Wolf RPG
Firefly Glen [PHE] purgatory - Printable Version

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[PHE] purgatory - Shamura - October 08, 2024

the spider and her acolytes had kept their web spun to the outskirts of the festivities. she'd not tested the receptiveness of the locals, though awoke today desiring the sweetness of foreign tongues. 

there was of no hesitance in the pace of her steps as she knit herself between the bustling encampments. bodies danced in the distance, laughter drowning the air in thick layers of merriment. 

a wave of her paw and her trio of followers were dismissed to savor the sprawling district until nightfall. shamura herself kept to the heart of the territory, eager to acquaint herself with those who may pass by.

RE: [PHE] purgatory - Callyope - October 08, 2024

who was this?

wrapped up in colors of iron blood and ashy mountains. eyes as precious as stones she had seen at the akashingo camp. a point of red upon her forehead as if she had been painted after a hunt.

callyope carried the ramskin with her on her shoulders now, her trading had been done. however her socialization had not been. especially not with this newcomer.

she approached with a warmth that reached her eyes easily.

may i accompany you?

RE: [PHE] purgatory - Shamura - October 08, 2024

simple were the brushstrokes that painted her company. delicate, comely, water-bled of beige and bronze, vibrance found only in the sunstone jewels she claimed as eyes. a pelt lined the woman's shoulders, and shamura found herself captivated with it's quality. 

"please do," she announced through an equally warm smile. she moved to meet her companion, gaze a rolling ripple as it flowed from pelt to toe of the woman. 

"you must tell me the secret for such stunning fur," she praised the snowy owl as she stepped near.

RE: [PHE] purgatory - Callyope - October 08, 2024

she was content to whisk the woman near her so that they might become a gossiping, whispering pair. not that callyope thought true secrets might be shared but one could never know.

she imagined the woman spoke of the ramskin —

there are villages here that will show you how you may preserve your furs. i will make sure it is not a secret kept from you by the time you leave here.

warmth! in her cheeks, in her stomach!

would you like to try this one on?

RE: [PHE] purgatory - Shamura - October 08, 2024

a soft chuckle given to the woman's misunderstanding. "it was not that fur i spoke of," she whispered near to the owl, as if the truth were a confession meant only for her copper kissed ears. 

she took a stride backward then, attention pulled to the finely crafted ramskin. no pelt her acolytes had tended to had ever looked quite as exquisite as the one offered to her now. "if you are to grant me a moment to bear such artistry, how could i refuse?" 

truly now, could all locals melt her as easily as this one?

RE: [PHE] purgatory - Callyope - October 08, 2024

she laughed! dazzled and charmed. set ablaze by this warmth they shared between them now. admittedly she was perhaps emboldened by having a little taste of intimacy so recently.

would she have liked to kiss this one, too?

callyope pulled down the ramskin from her shoulders and was prepared to drape it across the other woman. will you come stay at my camp? there will be much artistry if you stay there.

how bold!

RE: [PHE] purgatory - Shamura - October 08, 2024

laughter like a mourning dove teased the summit of greyscale ears. shamura lowered herself as the ramskin was prepped to be decorated upon her back. honeykissed eyes peered upward through branching lashes as the invitation fluttered between them. 

a thought beat to the gentle patter of a thrumming heart.

"i would stay until nightfall, if you'd be so kindly as to keep my company." promise of artistry enticed the spider, but the promise of stolen moments with this stranger is what would light a flame beneath her paws.

RE: [PHE] purgatory - Callyope - October 08, 2024

how could i not?

her eyes were warm and she admired the way the fur laid upon the dark hues of this woman.

when it is your time to leave, i will send you off with many things. would you accept?

the woman's steps turned light and she sought to guide them now. moongrove's camp was settled in a lively place! there would be no shortage of things to see or hear.

RE: [PHE] purgatory - Shamura - October 08, 2024

a joyous smile befell the lips of the spider as she stood to admire the quality of the pelt now adorning her shoulders. thick, though not substantial enough as to put any strain or restriction upon her muscles or movement. 

she appreciated the weight of it upon her shoulders, though thought the sight of it upon the owl was of a much more suitable station. 

she twirled to follow with soft steps before any words sought to escape her mouth. 

"i accept."