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Firestone Hot Springs Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Printable Version

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Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Blue Willow - December 16, 2014

It wasn't often that Blue left the confines and safety of her pack territory. But today she found the wind blowing was cold and cut her deeply. So with a small sigh she waddled herself towards the hot springs. She was quickly growing larger as time moved on and she found herself wishing and wanting so many things. She wished Osprey was here to talk with of girly things, and she wished Peregrine was there to laugh about her large belly and she wished for Atticus. Lasher was wonderful and he would be an amazing father and he was an amazing lover, but her heart just yearned for Atticus. She didn't think that it would ever fade that yearning and it cut. But she had memories she supposed and she had friends and soon enough she would have children to give the large amounts of love she had, without giving away the heart that she had already given away.

She only had mere weeks left before her time would be up and she would meet the beautiful children that were going to come. She was large enough and far enough now that others could feel and see the babes in the womb as they kicked and sprawled about. Lifting her gaze she slowly ambled to the fire springs. Finally stopping she laid down ungracefully and rather ungainly and very very unladylike. She lay there one paw dabbling in the slow warmth the rest of her body resting, her large sides protruding on either side as she lay and she looked up and blinked slowly with content.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Lasher - December 24, 2014

bring this up to the present? :)

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contrary to blue willow's feelings upon the matter, lasher found her quite beauteous indeed. he felt he had been neglecting her, for though they curled together each eve in the new burrow, his thoughts had been elsewhere, focused upon the missing juveniles of the plateau.

how could he cope if his own children departed him so suddenly? chastising himself for such thoughts — they were not even existent in the world, yet! — the anticipated father sought out the dark woman who carried their children, following her trail to the warm land of the hotsprings. there, lasher gazed upon her curved form fondly for a long moment, before stepping to the willow's side and nudging her cheek gently.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Blue Willow - December 24, 2014

Okay :D.

Blue did not hold it against Lasher to have a mind full of other matters. She was fine at the moment, and the loss of their youth was indeed a dire thing. Especially Junior who was not at all well in the head. The problems she could get into or do to herself, it was enough to take a few years off of Blues life.

Blue tilted her ear backwards and turned green gaze to the father of her children. She chuffed gently and when he nuzzled her cheek she leaned into it and returned the greeting. Hello Lasher! I was cold so I came to get warm. What are you up too? Any word of Junior or TY? She didn't think there would be, but she held hope that there would be someday.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Lasher - December 30, 2014

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his smile faded, and he glanced grimly in the direction of the sunspire. no, came his soft, regretful rejoinder, and i will not be able to travel back to the mount until after the snows have passed. he could only pray to an affably listening deity that tytonidae would be safe, and junior as well — perhaps only saena was fated to stay among them. it is almost time? he asked hopefully of his lover, eyes falling as usual to the soft lushness of her sides.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Blue Willow - December 31, 2014

Blue tucked her own muzzle under his chin and gently nudged him. I am sure that Ty is fine in the mountain areas there's packs there. She maybe a flighty child, but she is not stupid. I imagine she'll lay over for the winter at least. And you will find her come spring I have faith in you. I do not even know where Junior has gone. I haven't even sent anyone to tell Peregrine.

Blue's maw gently turned into a graceful smile. Yes soon, merely a couple of weeks and they will be here. We will meet our lovely sons or daughters or both.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Lasher - January 05, 2015

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part of him wished to know what she carried, but another piece of his heart enjoyed the mystery. presently he lay down beside her and nuzzled the down of her curved side softly, preening the fur there with careful lips. it is pura for which i worry most. he is wild and i see only glimpses of him; he exists upon the fringes of our society.

a thought crossed his mind; he sighed. peregrine and fox shall be having children of their own, undoubtedly. will you be going to see them? in his mind, he was unwelcome, and blue willow only tolerated by the ruby for peregrine's sake.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Blue Willow - January 05, 2015

Blue was pleased with the mystery that lay beneath. It was part of what made it so very special. Granted it would be nice and interesting to know, however at the same time the mystery is what made it so exciting she supposed. Other than the fact that there would be little ones to love. Blue shifted in contentment, but her ears stay perked forward. yes he is a wild child. I love him, but sometimes he is a bit scary with his fathomless stare, but he has never harmed me or anyone on the plateau. Though those who trespass I worry for them, for he will kill first and ask questions later I imagine. Though most may not see this as necessarily a bad thing. She grew quiet in her thoughts.

Blue sighed softly No I do not think I could be near fox. My thoughts are not kind towards her and it's a shame really for it is not all her fault. I suppose it could be hormones and once these beautiful babes are born I will be back to normal. Not to mention that Peregrine made it very clear were I to come to the borders, he would not be coming to see me. She sighed, he had not meant it cruelly he had merely told her that she was better off without him. He seems to think that he needs to just write us all off for our world to be better. A shame really, but it is his loss. I will try again once I am able to travel, perhaps.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Lasher - January 09, 2015

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he was not surprised to know that blue willow still held ill feelings toward fox, and disappointed in his former lover's reaction to their mutual friend. giving a noncommittal sound, lasher licked one of blue willow's forelegs. he cannot forget you, nor i, nor the plateau, he murmured to her, no matter how strenuously he attempts at the task. it is where he belongs. and i hope he will return to us.

at length a bawdy twinkle came to his eyes; he reached up to nip her ruff firmly. i could distract you, if you wish, blue willow! taltos exclaimed, tongue lolling with the joke of it, though he meant it in truth — her body was even more lovely to him with the curve and glow of pregnancy upon it, and the knowing expression of her verdant eyes, their light holding the secrets of femininity and motherhood and childbirth.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Blue Willow - January 09, 2015

Blue smiled at his words and shifted her weight softly. Rather than tell her lover that she thought it was not to be that way. She rather nodded Yes we can hope for that, or at least that he forgets this foolishness. As far as Blue was concerned he had acted like a child, sullen and angry. Granted in his defense she had given him some serious news to chew on. However, he should have walked away rather than make a rash decision.

Blue was momentarily surprised and as always had he been able to see her face, there would have been a rosy glow to them. But her eyes twinkled back at him and she chuckled. yes you could and I do not object. She shifted her body and got to her feet and wagged her tail gently behind her.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Lasher - January 13, 2015

wanna fade with your next post? <3

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blue willow accepted and lasher followed her eagerly, pressing his forehead to her shoulder before gracing her chin with a delicate kiss. his lips moved at length to her throat but he did not hurry; he would allow them time for this. once the children were born they would surely have no moments for dalliances.

i love you, lasher whispered against the velveteen bulb of one soft ear.

RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - Blue Willow - January 13, 2015

Blue Willow met his own jaw with a kiss of her own. A playful growl took place to make a small whine of happiness and pleasure. She nudged gently at his shoulder softly. Then his words were cause for her pause. She however without thought repeated the words back I love you too For a brief moment she thought about it, and she realized she did. Perhaps not with her whole heart for some belonged to Atti, but for the most part she did love him and she was content with the roles they played in each other's lives. She didn't need to have him all to herself, and she didn't need the title of mate. She was comfortable and content with him just the way he was. She would not object to other things she knew ,but he and she was finding out herself were not one to conform to the rigorous traditions of the normal masses.

She tilted and leaned into him, perfectly fine with taking their time, for he was right in his thoughts. This would not happen as often once their pups were here.