Wolf RPG
Two Eyes Cenote Cane Shuga - Printable Version

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Cane Shuga - Nokht - October 06, 2024

Everybody was panicked as of late. 

Well, everybody had been panicked as long as Nokht had been alive, so he didn't really have much else to compare it to. Everything was just perfect, far as he was concerned. The blessing and curse of youth meant he was spared the details of the circumstances Muat-Riya had been faced with lately. 

But these other priorities meant there were less eyes on the inside. Less focus spared towards a meandering pup, seeking to get his mama @Nazli a gift. 

The boy wandered, finding himself drawn to one chamber in particular. He smelled clusters of things, scents that buried scents—and his nose compelled him to investigate. He made his way into the Sesh's private chambers, empty in her absence, mis-matched eyes looking from one end of the room to the other, searching for something that would be a good gift. A pretty flower, or something that tasted good...

Nokht began to dig through @Tavina's supplies, leaving a mess in his wake. He'd nibble a few herbs, his teething phase compelling it of him; though he didn't keep much of it in his mouth once the bitter tangs attacked his tongue. He let out some babyish mumbles of discomfort.

He'd pulled out 3 flowered plants from her supplies that were pretty enough to take back. Now he just had to decide which one was the best....