Wolf RPG
Qeya River I Will Always be What You Make of Me - Printable Version

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I Will Always be What You Make of Me - Kekoa - October 08, 2024

Having made his way to the lake at the most northern part of Saatsine's territory, Kekoa now sat gazing into the water. His conversation with Sun Eater had left him with a new outlook. Yes, the leader had spoken few words, but Kekoa understood. He would be a shaman, because that was what he was believed to be.

Kekoa did not truly understand what such things meant, however he knew that it must mean that his visions were just that, not delusions or simple dreams. He couldn't help but question what sort of power this would leave him with, and the god Abraham spoke of - would he respect Kekoa for it?

Tail wavering his eyes were blank as he stared into the wet blue, questions and hopes running through his head. He would look a bit odd to those nearby, yet such things were not worrying him. Not anymore. After all, who were they to judge him?

As far as he was concerned, their lives were in his paws now.

RE: I Will Always be What You Make of Me - Senka - October 18, 2024

she missed ksura.

no amount of busy work seemed to keep it at bay. she had been reluctant to socialize in fear she might snip with a bad mood from his absence. yet she realized that if she did not interact, she might very well drive herself mad.

healer, she addressed him as such now. it felt fitting even if she knew his name. what is today's work?

RE: I Will Always be What You Make of Me - Kekoa - October 19, 2024

As a voice rung out interrupting his thoughts, he turned his head. It took him a moment to process what it was that had been said to him. What was today's work? He did not know, but he would have to think of something. He would not be mistaken for a lazy man.

"If there are no injuries to be looked after, then I suppose I'll be collecting herbs." That felt like the right answer. What else was there to be done, after all? "The end of the season is approaching - a lot of them will die off soon."

It wasn't a bad idea, collecting. He considered what should be looked for; mushrooms came to mind.

RE: I Will Always be What You Make of Me - Senka - October 20, 2024

then we collect herbs, we because she had invited herself along without asking. would he be so keen as to decline her help?

she did not think so, but maybe she did not know him so well as to make such a decision.

what are most important?

RE: I Will Always be What You Make of Me - Kekoa - October 21, 2024

He stared at her momentarily, blinking. He had forgotten how direct Stone Crier could be. While he was not looking forward to it, he felt rather pressured to agree. Spending his day digging up the dirt did not excite him, however.

What did he need? What was important? He did not consider this, aiming to give her a tedious task instead. "Cobwebs." He decided, pushing himself to his feet.

"They're difficult to gather, but if you want to help me then you can learn."