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Firefly Glen [phe] allein allein - Printable Version

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[phe] allein allein - Toula - October 02, 2024

attn @Kukutux !

moonwoman. she had heard much of the revered woman, and Toula was curious—she came to meet her with many gifts, precious and common alike. what was unimportant to one might be adored by another, and Toula was determined to learn of the woman’s tastes in thanks for this event, and for the invitation to attend.
attendants were with her, but she otherwise came alone. her husband was with the children this particular hour, knowing where his wife wished to then spend her time. in all things he was supportive, and it was with a loving kiss that she departed his company. she trusted their young with no other among so many strangers, and she knew he would protect them fiercely—and certainly show them off, as little godlings should be! 
they would meet moonwoman, too—in time. but first she requested an audience, decorated herself in the colors of Akashingo thanks to the leaves decorated in autumns hue! her own handmaidens carefully placed each item upon her own furs and the brown bearskin she wore. this bear had been killed by a sow, rumor had it—claw and fang marks littered the skull she had brought as a gift, two precious stones set into where its eyes once had been. moonwoman was a mother—Toula herself had inscribed upon it a protective totem, meant to protect her and her family as the sow had done. 
it was one gift of many, a small way and only the start of the way in which she intended to reveal her gratitude.

RE: [phe] allein allein - Kukutux - October 02, 2024

water was brought and poured within wells dug just outside moonglow camp, on its edge. lined with sedge and oak leaves, the pools would hold the cold teas and salves, slowly mixed as the days went on.

this woman of akashingo was very beautiful. arrayed as the most powerful of chieftains, clad in icons which caught the duck's approving eye.

the gems in that skull glittered. unsure what to make of this powerful offering, kukutux smiled warmly at the young woman. "it is good to see your face." briefly they had met beneath the twined boughs of the healing camp, but they had not spoken until this moment. 

kills were brought with regularity. simple fare was offered the red-sand woman: raspberries still slightly tart and fish caught only that morning. she herself sat upon many soft foxhides and gestured to show that toula might follow suit. "you are well?" the duck asked after a moment, thankful for the small respite of their conversation.

RE: [phe] allein allein - Toula - October 02, 2024

she was impressed by all the camp held. as tea and it’s properties were explained, Toula would sample all that was offered once another showed her how to partake in this drink. she was sure to commend the ones she enjoyed, which might have very well been all of them! 
Toula also thought Kukutux was lovely. age did nothing to diminish her—Toula admired her warmly, respect apparent in her own bearing even despite her station. on this plane, the mortal had lived more years than she—knew more things, had seen more things! and what she had made here, and brought together—it felt clear, the regard in which many held moonwoman. 
it is good to see your face as well, she greeted in kind. you sang in a most beautiful language the other day—I have learned many tongues, but not yours I am afraid. and for that I am sorry! I wondered if myself and my children might learn it, to better respect you and your people, here Toula politely dipped her head, I would be happy to share my own language in turn, should you wish it, as she knew the woman valued trade, and wished to respect her as best as she could.
next her gift! one at a time would she give moonwoman each thing. settling on the plush furs that had been gestured to, Toula shared: I wear the furs of a brute of a bear that had come to threaten a mother and her cubs. it is her fang and claw marks that score this skull of his. the furs that I wear, and this skull that I gift to you are imbued with her might. and I too have marked and blessed it, with words of protection for you, for your family. ah, and these jewels come from my lands, one from Muat-Riya and the other Akashingo. I share this with you because I know you too are a mother, and I recognize the strength you carry, Toula gestures to the item, and a fellahin brings it delicately closer to Kukutux to observe at her leisure.