Wolf RPG
Two Eyes Cenote Dry Hands - Printable Version

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Dry Hands - Elveera - October 08, 2024

A message sent by way of the swiftest runner at her disposal, delivered at the border:

Lady @Eset,

I do hope these words find you in better spirits than our last meeting, and I regret that things ended the way they did between us. Leaving the palace without so much as a farewell was not how I wished it, but, circumstances beyond my control led me to act as I did.

Word has reached me that one of your own may have suffered an injury. Though I am certain you and your healers are more than capable of handling it, I couldn’t let such news pass without offering what little aid I can.

Enclosed, you will find a bundle of cleaned fish skins, which I reckon should help keep any wounds free of debris and hold the medicine in place. I’ve also sent all the goldenrod I can spare, knowing its virtues in aiding the healing process.

Please do let me know how she fares. I would rest easier knowing she’s on the mend.

Yours sincerely, Eira

RE: Dry Hands - Eset - October 09, 2024

Lady Eira,

It is true one of our young wolves has been seriously injured. How did you come by this information?

Your time in Muat-riya was singularly focused upon capturing Machiavelli, and now he is missing from our palace after he was sent North to protect the injured child. Am I to believe this is coincidental?

The residents of Muat-riya would rest easier knowing he is safe.

Eset, Hebsut of Muat-riya

Letter returned with the runner, the coyote padded through the mazoi halls, eyes searching eagerly for, "@Legend?"