Wolf RPG
Arrow Lake The Show Has Just Begun - Printable Version

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The Show Has Just Begun - Sen - December 17, 2014

Sen's still working toward her Outrider trade, so she's out to try a little recruiting if she can.
Would prefer lone wolves, but anyone can join. c:

It was a difficult terrain she'd found herself on, but far from unfamiliar. Growing up on a mountain range, she knew of dangers the lurched around the area, but nowadays didn't give them so much as a second thought. She was too arrogant for her own good, yet still found a way to be careful. How Sen managed to complete such a feat was a mystery—then again, what of the raven female couldn't come off as being mysterious? Hardly anything, that's what. She'd always made sure of that, finding an air of unknown to keep away any pests or unwanted guests. It wasn't the greatest repellent, often being the thing to draw others in while her personality and snarly attacks pushed them miles away.

Today, though, she found herself not in the presence of another with an intent to bother them, but alone instead. She hadn't noticed it at first, but the fact that her pack was relatively small was clear to her now. However unbearable Sen could be at times, she was still determined to work towards recruiting new members. If it meant playing nice and wearing false smiles, she was more than happy to do just that. The task would be difficult, but she didn't mind a bit of a challenge. Looking around, she suspected she should have chose a better place to start, but it was too late now. Her legs had already carried her to the area and through the sand, and the stubborn female had no intentions of returning empty handed; or at least without speaking to another.

RE: The Show Has Just Begun - Wyeth - January 05, 2015

Just because he pledged himself to Mara's pack didn't mean he was forbidden to explore the territory around it, except this time, he was not exploring the territory around Whitewater Gorge, he'd gone way further. Wyeth was sure he would be able to find his way back to the Gorge, the path he took was hammered firmly into his head. Memory was important for a spy and an assassin, the cinnamon agouti trained for both roles, he'd been good at them but he was hesitant in killing wolves he did not know so in the end he settled in being a warrior and a spy. Of course, when the pack needed help they would call him and he would get the job done, but his main was being a warrior. That was the best pack Tigerheart had ever been in, other than his natal one.

The agouti warrior eyed the ground carefully, this was a different terrain to those he'd been on before but he was no stranger to mountains and rocky places, the pack that trained him to have the skills of a spy and assassins main base was on a rocky terrain. It was difficult to get into and it killed many outsiders and soon to be invaders, only those with the skill made it in. The agility of a cat, the speed of a cheetah, the strength of a lion. They were not those animals, but they still made it in. It was also a test, the entrance, if you made it in, more often than not you were accepted.

Tigerheart made it through, obviously, and spotted the form of another wolf. Female, from her scent and cloaked in a pelt of dark ebony. He took a few steps forward, the sand reminding him painfully of his natal pack, but life had no time for regrets and he most certainly did not regret leaving, so he shoved it away. It crept back into his mind, as expected and he viewed it as a memory, something he missed but was glad to have left. The future held many things, after all, and some would be worse than the past, some would be better. He lived for the better.

Wyeth gazed at the dark form with a kind of stoic indifference, not a word escaping his maw.

RE: The Show Has Just Begun - Sen - January 05, 2015

At first, Sen had been far to busy doing absolutely nothing to realize another presence had appeared. She'd just been standing around, admiring the area and thinking of ways to act kinder towards other—or to at least pretend—but that was interrupted. Something pulled her gaze from the lake and sandy shore, dragging it over to the form of the new male. He just stood there, not seeming to hold any care, and hadn't said anything either. That was enough to get rid of the woman's idea of trying to be kinder, and she was brought back to her normal mindset and way of speaking. "Hey," she voiced. "What brings you here, cinnamon stick?" One of the lamest names she could come up with, but the wolf wanted to act fast and that seemed to pop right into her mind. What a cinnamon stick was, she'd hadn't the slightest idea, but it sounded as if it could fit him well. If it didn't, well, it's just be another mistake she'd never admit to. After all, Sen and mistakes never went together in her head.

Turning around completely so her back was no longer to the other lupine, she allowed a small smirk to form across her maw. She was probably just digging herself into a hole, but reforming her entire being no longer seemed appealing. Sen was, more or less, a creature of habit, and trying to change in the blink of an eye just wasn't going to cut it.

RE: The Show Has Just Begun - Wyeth - January 08, 2015

He watched with fierce golden green eyes as the swarthy female turned and looked at him, she spoke a greeting, then proceeded to call him cinnamon stick. What the fuck was a cinnamon stick? Sorry girl, but that name is so lame. Wait, that rhymed dude. Wyeth shook his thoughts away, refusing to have a conversation with his own conscious. Cause that was plain stupid and he wasn't as weird and lame as the dark amber eyed girl over there. He watched, expression never changing as a smirk touched her lips.

Kay, dafuq was happening?

I have a name, and so do you. I prefer if you introduce yourself so I won't be talking to a stranger with no name, he allowed the faintest shadow of a smile to touch his own lips. I'll tell you mine so it won't be unfair, obviously he would tell her his nickname after she introduced herself.

Also, he was acting weird today and he had no idea why.

RE: The Show Has Just Begun - Sen - January 08, 2015

Apologies for the shortness/suckiness. Muse had been on the rocks.

The corner's of the female's mouth twitched a bit, as if a frown was trying to form, but she mentally batted it away. She didn't get a reaction from the male, which was disappointing, but she wasn't about to let that get to her. He had, instead, suggested she introduce herself, and even mentioned he would do the same. Sounded boring, like most introductions were, but she didn't not answer. "Name's Sen," she told him, her previous smirk falling from her features. Those showed enjoyment on some level, and she was no longer enjoying herself. It appeared as if this wolf, whoever he was, would be just another uneventful encounter for Sen, leaving her with nothing to rejoice in afterwards. All in all, it seemed it would be as lame as her 'cinnamon stick' comment.