Wolf RPG
Haunted Wood Scarlet king - Printable Version

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Scarlet king - Eset - October 13, 2024

The hunt for their transgressors kept @Legend away from the palace, and with @Khusobek and @Meseba guarding the cenote, the hebsut resolved to trail the messenger herself. This might be their only chance to find @Machiavelli. A quick dozen steps down the hallway toward the jodai and mazoi to tell of her intent, then she was out and into the desert before refusals could be raised.

She was small, she was slight, but she was not helpless. She could track this runner, and felt she had a good probability of avoiding detection if she remained downwind and allowed for wide distances to spread between them.

So she did, keeping a steady lope as the afternoon poured heat onto her back, breaking only for water and brief moments of shaded rest. The sun was low on the horizon, painting the tops of trees and the toothed outcroppings of distant mountains in fiery shades of coral when she finally stopped. The breeze here had picked up, flinging through her long copper cheeks and ears.

Eset blinks against the wind and enters the forest, bedding down beside the hull of a great willow, its arms like long blue curtains shielding from the weather. A plan for whether she continued on, or returned to Muat-riya would wait until she’d camped for the night.

RE: Scarlet king - Maia - October 23, 2024

Brecheliant was so quiet with all of her family traveling that Maia needed, for a little while, to get away herself. She couldn't go far and leave the place undefended, but it wouldn't hurt anything if she hunted a ways into the surrounding territories. It wouldn't take her long to be back home.

She didn't come to this forest often. It had been too long for it to carry the same fear for her, but she didn't tend to travel places unless she had a reason to these days. When was the last time she'd gone to a place just to see it? Before kids, she thought with a smile. She'd always poked fun at Eljay for being so restless about exploring the world and here she was, fretting over all of them just as much as he did.

It was getting late; she should probably be heading back, actually. Maia had that thought the moment she spotted Eset, and the stranger's appearance immediately sidetracked her. She paused, wondering if she should approach for a beat, but noticing the way that the other wolf huddled against the tree. It would be weirder to act like she hadn't seen her, and she knew it'd weigh on her if she turned away without checking.

Hi. Sorry, is everything alright? Maia asked, keeping a polite distance. I just... I live nearby. This forest isn't ours, so I can leave you to it if you'd rather. It's just strange to see someone traveling alone, this far from everything. That wasn't really what she meant to say, but it's what she said so it would have to do. She let the words hang awkwardly, silently kicking herself for not just introducing herself. Had she even given her name? Probably not, now that she thought about it.