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Swiftcurrent Creek tomorrow’s kings - Printable Version

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tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - September 30, 2024

During his wandering days, Cambria had often come across claimed territories. But he couldn’t remember ever once approaching one with intent, save for the day he’d joined Redtail Rise. He wasn’t entirely sure of the etiquette, though his fondness for @Etienne demanded he not show up empty-handed, at the very least.

While crossing the plains, he took the time to raid a warren. He managed to capture a lean rabbit, which dangled from his jaws as he embarked into the neighboring swamps. When the yearling emerged at their far side, he paused again to bathe himself in a small creek so that he looked and smelled a little more presentable.

Cambria wended a little westward into some woods, then slowed as the trees thinned. He could smell the resident pack now, Etienne’s scent included. He inhaled deeply, then bent to place the rabbit at his feet. The air was cool and dark here in the shadow of the mountain next door. He took some deep breaths of it, noting the slight pounding of his heart.

There was a distinct possibility Etienne wasn’t even here—that feast might happen any day now—but Cambria hoped almost painfully as he raised his snout and called for the handsome thalassophile.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - September 30, 2024

Etienne had much to think on, but he had not the time. For they were preparing. He had been hunting to fill caches and wondering throughout the forest for herbs and plants to take to trade. For they had been told there would be trade.

On this particular day he had been so busy he had forgotten to eat. And as such was now in search of sustenance. Though he had to stop to tighten the throng of his pearl necklace and the feathers within his fur. Though the feathers hardly moved now, so tangled in the coarse spots of his fur.

A call came to him. One he didn't recognize at first. He had only spoken to the man once. Though he had intruded on his thoughts a time or two. He headed in that direction. His stomach protesting and then gurgling as he neared and smelled both blood and rabbits.

'ello Cambria. A small smile on masked face. Gilded golden eyes on the man in front of him. Giving him his whole attention for the moment.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - September 30, 2024

Those moments following his call were torturous. Was Etienne here? Would he come? Cambria leafed through all the possibilities in his mind, though thankfully the man’s arrival scattered those to the wind. In fact, the sight of his face made the Dragonling’s brain freeze momentarily.

He stared, lips parted slightly, for a couple of beats before catching himself and offering a far too breathy, Hey. Cambria hesitated, mismatched eyes catching on Etienne’s own, falling to linger on his lips and then dropping to the kill at his feet. Are you hungry, by any chance? he quipped softly, glancing up again through his eyelashes.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - September 30, 2024

Etienne was oblivous to the tortuous nature of the waiting. Though he had been on that end before. IT was hard and painful. And sometimes it was frustrating to feel so strongly. Etienne tilted his head. Unsure why he was being stared at. He glanced over his fur. Had he something hooked to him?

Etienne made a soft noise between a whine and a laugh. Starvin' actually.

Etienne shifted and motioned. Would you like to s'are?

He would not take the other man's food if he were hungry too. That was not very good manners after all. And he knew there should be more conversation than this. But he was momentarily struck by the scent and sight of the hare and his stomach was doing somersaults to let him know it was there and empty.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - September 30, 2024

No, I’m good, Cambria said when Etienne offered to share.

He didn’t mention that his stomach was too full of butterflies to eat anything. He just plucked up the carcass and moved nearer to Etienne, placing it at his feet like an offering to a god. Cambria then drew back just a step or two, giving him room to enjoy the food.

There were many questions he wanted to ask, though he gave his friend a chance to finish the meal before trying to carry a conversation. Besides, the Dragonling didn’t mind watching Etienne enjoy the hard-won kill. In fact, he couldn’t help but admire the lean stretch of the man’s neck as he bent over the meal.

Only when Etienne was finished did he finally query, How are you? Has anything exciting happened since we last spoke?

To demonstrate his genuine interest, Cambria took a seat and canted his pale head slightly. He could stare at Etienne all day long, not to mention listen to his voice. But beyond all that, he was truly invested in what had transpired between their first meeting and this one.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 01, 2024

Etienne tilted his head. One ear splayed forward, one back as he heard. Did Cambria really not want to share. This was okay.

He made quick work of the food. Realizing how truly hungry he was. He had gone too long without eating. But he was often like that. Getting so distracted in his daily ruminations that he entirely forgot to eat or drink. More so as of late.

Non. Noting excitin' 'appenin'.

Etienne settled to his haunches. I am okay. A wolf came to our borders dat I 'ad once lived wit' looking for Anselm as I am. It is w'o Anselm cares for. But 'er 'as left dey babies all alone in dey bypass. Dey will not come wit' me. I fin' I am very angry wit' 'er.

Etienne ruffled his fur. But dat is of no consequence. How is you?

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 01, 2024

He said nothing exciting had come to pass, then in the very next breath spoke of an intriguing visitor at the borders. Cambria listened closely, sussing out details. A she-wolf had come looking for Anselm. Etienne hadn’t said his name last time, though the contextual clues identified him. The Dragonling’s expression darkened, his mouth falling ajar at the news of abandoned puppies.

Forgetting momentarily his attraction, Cambria politely refuted, Etienne, none of that is ‘of no consequence.’ You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want but I take it this she-wolf—what's her name?—and Anselm are involved? They have children together? Children who are now alone in the bypass…?

“Dey will not come wit’ me,” he’d said, sparing him from the arrow of anger that pierced through the yearling’s heart at this news. What is with deadbeat parents? Cambria’s inner voice spat furiously, remembering how he’d only just barely survived his own mother’s abandonment, long after his sire had left them both.

He schooled his pale features to add, The rise is similarly full of familial drama. It’s strangely reassuring to hear it’s not just them, Cambria was forced to admit, letting out a breath and musing, Compared to what you’re dealing with, I suppose I’m doing pretty good….

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 01, 2024

Etienne held up a paw. Non. Well Yes. But Non. Dey little ones at the bypass are 'Eda now Skaigona's sister's babies. Dey belong to Druid. Druid got very sick and 'er, 'er die. I toug't 'eda would take care of druid's babies, but w'en i go to see. 'eda left Druid's babies but took 'er and Anselm's babies. Dere was some sort of altercation dat is w'y Anselm be missin'. But Druid and 'eda were still dere. Den "eda left Druid's babies and took 'er own. But Druid's babies dey 'ave no one now. Except me, but dey do not want to come wit' me. Dey 'opin' dat Druid or 'eda come back. I feed dem. I make sure dey is okay.

Etienne gave a small dark chuckle. Dere be family drama everyw'ere. I 'ave my own. But some is worse dan otters. Wii.

Etienne gave a small shrug. I am used to it. I 'ave been a caregiver all my life. I joke dat I be comin' out dat way. Just born to 'eal, but it is 'ard sometimes. Very 'ard.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 01, 2024

Cambria’s lips pressed together the instant Etienne held up a paw. He leaned in a little to indicate just how closely he intended to listen. Between his friend’s distracting accent and all the details, he wasn’t entirely sure he followed everything, though he supposed he got the gist of it all.

I’m sorry about Druid, Cambria noted, thinking this must be the other friend he’d mentioned at their meet-cute, and her kids, of course. It’s great that you look in on them. They sound a bit like Ruckus.

The Dragonling fell into a contemplative silence, still processing everything Etienne had told him. It was only as he was going back over the details in his mind that he abruptly realized the connection between Etienne’s tale and his recent encounter with Ezra. His face scrunched before falling slack. Cambria felt sorry for all the victims of this particular melodrama.

That included Etienne. Cambria’s two-toned eyes refocused on the man’s face as he dragged his mind back to the present moment. All coherent thoughts sort of faded as he regarded the other man, admiring all the earthy highlights and low lights that carved out his facial features. Etienne’s face was dry now, though Cambria would never forget seeing it swollen and wet with tears.

He couldn’t resist the impulse to move closer and sling his forelegs around those muscular shoulders. He gave Etienne a quick squeeze, then caught himself and backed away, all within perhaps a few seconds. Cambria realized he probably should’ve asked first before touching, his cheeks heating as his eyes bashfully dropped.

Sorry, I just, he stammered, wanted to give you a hug. Seemed like you could use one.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 01, 2024

Cambria listened closely to what the healer had to say. But Etienne knew he was not giving the story justice. Why? Because he was still upset. It was still raw and bless him he hated saying anything untoward about anyone.

w'o be ruckus? Dis be a baby you know?

Cambria took t he moment to stare at him again. Etienne would be lying if he said it didn't make him the slightest uncomfortable. But it was more so he was not used to being the center o fattention and when had anyone actually liked him for himself? But not what he could give them.

Etienne laughed musically and shook his head. You be fine, Cambria. I am not upset. Non. I do not mind dese tings. My family 'as always been big on touc'es it is one of de tings i miss. So i do not mind, non.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 01, 2024

Just like before, Etienne insisted he didn’t mind. The warmth blooming beneath Cambria’s skin took on more of a pleasant effervescence now. He blew out a breath and tried to meet the other wolf’s eyes, looking vaguely sheepish.

To answer your question, yeah, Ruckus is a youngster from the rise.

He paused, considering sharing more about him, particularly his anger. But though Ruckus didn’t care for Cambria at all, the yearling felt very protective of him. He decided to keep his thoughts on the little one close to the vest, despite his implicit trust in Etienne.

He deftly changed the subject, asking, Hey, have you heard about this great big hunt? Are you planning on going?

It would be tempting to attend himself, if Etienne did plan to go. But Cambria reminded himself of his resolve. Now was not a good time to leave the rise down a few able bodies. And as intrigued as he felt by the concept, it was also daunting. He had only just begun hunting with his small pack not so long ago. He couldn’t fathom hunting in larger numbers, comprised almost entirely of strangers.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 02, 2024

Etienne did not remember a time his family did not all fall together in cuddle pilea and closeness. Even to this day he ran to his mother, his sister with hugs and laughter. It was normal. We're not many families this way?

Babies is cute. I always like to pupsit dem. A nod. And he did. He was not a hunter or a fighter. But he liked to heal and he liked to care for the little ones.

Etienne nodded. Yes I be dere wit' de 'healers. He sighed. 'opefully dere be no wounded. Dat be bad. Elk are 'uge.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 02, 2024

Of course, the instant Etienne said he would be in attendance, Cambria absolutely yearned to go. No matter how strong his attraction, however, he needed to put his pack first. That made a thought flash unbidden through his head: supposing they ever got involved, would one of them have to relocate?

But he was getting ahead of himself. The yearling had no reason to believe Etienne felt that way at all. Of course, Cambria could ask. The thought snatched the breath from his throat. He was too afraid of the answer. Well, he could tell Etienne how he felt… but that was an even scarier thought. He didn’t think he was ready for the strong possibility of rejection.

Besides, it was too early. This was only their second meeting. And though having a crush wasn’t exactly easy in many ways, it was still delightful in others. He just needed to stay in the present moment. Maybe he ought to flirt a little, not only to test the waters but simply because it would be fun. The Dragonling enjoyed the thought of lavishing Etienne in that kind of attention.

I won’t be able to make it, though I hope it all goes well. And that nobody gets hurt. Although won’t that put you out of a job? Cambria laughed lightly, eyes dancing in his pale face. I take it you’re an experienced medic, then? Should I be calling you Dr Etienne?

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 02, 2024

Etienne did not know how many packs had been invited. Or how many would go. But it was more than he knew he could count.

Etienne did not color the world in Rose any longer. And he had been on the bad end of a big crush amd it had almost destroyed him. Sometimes it still tried.

It would at least for a time. But pain is always dere.

Etienne chuckled. I have been a medic for most of my 2 years. I started learning very young. But non, Dr sounds too formal. I just be Eti. I like it better.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 02, 2024

Eti, Cambria repeated, his tone fond. I feel like that’s my cue to say, ‘call me Cam!’ But nobody’s ever called me that. I’ve never had a nickname, actually, although I imagine my mute pack mates probably have an assortment of them only they know…

He swished his tail. Etienne didn’t want to be titled, which wasn’t surprising. One didn’t have to know him long to recognize that he was a humble man. And he wore his heart on his sleeve, from what Cambria could tell. All of these traits just further endeared the Dragonling to him.

He’d noted something else about him and asked presently, You live here with your nieces and nephews, right? How old are they? I take it you’re a big fan of kids?

Once more, his thoughts stumbled ahead of him. Those pups were so lucky to have him, as Etienne seemed like a brilliant father figure. Did he want kids of his own? Cambria wondered just how that could work, given his sexuality. It wasn’t the first time he’d considered such things, considering his own proclivities, though he’d never given it deep thought.

But even as he awaited Etienne’s answer, something dawned on the yearling: he liked kids and wouldn’t mind some of his own one day.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 03, 2024

Eti studied him Cam suited him just fine. I can call you Cam if you like. I'm sure my pack mates 'ave nicknames for me as well. A small fond smile.

Etienne nodded his head. Yes I be likin' babies. Dey is cute and sweet and innocent and deserve dey world. Dey are only a few weeks old. Still very tiny. Yes my sister Suzu and I be very close. 'er my best friend. 'er asked me to 'elp 'er wit' dem.

Etienne wouldn't mind having kids of his own. But much like the young man before him. Had no idea how this may happen. Though there were more than afew children around the area who needed someone to adopt them. And he would step up if this were the case.

I 'ave always taken care of dose dat can't take care of dem selves, and dey sick and wounded.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 03, 2024

Honestly, Cambria didn’t like that nickname particularly. But Etienne could call him anything he wanted, so he just smiled in acceptance. It grew a little as the man regaled him with talk of his little niblings, as well as his close relationship with their mother, his sister, Suzu.

Who takes care of you? he wondered after Etienne’s declaration, though he didn’t voice that just yet. Probably Suzu did, along with the others in their pack. Cambria wished it could be him, though his thoughts were, once again, getting ahead of him.

Tell me their names, he implored, and anything else you want to share about them. Cambria paused, then decided to go ahead and share his little relevation: I like kids a lot too. In fact, I was just thinking how maybe I’d like a few of my own someday.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 03, 2024

Etienne personally thought the name Bri fit Cambria better. But the man had offered the nickname and if tha twas what he wanted. Well who was Eti to argue. So he moved happily on. He was a proud uncle anyone who knew him knew this.

No one took care of Etienne. Oh Suzu tried, and sometimes she succeeded. But Etienne worried after her every waking moment of his life.

Dere be Caliste, Saturin, Leonore and Requin. Two boys, and two girls. All beautiful and perfect. Dey 'ave deir own personalities. But dey is also still learnin' about demselves and eac' otter. Dey are only a few weeks old. We will 'ave to see 'ow dey grow.

Etienne smiled. I wouldn't mind my own. But of course I would need to adopt.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 03, 2024

The names he gave were quite striking. He supposed Suzu had chosen them, though he wondered if Etienne had helped. He sounded like the pup’s father figure, for all intents and purposes. He tried to remember if Etienne had mentioned their actual father. Hadn’t he said he was around, while making it sound like it was almost on a probationary basis?

Cambria thought to ask, though Etienne’s comment distracted him. Why that statement should make the yearling’s stomach flip-flop, he couldn’t say, nor could he explain why the phrase, I would have your babies, drifted through his mind. It was absurd on so many levels.

In fact, a laugh burst out of the yearling’s mouth before he could stop it. He swiftly brought up a paw to cover his mouth, two-toned eyes going wide as they clung on Etienne’s face. Oh, great, now he would think Cambria was laughing at him.

Sorry, I swear I was laughing at my own idiotic thoughts, he was able to rush out, and not at you. I would never laugh at you, Eti, felt very important to put out there. I’ve wondered before how that might work, if I ended up with another man.

If he was aware this was a revelation of any kind, his face didn’t show it. Cambria had experienced attraction to both sexes, though nothing remotely notable until crossing paths with Etienne. And beyond an idle thought or two to how a same-sex pair couldn’t bear offspring, the Dragonling hadn’t spent much time on thoughts of courtship, procreation and the like.

But he was certainly thinking about all of it now, with his eyes glued to Etienne’s beautiful face.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 03, 2024

Etienne could not boast a single inkling of helping with the names for Suzu's brood. That had all been his sister. He couldn't even say he was much of a caregiver. He helped when he could, but Suzu did very well on her own. He was extremely proud of her.

Etienne was surprised, but nonplussed by the laughter that met him. he studied Cambria waiting for a reason for it. Because he doubted the young man would be cruel or be laughing at him.

Etienne gave a small shrug. Depends on de situation. Some men may be okay wit' you usin' a surogate, some may not. Some may rat'er adopt dose dat need it.

Etienne wasn't entirely sure which of the scale he would fall on. Part of him wondered if he was too jealous to allow a surrogacy, because he would have to share his lover, because Etienne did not like being with women. Granted he could, but. Non. He shook his head filtering the thoughts away.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 03, 2024

He’d heard the word “surrogate” before, though never in this particular context. Etienne didn’t explain, leaving the yearling to fall back on his skills of deduction. Somehow, the thought of asking a she-wolf to carry offspring and give them away had never crossed his mind. It did now, with a little bit of a startled expression.

By ‘surrogate,’ do you mean asking a she-wolf to conceive, carry and deliver puppies… then give them away? What if she had a mate? Would he father them? Would they stay involved? Wouldn’t she have to stay involved? Cambria wondered aloud. Sorry for all the questions. It just sounds complicated.

Adoption seemed less fraught, though what did Cambria know? Well, he did know there were a lot of pups in need out there in the world. Between Etienne and himself, they even knew a handful of them. His lips pursed thoughtfully, wondering now if Etienne would’ve liked to adopt those orphans in the bypass, the ones who refused to come with him.

The yearling swallowed thickly.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 03, 2024

He’d heard the word “surrogate” before, though never in this particular context. Etienne didn’t explain, leaving the yearling to fall back on his skills of deduction. Somehow, the thought of asking a she-wolf to carry offspring and give them away had never crossed his mind. It did now, with a little bit of a startled expression.

By ‘surrogate,’ do you mean asking a she-wolf to conceive, carry and deliver puppies… then give
Etienne did not know much about surrogacy. But he knew he wasn't sure he would ask such a thing of anybody. A she wolf that did that, well she would have had to have had a lot of love in her heart to do such thing. You carry them for so long and then give away.

Yes. Ideally I would tink you would pick one close to you dat was not wit' a mate or even dat was. In my 'ome village 'ardly any of us know w'o are fat'ers be. We are raised by mot'ers 'ardly any men unless dey are born to the cliffs. And we are fine. But anyway. I would tink dat 'er would find one or even if one of dey partners is willing to sire dem.::

Etienne begged Goldfinch to come with him and she had refused. So instead he took her food and furs and made sure she was okay. Precious baby all alone. He felt his heart tighten at the thought of her tiny face.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 03, 2024

He ran his tongue over his lips as Etienne explained how it might work, before telling Cambria a bit more about his home village. His head reared back a little. Had Etienne been raised by a single mother too? Of course, the situation sounded a bit more deliberate than Cambria’s, though he made note of this thing they had in common.

I suppose being an uncle is good practice in the meantime, the yearling posited, steering the conversation to less complex matters. I’d love to meet them someday, when they’re a little older, if that’s okay with you and Suzu. No pressure, of course.

He glanced past Etienne, toward the creek’s territory. The Dragonling was curious about the man’s home, though he would never ask to cross the borders. The idea of walking through another pack’s territory made him uncomfortable.

Refocusing on his companion, Cambria said, I should probably get out of your hair—not to mention get back to the rise—but to tell you the truth, I’m not quite ready to leave yet. Would you, he said, glancing around before pointing his snout at Duck Lake, maybe want to take a walk with me around that lake over there?

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Etienne - October 04, 2024

Etienne would never say it. But he wondered sometimes if his mother had wanted to be single, or felt she had too for the bias his family carried. She had seemed so lovely, but so lonely and he wasn't sure. And of course he had never asked.

Etienne nodded. As long as Suzu say is okay. I will take you to meet dem.

Etienne smiled warmly. I be glad to walk wit' y ou. YOu lead de way.

RE: tomorrow’s kings - Cambria - October 06, 2024

His heart did a little leap when Etienne agreed. Soon the two wolves fell into step, snouts pointed at the nearby lake. He remembered meeting a pretty woman on these shores, though she was only given a passing thought. As they began to stride along the shoreline, Cambria’s eyes skirted briefly over Etienne’s face before flicking out over the water.

There were many subjects he could raise as they strolled along, though Cambria found himself saying, Here’s a random question for you, Eti: what does your perfect day look like? I mean, if you could wake up one morning and do anything you wanted to do, no matter how realistic, how would you spend your day?