Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath Synapses Snap Back in Blissful Anguish - Printable Version

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Synapses Snap Back in Blissful Anguish - Machiavelli - October 18, 2024

For @Zitari Le <3

The man limped to the river’s edge, attendants hovering at his sides, steadying him with firm paws to keep him from slipping. He hesitated, dipping a tentative paw into the water to test the gentle current, before plunging his weary body into the river’s frigid embrace. The icy shock hit him immediately, stealing the breath from his lungs, but with it, the relentless ache that had gnawed at him seemed to ebb away, drawn out by the cold. It was an uncomfortable exchange, but one he welcomed.

The dog leaned back against the grassy bank, letting the water cradle him, his muscles loosening as the river did its work. Around him, his disciples moved in quietly. They combed through his tangled fur with gentle paws, untangling each knot and snarl with reverence, massaging the tension from his slender shoulders, his back, his aching limbs. The rhythmic motions lulled him into a state of half-consciousness, a deep sigh slipping from his lips as he surrendered to their care.

This—the simple luxury of being cared for by another—was something he hadn't realized he'd missed so keenly. The soft caress of the water, the devoted attention of his followers, the quiet moment away from The Abbot's overbearing attention. Here, in the river’s icy embrace, surrounded by the gentle hum of his disciples’ care, he would allow himself to sleep. Just for a while.

RE: Synapses Snap Back in Blissful Anguish - Zitari Le - October 18, 2024

Zitari trailed along the river, letting out a tired yawn before seating herself besides it. Her tail flicked back and forth as she took a few laps of water before standing up to stretch out her hind legs. It had been some time since she’d finally been able to relax.

Her gaze shifted down towards the river, a shiver running down her spine as she made eye contact with her own self — a scar, one running down from the underside of her eye and dragging across her snout. Her once beautiful face now plagued with an irreversible sign of rejection. Or at least, that was what she was convinced of.

She turned away from the water, the sudden sound of splashing causing her good ear to turn towards the noise. She followed after it until she finally caught sight of something she surely hadn’t expected. A golden pelted wolf being tended to by a group of what seemed like servants relaxing by the river. A highly curious sight.

Drawing in a bit closer, she watched it go down, tilting her head.
I totally responded to this logged into the wrong account! Please just act like this is Zitari while I switch them out lol. If you need a desc for her, she’s a ginger, white & brown wolf on the thinner side!

RE: Synapses Snap Back in Blissful Anguish - Machiavelli - October 18, 2024

His moment of respite was destined to be fleeting. A rustle from downstream pierced the quietude, pulling the man from the tender clutches of slumber. He straightened, opalescent eyes locking onto the wolf as his attendants gathered protectively around him. She was no creature of Godsmouth, that much was abundantly clear. Perhaps one of Herod’s freshly recruited mercenaries sent to test him?

With a reluctant groan, he heaved himself from the icy shoreline. The warmth of the midday sun cascaded over him like a golden blanket, chasing away the autumnal chill that clung stubbornly to his sopping coat.

On one paw, a potential opportunity glimmered; on the other, he hesitated, unwilling to squander his precious moments of freedom on mercenaries.

Identify yourself. The words slipped from his lips, cool and commanding; the only introduction he currently deemed necessary.

RE: Synapses Snap Back in Blissful Anguish - Zitari Le - October 20, 2024

Her head jerked up in response, having been under the impression that she would be ignored. She stood up, shuffling a bit closer and opening her mouth to reply. "My name is Zitari." She mumbled under her breath, her body language showing signs of unusual coyness.

The closer she got to this wolf, the more she realized how beautiful he truly was. There was something unique about him — foreign to their species, though somehow the same. Bright markings throughout his fur that made her wonder if he truly was a typical wolf. 

Who was he? Why did he have so many servants? Where did he come from? Her natural curiosity fought to burst out as questions filled her mind by the second. — No. She’d gotten herself in trouble in similar ways before. There was no way she was going to make it out alive if he decided that she stepped over the line, so for that reason, she would remain simply curious until she figured him out.

RE: Synapses Snap Back in Blissful Anguish - Machiavelli - October 20, 2024

You are dangerously close to Godsmouth’s camp. The words, though softly spoken, carried an undercurrent of warning—perhaps even the edge of a threat. Yet, there was no suggestion he intended to act upon it himself.

If you’ve come seeking trouble, I would urge you, in the strongest of terms, to reconsider. The opal-sheen gaze swept over the stranger’s frame, lingering on the scars that marked her skin and the lean, almost fragile build beneath. She didn’t appear to be the mercenary type, but Machiavelli had been deceived before. He knew better than to trust appearances alone—yet this was a risk he might be forced to take.

However, if your intentions are otherwise... He allowed the words to hang for a moment, the tension in the air dissipating ever so slightly. You’re welcome to join me, should you wish. His voice softened, adopting the warmth expected of one who had made their profession in hosting others. Are you hungry, Zitari?

RE: Synapses Snap Back in Blissful Anguish - Zitari Le - October 21, 2024

As if the words had trigged her stomach, it rumbled harshly as if she’d been starving for days. Ever since she had left she’d been surviving off of small hunt and bitter plants that she probably shouldn’t have been consuming. It was easy to tell her hunger — she guessed — sheerly by the scrawniness her build had taken on. Though it was true she’d always been thin, it had never been due to hunger before.

She eyed him cautiously. The eyes of someone who’d been deceived one before. "Will you truly offer me food? I fail to see what you gain from something like that."