Wolf RPG
All hail the Glow Cloud - Printable Version

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All hail the Glow Cloud - Crescendo - December 18, 2014

Crescendo smelled the boundarys of another pack, but he was too tired to care. His wounds had stopped their seemingly endless bleeding, but the pain didn't. He took no heed, for he was a wolf that had gone through a lot of pain and not given up. He quickened his pace, for the scent of wolves was increasing. He would lope through, and no one would notice.

He hoped.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Silverfeather - December 18, 2014

Silverfeather stiffened as the smell of a lone wolf met her nose. Lone wolf and blood. She had been a member of the bypass for only a few days, but already she was protective of it.

Swing her nose back and forth, she tracked the lone wolf's trail. A sliver of icy fear trickled down her spine when she saw the huge, blood wolf, but she pushed it away.

She , at a fast lope, trailed the huge, dark stranger, making sure he never heard her. With a snarl, she leaped in front of the wolf. "How dare you tresspass upon our lands." She growled, her rage hidden beneath her smooth and cold speech. Her eyes were fixated upon him, demanding an answer. To herself she though of a chance to prove herself to her pack.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Crescendo - December 18, 2014

Crescendo sighed. Well f*ck. "Oh, is this your territory?" he asked sweetly, trying to look confused. "So very sorry. I'l just go now" Very slowly and steadily, he walked away. A smirk was on his face. Stupid wolf. Stupid pack. Stupid territory.

He laughed quietly, sneaking a glance over his shoulder at the female. She was so small, he could crush her with a paw. He slowed even more, still laughing.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Silverfeather - December 18, 2014

Silverfeather stood, stuned, by the wolfs answer. Then exactly what he had said sunk in, and her rage increased. With a snarl, she lunged at the wolf, instinct driving her teeth toward his neck. Her claws propelled her across the wolfs back, and she could feel them digging into his hide. The scent of blood drove her on, she would not stop until this idiot was dead.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Crescendo - December 18, 2014

Tiny blossoms of pain in his back, then an explosion of pain in his neck. He was not laughing anymore. He let out a howl of rage and pain, then twisted to the side and grabbed the females paw in his trap like jaws. His canines broke the skin easily, blood fueling his rage, and he heard the satisfying sound of cracking bones.

The black wolf was a nightmare now, his magnificent pelt covered in blood and earth. His eyes were the scariest part, glisting with an emotion that could only be described as humorus rage. For his eyes seemed to laugh and scream at the same time.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Silverfeather - December 18, 2014

Silverfeather yowled in pain through clenched teeth, her grip only intensifying. With a snarl, she gave one last clamp before jumping away from the wolf, panting. She held her paw up to her chest, unable to stop a small whimper. Hot claws of pain lased up her leg, and her rage died down slightly. "Get off our territory" She snarled, her voice full of hate. Not giving him a chance to respond, she slashed her claws across his face. "Now"

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Crescendo - December 19, 2014

Crescendo felt the swing of claws across his face, tearing flesh. He was beginning to rethink this, but growled anyway. This wolf's paw meant she could not run, so a chance for him. But as his rage ebbed slightly, a wave of dizziness so strong it almost knocked him of his feet. He cursed loudly, bloodloss was making him weak. But he hated losing to such a small wolf...he stood there, staring at her.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Silverfeather - December 19, 2014

Silverfeather shook her head. This wolf was thick. His eyes unerved her slightly, but she stared straight into their depths. She limped toward him, eyes still fixated on him. "Leave, before I have to kill you" She whispered softly, her pelt and tone still. "Go"

She did not want to drag any more pack members into this, she could handle this on her own. Luckily the wolf was so weak. She aimed a few more swipes at him, hoping to help him make up his mind.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Crescendo - December 19, 2014

Crescendo was not going to lose to the smaller wolf. Although, perhaps he already had, just refused to acknowledge it. Blood was pouring from multiple wounds, his neck was on fire, and he was dizzy from blood loss.
Without a sound, he darted forward again, going for the paw. snapped shut, after a seconds hold he shook his head and took of, going as fast as his wounds would alow, which was painully slow.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Silverfeather - December 19, 2014

Silverfeather gasped as another burst of pain emited from her paw. His steel like jaws enclosed her paw for only a minute, but it hurt like hell. She roared and attacked the male, making him quicken his pace. Soon the scent markings were in sight, and she stopped and watched him disapear into the woods, the shadows swallowing him.

She let out a whimper, then began to limp back to camp.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Crescendo - December 20, 2014

Crescendo glowered at the trees. His eyes were narrowed in angry slits, and he hated himself for losing against such a weak opponent, wishing her dead. One day, he would have to seek her out and finish her off. One day. But for now, he had to grow stronger, heal his wounds. Sadly, he would have to lay low for a while, find a pack that would accept him.

But if there was one thing Crescendo didn't do, it was let revenge go unpayed. He would be back. And he would be angry.

RE: All hail the Glow Cloud - Silverfeather - December 20, 2014

She glanced over her shoulder to see the brute staring at a tree. "Idiot" she mused. "He will be crow food soon enough." She cautiosly lay down and begun tending to her paw, cleaning the blood and dirt from it. Even through the pain, she felt content. She had drove off her first intruder.