Wolf RPG
Northstar Vale L'intuition d'une femme - Printable Version

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L'intuition d'une femme - Viskani - October 12, 2024

The cold air beginning to flow in as the winter months grew closer brought Viskani plenty of now worries. Her joints would soon begin to ache, and yet she would not be able to rest. Traditions would need to be followed. She would need to begin her search for a suitable sire.

Yet she did not believe her pack was ready. Tousaint was young, Chaudry had been more aggressive than usual, and Chesley was nearly blind in one eye - of course Chae was still missing as well.

Could she really leave them in the state they were in now? Especially with the ridge wolves so close; was it really safe?

Her concerns had brought her to the borders. Pacing, pacing because there was little else to do.

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Kaaya Ayad - October 12, 2024

 Kaaya climbed over a large log, taking a seat above it to get a better view of the terrain ahead of her. She watched over for a while before picking up an unfamiliar scent, a grey she-wolf appearing from the depths lengthy lands before her.

Though she has finally escaped from her former pack a few moons ago, she still wasn’t finding herself to be extremely talkative, causing her to rise up and walk down farther along the wood in the direction opposite of the winds. She watched the wolf carefully, her curiosity peaking as she paced back and forth — seemingly burdened by something. It reminded her much of her ummi’s erratic pacing once something began to weigh in her mind.

Perhaps that was why she found herself leaping off of the log and heading closer. 
"Is there something ailing you?” She questioned, having had opened her mouth before she could even think.

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Viskani - October 12, 2024

A voice called out, and Viskani found herself turning to look at the unclaimed land between herself and the ridge. The sight of a stranger approaching her borders caused her stance to harden, yet she was not offended.

A young woman, one who appeared healthy. Her coat suggested a good lineage, her willingness to assist a stranger suggesting that she had been raised well. No, this is not something she would turn away.

"It's nothing to worry about my dear." She responded, offering a smile to the girl. "Have you come to the vale before? I don't believe we have met."

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Kaaya Ayad - October 12, 2024

 She blinked, being slightly taken aback by the friendliness of the stranger. Sure, she had been the one to start the conversation — but she’d subconsciously come to the conclusion that she’d immediately be turned away. Hm. This was rather new. She thought to herself before snapping back to reality.
 "No." She shook her head. "I’ve only been traveling by my lonesome for a short while. Where I come from is a long ways from here." Her tone was respectful. She was raised better than to hold a high head towards an elder, let alone a wolf as well composed as the one before her. 

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Kaaya Ayad - October 12, 2024

 She blinked, being slightly taken aback by the friendliness of the stranger. Sure, she had been the one to start the conversation — but she’d subconsciously come to the conclusion that she’d immediately be turned away. Hm. This was rather new. She thought to herself before snapping back to reality.
 "No." She shook her head. "I’ve only been traveling by my lonesome for a short while. Where I come from is a long ways from here." Her tone was respectful. She was raised better than to hold a high head towards an elder, let alone a wolf as well composed as the one before her. 

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Viskani - October 12, 2024

Ah, a traveller.

She took note of the tone and demeanor of the younger woman, finding herself to be rather impressed. "You must be tired then."

"Myself and my sons only settled here recently, though we're well on our way to building a proper pack now."

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Kaaya Ayad - October 12, 2024

"I suppose you could say that. It’s been a while since I’ve rested properly." She nodded. It was true. While living by herself wasn’t doing her any bad, constantly having to look over her shoulder was causing her sleep to be rather imbalanced. 

She glanced around, noting that the wolf seemed to be alone at the moment. Perhaps her sons had stayed behind at the den. She wondered what they must look like, and more importantly, if their den was any more comfortable than her current situation.

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Viskani - October 13, 2024

"Why don't you come into our dens then, hm? We have more than enough room." She offered with little thought or consideration. Admittedly, she was eager to have another woman to speak to.

"So long as you pitch in a bit you're welcome to stay." She said, tail swaying gently. "We won't force you, of course."

If the girl were to return with her she imagined that it would satisfy Tousaint as well. Two birds with one stone. "What is your name dear?"

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Kaaya Ayad - October 13, 2024

Her ears perked up a bit at the idea. It didn’t take her long to conclude her answer. "I would be eternally grateful if you would allow me." She dipped her head in thanks. 

"I have no issue doing chores in exchange for shelter. A more than fair trade, if you ask me. My name is Kaaya. Kaaya Ayad." Her head tilted towards one side. 

"What about you, friend? What do they call you?"

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Viskani - October 13, 2024

She was glad to hear the answer of the other, turning to lead her back to the clearing in which they resided. "Viskani de Ciguë."

"I am the Matriarche of our little group here, so I suppose you were lucky to have met me." She smiled back at the girl. Admittedly, Viskani was the lucky one.

She would soon assess the girls best attributes and choose a role for her, but not yet. She would enjoy this first.

RE: L'intuition d'une femme - Kaaya Ayad - October 13, 2024

"Wasn’t I?" She chuckled, trailing right behind her. Maybe it was fate that brought the two together, or perhaps it was a mere coincidence. Either way, Kaaya was never one to reject the lended paw of another — and she wasn’t planning on starting today.

Her tail flicked as she continued on their path, it would be great if all the wolves she was about to meet had the same composure and mannerisms as their Matriarche. Soon, she would find out.