Wolf RPG
Ankyra Sound The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Printable Version

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The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Nakai - December 17, 2014

[size=medium]Winter was still all around, though temperature was far milder here, so much further south than Nakai had ever thought he would wander, though it was embedded in the very meaning of his name. And despite his thick, grey coat of fur that protected him from even the harshest bite of frost in his native northern lands, he was not oblivious to winter's effect on the world around him. His paws left deep indents in the soft, wet snow that seemed on the edge of retreat, winter's end so close in time. He had wandered for months, his only companion being solitude as he made his descent through the mountain ridge that had led him here. Others of his kind had been few and far between, all searching, like himself for something to give their pitiful existence meaning. So far, he had found none. Nakai halted and his watchful blue eyes scanned the area while he sniffed the air, ears standing to attention. There was a salty smell in the air, mingled with the scent he had been tracking for days. The scent of his kind. He eagerly pushed forward again, hope fluttering in his proud chest, that this time, he was in luck.
Nakai had never been without purpose. Whether it was the safe-keeping of his sisters, the teaching of his much younger siblings or the defending of the pack at the order of his alpha - he had always had purpose, a role to play in something much bigger than his own self. And it had been all he could ever ask for. His lack of vanity and ambition made him the ideal enforcer, a soldier to be commanded - and he was proud of it.
But now, hundreds of miles from his past life, solitary and without a home, he was growing increasingly weary by the minute. His descent from the ridge down onto the flat land where he could smell and see the ocean had been tiring, though being the fully grown male that he was, he would not complain. One paw at a time, he wandered on, the salt in the air like a siren-call to the male, a promise of new purpose in servitude that he so dearly hoped would be fulfilled. He stretched out his long limbs and tense shoulders, his thick grey coat rippling as he did so, before he picked up the pace and broke into a leisurely run across the flat landscape before his eyes.[/size]

[size=x-small]Should the this threat be in the wrong place, do feel free to move it and reprimand me.[/size]

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Kevlyn - December 17, 2014

I'm assuming Nakai hasn't been ICly accepted yet, since his rank is still To Be Determined, but is in their lands since he climbed down the cliffs. IC dramas are fun. :P

Kevlyn's growth spurt was beginning a couple weeks early, it seemed, as over the past few days he'd gained about six inches. His bones and joints ached, but it didn't bother the cub, who was proud of what was happening to him. His eyes had become a striking teal and his coat was lighter than when he'd been born, and now he was finally becoming a wolf who looked like a wolf. His nightly prayers, which were sent to no gods because Kevlyn didn't have any (Mother Sea and Mother Moon were not his gods, after all, and the Drowned One was still a mystery), centered around his desire to be a perfect specimen, and already he was noticing a trimming of his immense amount of fat.

Still, he was nowhere near the size of an adult wolf and had a good couple weeks of growing left to do before he was close—and several months of slow growth after that—so when he wandered down the strand and spotted a stranger leisurely making his way along the Nereides' beach, he wasn't foolish enough to rush the man alone. The growing pup barked sharply, his hairs and ears flying into sharp, aggressive peaks, as if to warn the stranger from taking another step, and then he tilted back his head, summoning the two best enforcers he could think of, since he hardly stood a chance alone: @Caiaphas and @Spyridon , the Alpha female and the Epivitoras respectively.

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - RIP Spyridon - December 17, 2014

Kevlyn's summons were heard, and Spyridon fled toward the spawn, his massive bulk taking each stride with ease. The danger was immediately obvious in the form of some strange male wandering their shore, and Spyro did not intend to simply look the other way. He had been trained to guard The Neredies, and guard he would. Without asking questions (which probably wouldn't be understood, anyway), Spyro barreled toward the stranger.

The Epivitoras had no intention of harming the male, especially considering that he looked healthy and fit, but he did plan to pin him down until Caiaphas arrived and was able to assess him at length. Spyro's jaws aimed for the male's scruff, and if he was successful, he would use the weight of his body to immobilize the beast. Kevlyn was more or less ignored for the time being, though Spyro planned on thanking him after the fact for his alert. It was a good sign, and it meant that Kevlyn would be molded into a fine consort as he grew.

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Caiaphas - December 17, 2014

When the sharp bark and entreating howl of the Nereides' youngest member accosted the cold landscape, Caiaphas froze. Being not so far from the thunderous shoal where high cliff met stark sea, the call came quite loudly. With a low growl reverberating in her throat the waif-like creature bombarded down the precarious precipice she had been perusing and threw herself into a headlong gallop towards the sound.

Kevlyn was not one to draw attention to himself, so the silver-tipped female took his summons most urgently. With cold air raw down her muzzle she issued a rebuking howl, her pace increasing in distance when not one, but three figures materialized into view on the sand. Spyridon, ever vigilant as always, had already strode forth to accost the creature -- Caiaphas could only follow behind him with fierce pride swelling in her bosom. She slowed to a lofty trot as the dark male fell upon Nakai, her gaze as cold and unconcerned as the sea that stood besides them. Sternly, Caiaphas regarded the male -- awaiting some sort of explanation as the wind whipped austerely about them.

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Nakai - December 18, 2014

[size=medium] Nakai's stroll down the unknown beach was, at first, an overwhelming experience for the adult male who had never seen the sea in person but only heard tales of it's vast expanse and imposing waves. His eyes were so fixated on the stark blue waters that at first, he did not notice the growing pup only a little ways further. When he did, he halted abruptly, ears peaking forward as tension overtook his posture. Where there were pups, there were adults, he deduced. Excitement took the backseat as the soldier in him tried to figure out how to approach this predicament though his thoughts were interrupted by a calling howl from the pups throat. Taking a step back, Nakai tensed further. He was taking a risk, and he knew it. There was no telling how the reaction to his invasion would turn out - no matter how benevolent and peaceful it had been.
Soon a blackish male, somewhat smaller than himself barreled towards him, ready to defend, much the way he himself would have acted were their positions reversed. In an attempt to appear friendly, he lowered his head and shoulders marginally but was caught off guard when the darker male pounced on him. He offered no resistance, sinking onto the ground, his belly flush against the rocky beach. He would show submission, he decided, though not yet vulnerability.
Thus, Nakai stayed put, head low, fluffy tail tucked and cowering underneath the exotic male. It was only then that he noticed the second arrival, a female as far as he could tell. Instinctively, his eyes fixed on her, as she stood a ways away.
"I do not bring ill intentions to you or your pack," he offered to the male, uncertain if his voice would be understood by this southern stranger. The different packs, he knew, spoke different languages, but it was the best he could do. The rest, he mused, his body language would have to do for him and he ducked his head further, a slight whimper escaping his throat.[/size]

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Kevlyn - December 18, 2014

He remained where he stood, a rigid gargoyle, when the unidentified male drew to a quick halt. The pair stared tersely at one another, with Kevlyn hunching his shoulders aggressively while Nakai tensed. The cub didn't need to somehow act alone, however, for Spyridon was quickly streaking past him. His head ducked automatically as the Epivitoras flew past and his ears pulled back into submission and relaxation as he prowled nearer, following in his mentor's wake.

The male crumpled under Spyridon like a ragdoll. That was probably good for him. He seemed to have common sense, which was nowhere near as good as having sound instincts but was a good deal better than having neither. He was an imperfect specimen, a wolf who could not tell he was trespassing in another's land. Nakai was therefore the sort of wolf that vain Kevlyn dismissed instantaneously, and he might have done just that if he wasn't so interested in the outcome.

Caiaphas was quick to join them, galloping onto the scene and slowing to a canter as she drew near. The male spoke, and Kevlyn, who was near enough to hear it and served no other purpose in this interception, repeated it in Greek: "λέει ότι δεν σημαίνει καμία ζημιά." Kevlyn squinted at Spyridon, then quietly added, "αυτός είναι ηλίθιος."

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - RIP Spyridon - December 18, 2014

The male beneath him went limp, which was a relief for Spyridon after what had happened with Nishu. At least this one had some sense, even if he had blatantly trespassed on Ankyra Sound's land. The trespasser spoke the common tongue, which was expected, and Kevlyn offered a translation. It seemed as though the intruder realized his stupidity as well as his mistake. Still holding the male's scruff in his jaws, Spyridon cast a quick glance to Caiaphas before releasing his grip. He was of no immediate threat, it seemed, but Spyro stood and hovered rigidly above the stranger, not willing to move until Caiaphas had ordered it to be done. If he attempted anything at all, Spyro would put him in his place once more.

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Caiaphas - December 18, 2014

The fierce female made no bid to join Spyridon as he detained the trespasser, though she caught his brief glance from out of her peripherals. Kevlyn was quick to supply a suitable translation for the dark-furred Epvitoras, in which Caiaphas found no inclination to translate further. She found it hard, however, to stifle the childish giggle that threatened to destroy her composure as she heard Kevlyn's last statement.

As Spyridon released the wolf and stood over him with the decorum one would expect from a soldier, Caiaphas looked at the wolf -- who remained meekly folded beneath the dark shadow. Unlike many he showed contrite repentance for his (assumed) inadvertent trespassing, though she was drawn to wonder if his faculties were fully functional given his lapse in judgement. Most wolves would have handled his faux pas with territorial aggression -- and were it not for the fact the Sound seemed to frequently harbor captives, Caiaphas likely would have entertained the idea of bloodshed. Unwilling just yet to condemn the stranger to the same fate Nishu had experienced, she spoke. "What do you bring, then?" She asked simply, though her attention turned to her companions. A wry, somewhat dark smile seemed to briefly play her countenance. τι νομίζετε , σύντροφοι ; While some Sisters may have found Caiaphas' inquiry to the consorts blasphemous, or her general manner of camaraderie with the males most offensive, Caiaphas did not -- a flaw in which many Nereides could certainly find most unsavory.

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Nakai - December 19, 2014

[size=medium] Their language caught him by surprise though it shouldn't have. Many a pack had their own tongue, this seemed little different. It sounded intriguing, complex and mysterious all at once and it annoyed him more than he had anticipated that he understood none of the words exchanged. His whimpering ceased and though he remained lying on the ground, Nakai raised his head as much as she dark male above him would allow. Careful not to seem aggressive but a little more confident, he turned his gaze first to the young pup and then to the female as she spoke. She seemed cautious, but assertive and the authority in her posture threw the grey-hued stranger slightly off balance. It was hard to miss, the unmistakable posture and countenance of a leader. He remained silent for a moment, considering her simple question before finally answering.
"I bring you a proposal," he began, shuffling slightly, the teeth in his scruff beginning to bother him. He was too large to remain in such a hunched position for long without cramping up. Despite the uncomfortable - and instable - situation, he needed to consider his answer carefully. He was outnumbered, in their territory, and currently not on top of the situation, however willing and tactical his submission had been.
"I've wandered many moons, from far up north and beyond these lands, in search of a new home and kin to live among. I know nothing of you and your kind, but grant me a new beginning and you will find that I'm a fast learner. Whatever your rules and traditions, I will adapt if you but give me guidance. And should you accept me as one of your own, you will have my unmatched loyalty."
He sighed slightly, ears twitching. He rarely spoke this much, but he reckoned that all of his diplomatic skill was necessary if these strangers were to accept his words as the truth he knew them to be.
"I'm utterly unsuited to solitary life. I require purpose. And this, is what I ask of you and your pack. Give me purpose, and I'll be your servant and soldier. This is my proposal."[/size]

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Kevlyn - December 19, 2014

Kevlyn was too young to be reasonable. He was easily molded by the touch of the sirens and Spyridon to be the wolf they wished him to be and was therefore strangely mature and knowing, but in practice he was stubborn, a true Ostrega. He clung to his belief that only perfect specimens should make it in this world, and those too broken to fit in be cast aside. The lone male was trying to bargain for his life, which was smart of him, but Kevlyn was too young to be reasonable about that, too.

"He is no good," Kevlyn said quickly in response to Caiaphas' question. "Κοιτάξτε πόσο μακριά στο σπίτι μας έχει έρθει." He glanced up at the cliffs that ringed the cove, knowing that there was only one way down those cliffs, and it required the male trespassing through a thick swath of forest and grassland that Ankyra Sound laid claim to. He would have trespassed into their borderlands, down their single path, and into the heart of their territory. Any wolf incapable of realizing their folly after spending that length of time in a pack's territory was likely to bring more trouble than he was worth, or at least that's what Kevlyn thought.

The adults were likely thinking of other factors, such as the pack's need for able bodies and the male's present submission and his tantalizing offer, but all Kevlyn was able to think of was just how stupid Nakai had to be to walk straight into claimed territory like it wasn't the worst offense in the world. "Αυτός θα μας φέρει τον κίνδυνο , σειρήνα βασίλισσα," the boy finished, turning his face away from the lone male as though disgusted by the very look of him (which, given Kevlyn's level of vanity, was very likely the case). If Nakai could trespass here, what would stop him trespassing elsewhere and inviting the ire of other packs? The law of the wolf should have stopped him here, but if it hadn't worked here, why would it work elsewhere, he wondered?

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - RIP Spyridon - December 28, 2014

Sorry for holding this up! I usually put joining threads first. >_<

Spyro listened to the drivel that spilled from the male's mouth. He did not know what was spoken, only that he spoke a lot. Those who spoke that much usually had very little substance to their words, Spyridon had found. Kevlyn's judgement was quick to put the man down, and considering Spyro could not understand a single word that spilled forth from the man's mouth, he could not exactly say that he was pleased with any trespasser. There was simply no excuse for it.

“Συμφωνώ με Kevlyn,” Spyro said, “Αν διαφεύγει τώρα, είναι πιθανό να το κάνει σε άλλους. Θα μας φέρει πολύ στενοχώρια.” If he was accepted as a consort, and he did this to another pack, it would only bring trouble to Ankyra Sound. “Τι είπε στην απολογία του;” Spyridon asked, not wishing to make a final judgement without more information.

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Caiaphas - January 01, 2015

The male brought forth a most interesting proposal -- though in Caiaphas' eyes, she felt the male had little choice to make in regards to his freedom. Her gaze turned to Kevlyn as he uttered valid points -- and frowning, she waited for Spyridon's answer.

Both were right -- this male proposed nothing more than trouble -- and with a lift of her upper lip she considered their options. The Sound was in dire need of members, and she knew despite the egregious mistake this wolf made, they were in no position to turn him away -- particularly without punishment. Χρειαζόμαστε κάθε σώμα που μπορεί να πάρει . She inferred -- her expression turning to the cowering wolf before them. δεν μπορούμε να τον διώξουν , όχι χωρίς να τον σκοτώσει . τον πάρει ως αιχμάλωτος - να του δώσει μια εβδομάδα . στο τέλος της δίκης του, αν δεν έχει αποδειχθεί άξιος μέλος , δείξτε του τα βράχια .

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Nakai - January 02, 2015

[size=medium]Understanding none of what was spoken, Nakai remained in a defensive though submissive position, waiting for an answer to his proposal. He knew that he was taking a risk and a big one at that. It was a gamble but one that he couldn't avoid if he was to end this existence without a purpose as a loner with no pack to call his own. His ears perked forward as he listened to the exotic language spoken around him. It was mythical and mystical to his untrained northern ears and he yearned to know the meaning of their utterances. But all the hopeful male could make out was the mood of the conversation and it was by no means as positive as he had hoped for. Sharp words that he understood none of were uttered, retorts made and a calm answer given. It sounded dangerously like the pup and the male currently keeping him in check were all but pleased at his presence. For a second, he had been convinced, that he black male was the alpha male of this pack but now, he was no longer sure that this was indeed the case. The way they all regarded the female, the one to which he had offered his proposition caused a sneaking suspicion to rise in the grey-coated male, that she held a place in rank above each of them, though which he did not know, even though he itched to learn.
He shuffled slightly, finally too uncomfortable in his hunched position, shoulders aching. Gently and slowly he rose to his full, impressive height, carefully as to not upset or surprise the male who still seemed ready to rip off his head should he prove a threat. Remaining perfectly still once he stood, he lowered his head slightly to project his submission to whatever their ruling. But he needed to know.
"Permission to speak?"[/size]

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Kevlyn - January 02, 2015

"Όπως θέλετε, σειρήνα βασίλισσα," said Kevlyn, lowering his head between his tousled shoulders and turning his gaze back to the felled trespasser. Caiaphas' word was law here even if she'd been the lowliest of females in the pack, and he was quick to let his ears fall respectfully back as she made her decree. Only when Nakai opened his mouth did his ears lift once more and he shot the trespasser a dirty glare.

"Captives don't talk," Kevlyn growled thickly, probably looking and sounding a little comical given how young he was and how serious he tried to sound. Whether it was comical or not, it was reality here, so Nakai would have to get used to that. Giving one last respectful dip of his skull to the Alpha female and Spyridon, and one last withering look at their newest captive, the pup turned and departed, sensing he was no longer needed here and that his energies would be appreciated elsewhere. Dealing with Nakai from this point onward was sensitive and better left in the hands of adults, no matter how unnervingly mature Kevlyn tended to act.

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - RIP Spyridon - January 02, 2015

“Κατανοητό,” Spyridon replied to Caiaphas, though when the other moved to get up, the consort was less than pleased. He spoke something else, perhaps a question, and Kevlyn responded in the common tongue. Still, Caiaphas had not given any instructions to take the captive down further, so Spyro allowed him to stand. Considering his queen could speak the common tongue, and Spyridon could not, she was likely the better candidate for telling him what was to be expected of him. Either that, or he would learn through bites and bruises.

Kevlyn turned and sauntered off, causing Spyro to pass him a fleeting glance before returning his gaze to Caiaphas and the stranger.

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Caiaphas - January 10, 2015

last post for me! ty for the thread!
Kevlyn's quick correction caused a small rimple of a smile to play thinly on her black muzzle - she watched him as he stalked off, the expression slowly waning. "Spyridon will show you where to stay." Without taking her eyes off the adolescent's retreating form, she spoke -- her voice somewhat distant as she considered what had just transpired.

With a departing glance in Spyridon's direction, Caiaphas too made her leave. She trusted the dark male completely to be able to handle Nakai if he proved a dissenter. Her last few thoughts as she quit their company, wry as it was, was that poor Spyridon would find trying to converse with the male quite taxing given their lack of a similar vernacular.

RE: The search for new purpose (Nakai's Introduction) - Nakai - January 15, 2015

[size=small]Thank you so much all of you![/size]

[size=medium] It was with an almost unbearably tensely coiled body that Nakai waited and watched the different actors in this act. The youngster's leave however did not phase the grown male in the slightest. It was the tiniest flash of a smile on the females features that put him on edge, even though he had not been the recipient of the gesture. When she spoke, the tension did not fade but remained untouched in his limbs. He took it, that the dark male who watched him still like a hawk, was the aforementioned Spyridon, a name as foreign to Nakai's boreal ears as the language that they had spoken just a few moments ago. A slight nod was all the allowed himself in terms of movement, before looking from the smaller male to the powerful female one last time.
"Very well."
When she turned and left, the tightly wound coil of his muscles and the hunched posture of his body relented a little and he allowed himself to shake off a little more of the tension before cautiously looking to his assigned caretaker, wondering if he would get along with the dark one who seemed to understand little to nothing of what he had said. So instead of speaking Nakai drew a deep breath and exhaled loudly before ducking his proud head to stay a little lower than the smaller male's in a show of subservience before prudently nudging his black coated shoulder with his own. He had been granted a chance at a future and it was one that he aimed to use to the fullest, no matter the cost.