embrace—but her mother’s tension was palpable, and she found her honeyed eyes tracing the soft frown that lay on Meadow’s face.


When Meadow looked to her, she proffered a smile that did not meet her eyes. 'I'm going to go find your father. Please wait here, or find your brother, hm?'

And then she was gone, leaving Lotus with an arched brow and a slew of unanswered questions.

RE: [PHE] young & beautiful - Sobeille - September 30, 2024

where was the boy she’d met last time? since she and chani had first spoken of their future, sobeille had wondered after him.

what had his name been? she wracked her memory until it came to her: matteo (@Taggak). he’d seemed just inoffensive enough he could be useful for their purposes, but as she walked between throngs of people, she did not find his scent here.

she did find a very young wolf; she was watching a retinue with eyes wide in question. dis be your first big gatherin’? sobeille asked, but it wasn’t really a question. ’ave you seen de beasts dey be ‘untin’? dey be so big, dey can gobble a little pebble like you whole.

RE: [PHE] young & beautiful - Lotus - September 30, 2024

Others were adorned in artfully crafted materials—cloaks—headpieces. She thought she caught a glimpse of intricate drawings upon their fur, and suddenly, she self-consciously brushed the feather she had strung behind her ear, feeling it all rather foolish in the wake of such grandeur and beauty.

Blinking—her eyes were drawn to a voice close to her, and she noticed the yearling was talking to her. Trying to hide her surprise with the flash of a smile, her honeyed eyes drew over the sharp angles of the darker girl, a brow arching as she shifted her weight, muzzle canting only slightly, deciding to ignore being referenced as a tiny rock. “That obvious, huh?”

RE: [PHE] young & beautiful - Sobeille - September 30, 2024

when the girl turned her head, sobeille noticed a feather sticking from her fur. this reminded her of etienne, and for a moment both party’s gazes slid back to the moving band of adorned wolves.

sobeille was suddenly self conscious in her own way. other than the sigil pouch which she had learned from @Sialuk, sobeille was rarely adorned. and while she had never thought of being pretty as an objective worth fulfilling, she suddenly wondered if others perceived her as plain.

yes. sobeille answered honestly, but there was no malice in her tone; she simply answered as how she saw it. dat’s a pretty feather. do you be wit’ dem down dere?

RE: [PHE] young & beautiful - Lotus - October 01, 2024

A laugh trickled out of her—not at the expense of the other girl’s inquiry, but partly flattered that she would be considered tied to such beauty as to what paraded before them—never before had she considered herself as pretty, but they certainly were.

“Thank you—but nope! I’m with Sun Mote Copse,” she tilted her muzzle, eyes scanning before she lifted a charcoal paw, pointing in the direction of their camp. “We’re a pretty small group,” she offered, a small smile toying at her lips. “What about you? My name’s Lotus.”

RE: [PHE] young & beautiful - Sobeille - October 01, 2024

for a time, sobeille did not understand why lotus laughed. it was not until she spoke again that the saltstrider parsed it was not at her expense.

still, she was irritated with herself. breezing past it, sobeille's gaze settled on the retinue below. i be sobeille. i'm from sapphique, on de coast.. next to a name like lotus, sobeille had no lasting gravitas. it did not conjure to mind the soft lull of a summer morning, verdant rings of green lily pads bobbing between the endless still of blackwater. nor did it summon the image of a perfectly formed pearly flower.

to her, it only reminded her she was named after a man that had been butchered by a bear. 'ow small?

RE: [PHE] young & beautiful - Lotus - October 19, 2024

Sobeille—it was a pretty name, or so Lotus thought. It sounded almost exotic, much like the girl’s accent—and Lotus shifted her weight, angling to regard her companion with another smile before a light shrug followed. “Just my family and another,” she offered—wondering if this was information that maybe wasn’t the best to share with someone who had just informed her she was like a tiny pebble that could be gobbled up.

Probably best to change the topic...

“What’s the coast like? I’ve never been to the ocean before.”