Wolf RPG
Firefly Glen [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Printable Version

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[PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Callyope - September 30, 2024

meant to be set for eaaaarly in the morning <3

the sun had not yet come through the glen. some camps still slept, some might have stirred to set their day early. meanwhile she had come to dance along the borders of the moontide camp.

she knew @Rodyn would be desired by everyone here. many people might wish to see him for their thanks or to speak of his great hunting and trading.

callyope knew he would be busy, but still she sought to come find him and selfishly steal a moment with him. before the sun stirred more life awake.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Rodyn - September 30, 2024

Rodyn awoke before the sun rose. As he often did. But today there was reasons beyond an aspiring need to make sure all was well. Today he woke to greet the day. To begin to seek out those who needed him and help those that needed it. And to start the hunts. There was a type of giddy anticipation to him.

He was surprised from his early morning thoughts by the sight of one of the nymphlike daughters of Kukutux. And he trotted to greet her with a smile. She seemed in good spirits. But sometimes it felt to him that this gatherings gave life to Kukutux at least. And selfishly he wished to keep that spring alive.

G'morning Callyope! He called out with a delight that had not often reached his voice. He looked around to make sure he had not woken anyone. And gave another small grin.

What brings you out so early?

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Callyope - September 30, 2024

he seemed to come to life with the gathering. a radiance and delight to him that she was not sure she had seen before. maybe, maybe long long ago.

granted it seemed that the large gathering had brought out the best in many.

you did, she admitted but said no more! she wished to see his response and did not hide the mischievous delight playing across her features.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Rodyn - September 30, 2024

Rodyn was alive with the anticipation of the hunt. With the need and the want to prove himself. He couldn't wait.

He blinked in surprise at her words and then a large smile lit up his face and he gave a soft throaty chuckle.

I consider myself lucky. What would you like to do or speak on then?

His eyes danced at her.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Callyope - September 30, 2024

what had she expected?

she was not sure she had thought he would remain so bright! and his laughter! her cheeks were hot beneath her pale fur. they were both large but her posture and slinking about had not lifted her head. she peered up at him slightly.

i...had not thought too deeply. i only wished to have some of your time. her voice was the warm glowing embers of a fire. i know you will be the man of the hour, for hours to come. everyone will want you.

but for now, they were alone.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Rodyn - September 30, 2024

Rodyn was not expecting to throw her off guard. But what man wouldn't be pleased to have the attention of a pretty girl, regardless of anything else. And he was learning to live a little more again.

He blinked down at her eyes of yellow warm and kind and listened. Ears perked forward. So she had not thought further than the moment. Hmm. Nothing wrong with that. But what could they do.

He laughed gently. I will not be. Most seek me out for initial greetings. Then once they are broken into their hunting groups. I am not given a second thought. And you can always take my time, Callyope. You only need to ask. It is mine to give to who I want too.

He looked around. Well, we can hunt. There is a very pretty trail that way we could walk. Though this early it maybe darker than most would like. Or we can find a nice spot and you can ask me what you will and have a conversation. Also. he blinked and then spoke. I am not a fair singer, but if memory serves you like to sing. If you would like to find birds to sing at. I am willing to do that too, but I am fairly certain I will scare them away.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Callyope - September 30, 2024

the camp moontide was away from the others. she almost imagined that whatever trail he was suggesting, with its dark coldness this early, would be even further away.

i would like to go walk this trail with you, i will not be scared of the dark if you are with me. she did not know where the trail was! but she danced away on light steps in a half-circle. and if we find something to sing about, we will sing.

how daring!

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Rodyn - September 30, 2024

Moontide was not near the hustle and bustle and he liked it that way. He was secretly pleased that they were not so near the middle. He was not a man that liked to be the center of attention.

A softer chuckle. Very well.

The trail was not far. He motioned for her to step into place beside him and lead the way. He had found it while walking days prior to this hunt. There were willows on either side and they dripped down like small waving arms. There was a scent of what he would imagine would be honeysuckle in other seasons. The small creek lapped gently at the sides. It was dark in some places. But the light that filtered in through the willows as the sun rose gave it a patterned mark of sun spots throughout their trail.

This is a slower paced area. Not much traffic. The creek is not as large as the rivers.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Callyope - September 30, 2024

it was beautiful.

had he picked his own camp? had her mother? regardless she appreciate its location. what he said was true, too. there was hardly any traffic here.

it was silent here but — her heart pounded like hooves. she had been looking at the creek but now turned back to look at him. bear-faced man who became shadows in the still dark morning. eyes of sunshine like the one that fought to rise and dispel the magic.

she was very near him now. she did not hear her own voice when she spoke, her heartbeat too loud.

i would like to kiss you.

nothing more than that, but she wanted to — know. what if he didn't wish to know too?

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Rodyn - September 30, 2024

The daylight was fast approaching. But there was a quiet spell on the two wolves that walked. Silence filled the air, but it was not a heavy silence. It was a quiet one. One that spoke of promises and secrets and thoughts that others did not need to know.

Moontide was a place that Rodyn always picked. But he had help from the neice of the songbird in front of him. She had helped with all of them. And he owed her a great debt of appreciation.

Rodyn studied the forest floor. As always his mind working a million different ways. But he was also present in the current company and as such when she looked at him. There was a shift and he felt the fur on the very back of his neck stand on end, but it was not something of any type of threat. More so he was unsure what was stirring.

And then she broke the silence. And his heart ratcheted up. She was young, younger than him. But did it really matter. She was kind and she was bold and she treated his son well. She treated him well. There was much to love about Callyope, just as there had been much to love about Samani. But they were different and he liked the differences.

Eyes went to small slits and he nodded. His breath came in a heady exhale and he leaned forward.

A man should always ask permission even after consent is given. So Callyope, may I kiss you?

And if consent was still given. He would close the distance, but let her set the pace. Because she deserved too. She needed too. Because he could not, only because his heart had not quite caught up.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Callyope - September 30, 2024

"So Callyope, may I kiss you?"

her voice was lodged somewhere within her. she only managed to whisper a yes before her voice retreated within her throat. it seemed it would be here to close the final slice of distance between them after he neared.

a kiss, that's all it would be.

gentle and soft but — quick! the sun was beginning to brush through more lands. her boldness could not change the march of time.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Rodyn - September 30, 2024

There was a reckoning coming. And Rodyn wasn't sure where this road was gonna take them. But he was a gentle as he could be. As kind as he could be, but made sure to let her know that even if nothing went further than this. She was treasured and she was cared for. Because she had the choice to choose him or anyone else. He could only do his best to show he cared.

The sun was coming up, but they were suspended in time here. And there would not be any about. His heart was somewhere in teh vicinity of his stomach. And his head felt overly large and his chest felt tight. He was unsure what to do with all of these feelings and thoughts.

He broke apart and leaned his head into hers. Eyes closed for the moment. Because he was afraid of what he might see when he opened them. But finally open them he did. And there was a gentle look upon his face, reserved for her. A small smile.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Callyope - September 30, 2024

a kiss and —

she lingered near him in the seconds that followed it after. grateful to find that he had not declined this nor had he disappeared the moment it was over.

a song bird rustled in the branches above, singing the arrival of the morning sun. the morning did not feel so cold anymore.

thank you, she whispered softly.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Rodyn - September 30, 2024


Rodyn was not the type to take his just desserts and leave. As a matter if fact he abhorred such things. So he was happy to sit in the moment with her.

He wanted to ask what she wanted from him. If she wanted him to court her so to speak. Or if she had just wanted thr one small kiss. A favor. But he also had no idea how to ask that.

You're welcome, but I should be thanking you.

He shifted, but searched her eyes and spoke. Thank you for trusting me. And giving me such a sweet gift.

A soft little breath Where do we go from here? I am asking for I believe in honesty. Do you wish for me to pursue you. Or no? I would love too, but I will not if it is not what you want. Or do you want to get to know me.

A small little awkward laugh. I'm not very good at speaking out and speaking up.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Callyope - September 30, 2024

where do we go from here?

the question loomed like the sun soon would. callyope still found that even being shown such a thing and with such kindness in his heart, she worried she would be an interloper. was it the spirit of samani wrapping around her mind now? worries what panuk might think of her?

i'm not sure. her laugh was small but warm. confused! a shake of her head as if to dispel it all. all of this is...very new and maybe a...broken taboo. to kiss you!

had samani kissed rodyn before they wedded?

had ariadne kissed others before she married?

she suddenly wished that there was any sister here to run to! to tell of this to at once!

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Rodyn - September 30, 2024

Rodyn knew it was not an easy question. And he himself had no answer. Because this was new territory. It had been different with Samani. Young love, not less true. But young all the same rushed and easy. For Callyope it was a bit slower. It had crept up on him.

He made a soft hmm noise. But didn't move. He didn't wish to cause her distress or have her think he was not content in the moment for he was.

Well then we take it a day at a time. I am not going anywhere. So we can take as long as it takes to figure it out. A soft shrug of stocky shoulders.

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Callyope - October 04, 2024

thank you, it is out again! yet she knew she must say it for his ears.

there is still some humor in her. light and warm despite her uncertainty with herself.

should we return to the groups before the sun rises in full? her gaze says that she knows very much what others might think if they were both gone! at once!

RE: [PHE] to nurture the wounds my mother held - Rodyn - October 04, 2024


He stepped back and dipped his muzzle down. Laughter peeking out of yellow orbs.

He liked that she spoke in humor and laughter danced around her. He often forgot to laugh, his serious nature taking root.

Yes. And Nest of luck today Callyope. I won't be able to speak much to you while hunting. But I can look for you after if you'd like.

Another dip of head and he motioned for her to step beside. They'd get back and split ways before anyone stirred. He would not have anyone think less of them for stolen moments.