Wolf RPG
Firefly Glen [PHE] Skipping stone - Printable Version

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[PHE] Skipping stone - Ujurak - September 30, 2024

Located between the camps of Kvarsheim, Muat-riya, and Sapphique. AW.

At some point Ujurak had lost track of Sven amongst the throng of wolves. The stone prince's heart skipped once he realized his brother's absence. His head swiveled, searching. Failing to catch his star-kissed brother within his gaze, Ujurak composed himself with a deep breath and turned back towards their own encampment. Running around like a chicken with his head cut off would serve no good, nor would it reflect well upon his packmates. No, Sven would eventually have to return to their own camp. They would meet again at some point.

He returned to the thickets surrounding Kvarsheim's camp. Exploring just a little bit, Ujurak ventured out towards the nearest waterway. Water pooled there, even through the roots of several trees. There were camps near their own, one of which carried the scent of sea salt and the other carried what he could only assume was the scent of exotic flowers. He first glanced about to be sure he wasn't in anyone's path before lowering his head to lap at the water.

RE: [PHE] Skipping stone - Chani - October 01, 2024

drawing herself up severely, chani regarded the kvarsheim boy with a familiarity taken only from having met his brother not long before. "anot'er from de large stones?" her voice was a dry drawl; her eyes said she meant only jest.
chani's cloak had become more spiked during these interactions; she struggled beneath its invisible weight, wanting very much to be more — amiable.
he had not been in her path, but now she stepped into his. chani had fixed the ivy-crown and now it tendriled more aptly around her ears and down the sides of her face. "sven offered to show me kvarsheim," teased once she had noted how very striking his eyes were; once she needed to get away from that feeling of wanting to be known. "what do you be t'inkin' about dat?"

RE: [PHE] Skipping stone - Ujurak - October 03, 2024

He sees the reflection of the autumnal girl before she speaks. He cranes his head over his shoulder to see her properly. His tongue swipes over his muzzle, water dripping from his chin, before a smile spreads across his lips.

If you are respectful of our home and those who live in it, I think there will be no problems. Ujurak's answer was honest. He sees her in the flesh now, no longer an image dancing across the water. Turquoise eyes meet the playfulness of scarlet and he stifles a flinch as his heart pangs. How the red reminded him of Astrid's eyes. Ujurak masks the unexpected hurt with a toothy grin. Although, I should know who Sven brings home as a guest, hm?

My name is Ujurak, and I see that you have already met my younger bróðir.