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you're a toymaker's creation - Printable Version

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you're a toymaker's creation - Onyx - December 16, 2014

anyone! Also I am testing my new table by Anthony!

Onyx had wandered from Stavanger Bay. Fear often won over curiosity in her, but today she just couldn't handle the need to know what was here. The Keep was like a tiny mountain, and it was covered in gyrfalcons. Several of them eyed her, checking to see if she would dare to steal their eggs. But no, that was not was she was interested in. She wanted some gyrfalcon feathers to make her a nice little bed in her underground den. If she could find a nest that was currently empty, she would definitely try to get some feathers. And so, continuing her quest, she continued to climb the mini mountain.

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Leila - December 16, 2014

Leila had been roaming for days, trying to find her foster parents. The search was causing the yearling to get weary. She had only so much rest, and most of the prey hibernated.
After swallowing the remanants of a fish that she barely caught, she persevered onwards.
Soon, she curvaceous girl found herself at the base of a mountain. Atthough small, but a climb, bever the less.
And someone was here.

Leila twitched her heart dabbed nose, and the smell pinpointed to a moving dark mass on the side of the mountain.
Maybe they knew where Paar and Shadow were?


RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Onyx - December 16, 2014

Onyx glanced up nervously to the sound of a voice. Then she saw a girl who was about her age, or at least looked like it. She gasped when she saw her eyes- they were odd! Black surrounded them and the eyes themselves were blue. Onyx thought it was pretty. "Hi. I'm Onyx.. What's your name?" She asked. Her quest to get feathers was not forgotten, but friends- or acquaintances- came before other stuff. Friendship and kindness were very important. That was what Mama had taught her... She missed Mama. Perhaps she was a little too old for it but she had basically lost four months of her life. She thought like an eight month old girl, not one who was a year old.

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Leila - December 17, 2014

A friendly Wolf! Thank the heavens!
A tail swish offered to the obsidian, a simple but special gift.
When the Dark One turned to her, Leila herself was nearly baffled by the beauty of the peer. Startlingly sky haven irises, and a pelt that made her look like the epitome of night.
She was so pretty.

She too, pushed aside her quest a bit, just to open herself to the girl.
Not saying she forgot it, but her youth caused her to prioritize improperly. No harm done, just a possible error she would do as she aged.

"Hi, Onyx! My name is Leila. You're really pretty. ", Leila remarked.

Leila smiled, Ivory pearls flashing delicately in the sunlight.

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Onyx - December 17, 2014

Onyx was glad that this girl was willing to talk to her. She like when wolves were friendly. She was also flattered that she thought she was pretty. "Thanks, Leila! You're really pretty too. I like your eyes, and the black around them." She paused for a moment to admire them before continuing."How are you this fine day?" She asked Leila, hopefully to start a conversation of some sort.

Text Speech

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Leila - December 17, 2014

Without a blink, the compliment was returned back to her, yet with a specified description as to why she was admired. Tucking a snow resembling dainty paw against her furry cheek, Leila's auds elegantly danced backwards, as she retorted with a modest and shy,

"Aww, gracias, Onyx."

Velvety ears flicked back forward at her new friend's question, her purpose being put right back to the forefront of her simple little mind. Her foster parents, The Grey Man, and Sun Lady. Her delicate brow furrowed as she replied, a heartfelt sadness in her words.

"I have find my parents. They're not live at casa, anymore."

Leila sincerely hoped her new friend would accept her spanglish, for she had only learned so much from her the Alphas, before they too, vanished unsuspectingly from her life.

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Onyx - December 17, 2014

"What's gra-ci-as?" She sounded out the foreign word. Leild told Onyx she needed to find her parents, but her english was odd and choppy. "What is casa also?" Then she thought of something. "Do you not speak english?" Or was Onyx just dumb and casa and gracias were regular english vocabulary? That thought depressed Onyx. "My parents aren't here right now. Who are your parents?" Onyx asked Leila, hoping maybe she could help her find them.

Text Speech

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Leila - December 17, 2014

Leila knew her English wasn't as could as it should've been, but she sincerely tried her best. She had to get her point across, and she had to do it in a non-insulting manner, one that was truly understandable, or at least close enough to where context clues came into play.

"Gracias....is..happy..thank? You thank, happy? Happy thank? You? Thank you?"

The delicate fumbled through her memory to recount the lessons she had received, continuing her explanation with renewed determination on her innocent face.

"Casa is..home."

One she could explain with an easy to remember word. She was progressing, and the very relief she felt at the triumph gave her every reason to alight her face with a joyous smile.

"Mi padres are the Sun Lady, Paar, and the Grey Man, Shadow."

Her guardian's names had finally clicked into place, as she recalled the very day she was introduced to the both of them. She had to remember them, if she wished to find them, or else her heart would have many Hurts.

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Onyx - December 17, 2014

Onyx listened to her explain what gracias and casa were. "Your language is nice. When I was little my mom told me two or three words in french and one in spanish. What language is yours?" She asked Leila. Leila explained her parents were called Paar and Shadow, a.k.a. the Sun Lady and the Grey Man. Onyx thought maybe she could help her look for them. "When and where did you see them last? How did you get seperated?" She asked.

Text Speech

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Leila - December 17, 2014

"I speak Spanish, lot tiempo, pero I try Ingles."

Leila was grateful that the midnight colored pretty Onyx would help her locate her parents. In return for her gratitude, the fae told her of the parents last seen spots.
And carefully forming words, trying to use as much english as possible, she applied it in an way that could assist in the locating of her foster parents.

"Shadow at Bypass, home. Paar at Bypass, home."

After she reviewed the words she spoke to Onyx, she realized just how pathetic of an answer that was. Slumping to the ground, her silken ears flattened, Leila curled herself into a pitiful ball of fur, only the dark saddle pattern visible on her back.
How could she find her parents, if she couldnt even learn English? Let alone speak it?

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Onyx - December 17, 2014

Onyx listened as she attempted to explain her parent's locations. "Where is the Bypass? Is it nearby?" She asked. That would be more convenient. But even if it was far away, Onyx was a kind wolf- perhaps too kind. She would travel the whole of the Wilds if it was to help somebody, even a stranger she had just met that day. Not that she knew how big the Wilds were.

Text Speech

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Leila - December 20, 2014

Leila was amazed at the determinination of the dark wolfess who was willing to help her find her parents, and she made note to remember this Onyx. Glimmering minty blue eyes focused on the direction from whence she came of Home, and nodded in that direction.

"Tres day Walk, here, Home. "

The gentle words were tinged with the gratitude Leila felt towards her peer, and this alllowed Leila to feel more comfortable with asking her,

"You, y me travel a mi casa, Onyx?"

Then, Leila remembered how territorial Shadow was, how untolerant he was of strangers.
Yet, if he weren't there, would she have to worry for Onyx's safety?

The situation caused Leila to slick her ears back with fright. What if he was ther? What if her father had made it back home the moment she left? What if, when she arrived with her new friend, what if he attacked her? She didnt want to lose her only friend...she had just gotten her.
Leila released a tiny whine of fright, as she battled with her internaly guilt, her fright that made her wish to take it back, and wish she never involved her new amiga in her issue,...but she needed all the help she could get, didn't she?

Or did she?

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Onyx - December 20, 2014

Tres day... Trees day? Three day! Onyx realized after she spoke, trying to decode her spanglish. "You, y me travel a mi casa, Onyx?" Onyx... Leila... travel... Home. Was she asking if she would go to find her home with her? "I would come with you. I don't think my Jarl will miss me for just... Three days." She said, hoping she had understood Leila correctly. Maybe she could teach her new friend some english. Then she thought of something. "Will you be my friend?" She asked Leila. She didn't have a friend, at least not one she knew of.

Text Speech

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Leila - January 06, 2015

(so sorry for abrupt absence, <3 I have to end this thread early, Shadow made it back home.c: )

"Si! I would love para ser amiga con Onyx!"

A thoroughly excited tail wag was issued, the silken hairs swirling the air in a nearly graceful ivory silken fur. However, the scent shift came to the ivory and ebony fae, as the wind blew a different course. And with it, came the smell of her father, the Alpha of NB.
Along with her excitement.

"Onyx! Mi padre es near! He is close! Home! I must go home."

When the words left her slim maw, she felt a pang of loneliness hit her, and swiftly she added to soften the blow that could too, come for her new friend.

"Onyx, tu y yo, amigas. Friends. Forever. Never no friend. We friend, no matter que. Si?"

And with a leapt of silence to her fours, the young girl quickly nuzzled her dark friend, a promise to return soon, before dashing away to where her Bypass, and father, awaited her return.

RE: you're a toymaker's creation - Onyx - January 06, 2015

that's okay! I'll have this archived. Maybe these two can thread again sometime in the future.

Onyx's eyes lit with joy as Leila said excitedly the word Onyx and some jumbled spanglish. Onyx was pretty sure she was agreeing with the excitement in her voice and that she had she I would love. Her eyes darkened and saddened as her friend said she must go home, but she was glad her new amiga was happy. At least Leila's father was home. "Onyx, tu y yo, amigas. Friends. Forever. Never no friend. We friend, no matter que. Si?" Si. Onyx repeated, picking up on that tiny bit of spanish. I hope to see you again, Leila. Good Luck finding the Grey Man and the Sun Lady. Onyx said. Her blue eyes twinkled with sadness as she watched her new friend leave. Well, at least they would perhaps see each other again. Onyx began back towards the Bay at a slow pace, all the while looking forward to seeing her amiga again one day.