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A Long Day - Printable Version

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A Long Day - Rain - December 18, 2014

@Nishu Inte but others are welcome to come for a stroll as well!

Now that everything was settled with Amekaze and Rain's wounds are on the mend, she feels that Nishu should probably be shown around the Sunspire. It won't do for him to get lost somewhere if she needed him to search something or someone out for her. She sniffs the far north boarders where they stand now, placing her own scent marker. Ahead of them towers Mount Apikuni and to the right she knows is Swiftcurrent Creek. She informs her charge of them. "I need to reach Swiftcurrent soon," she tells the darker grey male, trying to pick out the boarders of Swiftcurrent from their place by the Mountain base, but it is too far. "I spoke with one of the wolves there who wants to help relations between our packs. I guess I should figure out why relations are so bad in the first place." She sighs turning away to trot eastward. She would have to bother Amekaze again for the information and does not wish to.

Looking at Nishu, she asks him with a flick of her ear, "
Is there anything specific that you would like to know? Any place you wish to see?" She is enjoying this early morning stroll along the Mountain base, the crisp air making her feel energetic. She always woke with the sun, but stayed up well past when it set. The night is as beautiful as the day, even more so when the moon is full. She hopes there will be a full moon soon.

RE: A Long Day - Nishu Inte - December 18, 2014

[size=x-small]Ahh Them morning strolls, Classic and nice :P[/size]

Nishu managed to recover well, Soon enough the injuries he had will only be a simple memory. He had thought about starting some early morning training but he wasn't sure where he could go to practice and test himself. Instead he decided that he would explore bit before moving on to morning training. Of course it was also important to know when Rain rises up in the morning. As it turned out, she gets up just nearly at the same time he does. That gave very little training time, He would have to find the time some place else during the day.

It was a chance to get to know both the land and Rain. Which lead to a nice stroll around the mountain base. Nishu while listening to Rain he watched his surroundings closely, seeking interesting landmarks or an area to train at. "I'll be joining you if seek to travel once more, I'm sure I'll be able to assist you on the matter." He said before answering her question.

"I'd be interested in knowing if there is a specific place to train at. It's important to maintain your strength." Then he thought about what else he could ask. He thought about the different beliefs he encountered and wondered if Sunspire it's self had it's own beliefs. "I'm curious about what kind of faith your pack has. I may have been able to stay out of trouble if I had tried to learn more of the way the wolves of Ankyra Sound worked. They might be thinking I was a bad Knight for not knowing better." He said calmly. Then he turned to look at Rain. The morning didn't seem bad, the difference was he was no longer near the sea and that he was with wolves that he felt better suited to be with, for now.

RE: A Long Day - Rain - December 19, 2014

Well thank you! :3

Nodding her gratitude at his offer to assist her with Swiftcurrent, she listens to Nishu while thinking of places that he may want to train. "There's a valley, I'm not sure of the name, over the bit of the Mountain ahead of us. If you keeping walking east on the mountain, you'll be at upper arrow lake," she informs the dark grey male, her breath fogging the crisp morning air. "On the west side of the Mountain there is another valley, Northstar Vale, but with trees to one side." Ice blue eyes glance around while she keeps her nose to the ground. Since Swiftcurrent is hostile with them she has to remain alert on this side of the Sunspire.

Rain picks up the pace, tail wagging. She has found the path that leads up this part of the Mountain that will lead them over and down to the unnamed valley. Following the edge off the Mountain that surrounds the valley, they can make their way to the hidden path to Upper Arrow Lake. She loves to see the lake at sunrise when the sun's orange rays causes the lake to shimmer. It is a dangerous path down to the water due to the cliffs that surround it, but Rain knows a semi-safe way to the bottom. "
As far as I know, this pack has no beliefs as a whole," she answers while slipping around large rocks. "We protect, defend, and help each other. We don't need outlandish beliefs like Ankyra." A large rock huddling beneath the ledge of a cliff gives her a step up. She quickly jumps on the boulder, and then to the top of the cliff. Turning, she gazes down at Nishu calling, " We can travel outside the boarders if you wish as well. There are several unclaimed lands around us." Rain looks behind her adding, "I'm leading you to the valley and lake as we speak." She hopes they will make it to Upper Arrow while the sun still rises, not wanting to miss such a glorious sight. Gazing back down at Nishu, she also hopes that he will enjoy it as much as she does.

RE: A Long Day - Nishu Inte - December 19, 2014

Nishu listened as she explains what was around the territory. A valley with an unknown name? It sounded like a nice place to check out. Perhaps him and Rain could give it a name if none were found. He wondered if they could call it 'Nishu Valley'. With that name it should help him be more known, or atleast help a bit. Before even thinking about it he should check it out first.

He followed Rain at her pace. He was glad to know there wasn't any special beliefs. That meant no strange rules to follow, he could live with that. 'We protect, defend, and help each other.' Those words sounded the same as for Knights. It made him wonder why they don't themselves as Knights. He's sure Rain would make a great a Knight.

It became a little harder to follow Rain at her speed when she went by a couple large rocks. Then she leapt on one to reach top of the cliff. He looked at her as she gazes down at him. "So I don't have to worry about rituals here right?" He chuckled. "Rituals don't make much sense, I'm glad I don't have to take part in them anymore." Then he jumped onto the large stone that was used as a steping stone. "Anything special about the places you are taking me?" he asked before joining her on the cliff. He grined at her, it wasn't that hard to keep up but it sure was a good execise.

RE: A Long Day - Rain - December 19, 2014

Lightly laughing at Nishu's question about rituals Rain comforts, " No, you don't have to worry about that." He jumps up next to her then, using the rock to climb as she had. "Well," she starts when he inquires about the place they are going. "It is where I met my first friend, Mara. It is also a very calm and beautiful scene." Looking thoughtful, she continues across the top of the ledge. "You will know what I mean when you see it." Having reached the other side, the view in front of them now is a nice sight. Looking over the unnamed valley, it is covered in fog and shadowed by the mountain. Beyond the rocky cliffs on the other side of the valley she can glimpse the form of Silvertip Mountain.

Searching around the rocks, Rain tries to pick out the small path that will lead them safely down to the bottom. "
Upper Arrow Lake is surround on all sides by the mountain such as this valley. There is a twin of this valley with no name too, that lies to the left of this one.." Tail wagging, she finds the path and slowly moves downward. Bits of rock and dirt scatter from beneath her pads, tumbling over ledges and boulders. She glances wearily at the distance between them and the ground. "The Sunspire, if you think about it, is like a tree with roots spreading along the land." Sliding a little, Rain stops to steady her footing. "The Sunspire is nothing but dangerous cliffs and drops. It differs from my homeland for there were trees and not very many cliffs on the mountain. The dangers we had to worry about were cougars."

Crunching beneath her paws and water clinging to her silver fur greets her at the bottom. Snow layers the unknown valley. When the sun is higher in the sky this place will sparkle. She plans for Nishu to see it on their way back from the lake. The Sunspire is a glorious home, she is proud of its beauty. She sits while waiting for the dark grey male to reach her, gazing over the snow with a soft smile. There were no prints, the surface smooth as a cloudless sky. "
Many do not come here and possibly no one visits its twin," Rain calls up, not removing her eyes from the hidden beauty.

RE: A Long Day - Nishu Inte - December 20, 2014

A beautiful scene? The last one he could remember was when he looked at the sea while the sun sets. It was a place where it made thinking was easy. The area she is bringing him should be able to replace that. Just getting there could take part as training since he realised that getting around wasn't easy. He looked down onto the valley. Being able to see alot was always great. It made it somewhat easier to know what's around and it made it much harder to be ambushed.

Nishu continued to follow Rain , He made sure to move the same way she did. The more and more they go through the more he realises that traveling around here is actually dangerous. He almost lost his balance but cought himself before falling. "The cliffs are just as dangerous as The Sound it seems. One wrong step and It may end badly. It's nothing I can't handle though."

Upon reaching the bottom his paws buried themselves in the snow. "I've already encountered some feline creatures myself, Two members of The Sound wanted to get rid of those theives. If I wasn't there in time I'm sure the battle would have ended badly for both parties." He said before talking about the unnamed valleys. "If we are the first to visit then it will be up to us to name it. Hopefully there is something special there that would make it worth visiting." He said as he walked next to her. He looked over the snow, It would appear untouched by any creatures. It made him want to run through it since they were the first.

RE: A Long Day - Rain - December 21, 2014

"I guess we could name them, but what?" She mulls the thought over as Nishu makes his way down. What could they name the twin valleys? Being near the Sunspire she would think to call them something similar. "The Twin Spire Valleys?" Rain suggests. She likes the sound of it, but it doesn't seem very creative. Did it really need to be though? Looking along the bottom of the Mountain, Rain starts forward again. She tires to consider other names, but nothing comes to mind. She's stuck on the first name that she could come up with. "So I take it that your fight with the cats went well then? I hope no one was terribly injured." Knowing the vicious Sound, she can't believe too many of them would have any major wounds. The cats on the other paw were probably dead or close to it. "You are quite the Knight." She flicks an ear, admiring the brief story. "Coming in to save the day." She smiles at her last comment, feeling happy for his heroic deed.

About a forth of the way down, Rain squeezes herself between two cliffs where the next trail is. She pokes her head back out calling, "
We'll be coming back this way, but we need to hurry." She is worried that he won't be able to see the glimmering lake. Frowning she bounces from ledge to ledge, heading back up. "Mind your step" she cautions, nearly slipping herself.

At the top, the view takes her breath away like it had the first time. Ledges and cliffs toss shadows over each other to give a calm and peaceful enclosed feeling. The still lake below sparkles, casting dancing patterns of light over the rocks. The water is cryrstal clear, the bottom is a layer of dark brown rocks and boulders. Reflections of the surrounding cliffs are mirrored on the smooth surface of the water. On the far side, the cliffs slightly open to combine Upper Arrow Lake with Lower Arrow Lake. She can't see beyond the pass,but red of the rising sun sets the background in flame. Sitting she forcefully tears her gaze from the beauty to watch Nishu's reaction when he reaches her.

RE: A Long Day - Nishu Inte - December 21, 2014

The difficulty of getting around increased. After going down it was going back up. If Nishu wasn't physically fit there would be no way he would be able to keep up with Rain. Good thing it wasn't the case, Nishu was proud of himself for that. As he jumped from one of the ledges upward it cracked, making a few small rocks break off. He looked back at the damage, It wasn't that bad. It still looked like they can use it once it was time to return.

Once Rain had stopped at the top he walked next to her, watching her at first. Then the scene it's self sparkled to get his attention. He looked and remained calm. He eyed each detail he saw. The sparkling lake, the cliffs and ledges combined with the rising of the sun. Something felt magical about it. The sea had it's own scene but seeing this made that scene will like it was incomplete. Even if it comes with a bit of danger it was well worth the risk.

"It's like the land it's self had awaken in high spirits. In a way if feels like a blessing to be..." Then was interrupted by the sparkle in Rain's blue eyes as he looked at her. It felt different from the other times he seen her eyes. He couldn't find anyway to explain what he felt about it. Without really thinking he finished his phrase. "Here.. with.. you." He said slowly. Then realising what he said he turned away to look at the scene believeing that he made a mistake. "I mean it's nice of you to share this location with me, this is a great place to wake up to." He said as eyes couldn't find something to lock on to. He didn't understand why he said 'here with you' instead of just 'here'. Mistakes like that aren't allowed, he needed to make sure to control his words better.

RE: A Long Day - Rain - December 27, 2014

Rain overlooks Nishu's mistake, not thinking much on it. She is more focused on the fact that he had liked the lake. "It's truely beatiful." She glances back out at the water with a relaxed sigh. Sitting she tells him, "It's one of my favorite places to be, this is only the second time i've been able to come here. Not long after I met Mara, I was sent to report on all the packs." She smiles at the thought adding, "I want to be respected here and I will work hard to gain that respect. If I can be a successful ambassador for the Sunspire then all the packs will know me and I will have a voice and many friends."

She stays silent for a moment, enjoying the moment with her new charge. While she is still here, Rain wishes to be able to visit this place often. "
Can you tell me more about yourself, Nishu?" She ventures hesitantly. "All I know is that you are a knight and you are trying to be known. But what about your past? Where are you from? Where is your family?" She hopes that she hasn't gone too far by asking him these more personal questions.

RE: A Long Day - Nishu Inte - December 27, 2014

He nods as she tells him about her desire to be a successful ambassador. In a way what she wanted was nearly the same as what he wanted. She had already made lots of progress by meeting all the packs. While Nishu had only encountered a few wolves that were not from the Sound he could barely remember them. He doesn't even know which pack they were from. Compared to Rain he was far behind. The thought ruined the mood, He was just going to have to try harder. But even that frustrated him a little more since he didn't know if that would change anything.

Nishu hesitated on answering her question. He didn't mind talking about his past but he didn't want to share the reason why he is here now. He had to give her some sort of answer so he did. "I can tell you that both my parents were Knight themselves but were both very different. My mother was very resourceful and intelligent while my father remained as one of the best fighter I have ever known. Together their strength was unmatched, well so I heard but it was easy to see that they were stronger together." He said as he slowly clawed the rocky ground in front of him. His parents were well known to all who were in and near his homeland. Being their son he was expected to be just as strong as them, some believed that Nishu would be stronger than his parents. Which is why he was able to train with may different teachers.

"All of those in and around my homeland to the very very far south expect me to be just as good as the two. Which is why I seek to be known here but that became harder when no one knows what Knights are." He remained silent for a little moment then he looked at Rain with a grin. "That means If I succeed here then there is no doubt that I am as good of a Knight as they are. An added difficulty will only make victory even better." With that said he recovered his usual mood and his faith in himself. He can do it even if he was behind a bit. If he couldn't then what kind of Knight would he be? He was the son of two famous Knights so anything can be done he if sets his mind on it.

RE: A Long Day - Rain - December 27, 2014

"Your parents sound like great wolves." She watches Nishu scratch at the ground and feels a touch of sadness for him. From how he worded it, she can guess that he may have been raised by someone else. "I think you are following in their footsteps fairly well." She gives him a small smile, nudging him with her nose. "I'm certain that you will be known here. Before you know it, wolves will be seeking you out for your services." Rain really belives that to be the case, but knows it will take a lot of time to get to that point and a lot of work.

Turning, she makes her way to a cliff over looking one of the twin valleys. The sun is almost at the right height, and though she does not believe this sight to be as glorious as the lake, it is still a marvelous one. "
You'll want to see this as well," she tells him over her shoulder. Once the sun finally makes it over the cliffs of the lake it will shine it's glory over all the valley causing it to shimmer. A low fog still lay over the bottom, but Rain doesn't believe that it will hinder the view.

She secretly looks over Nishu's strong form thinking that he really is a handsome wolf. Images of Saber and Mordecai enter her mind, they were handsome males as well, but they lacked Nishu's determination. She wonders if either one of them had goals to match her charge' s, but doubts it. His Knightly goals were of valor, honor, and strength. Of duty and glory. It is definitely more than most and something to be admired.

RE: A Long Day - Nishu Inte - December 27, 2014

Rain's faith in him killed any negative moods but it made him think about what would happen after he was known. "I never actually thought about that, once wolves start coming to me how could I possibly serve them all. No matter how great I'll become I am still just one Knight in the region.." He said calmly, finding this to be a future problem. He knew he needed to come up with some kind of plan but there was no solution that came to mind. Were there any way to have more Knights around? He wondered.

Nishu nodded and followed Rain to the next sight. The angle of the sun made the valley shine which is likely due to water droplets hanging around out there. The view distracted him from his future problem. "Waking up to these views is a good way to start a day. Maybe there is a den or a small cave nearby. Wouldn't it be nice to pass by these areas before starting the day with little effort?" He said as he looked a Rain. Seeing her eyes was something he enjoyed but he was starting to see a little be more than that.

He felt relaxed and stood by her. Gazing back onto the view his future problem came back to mind. Still puzzled with it he decided to ask Rain if she had an idea. "Is there a way serve more wolves at once? Being the only Knight here might not be enough. Having more Knight around would be great if that day ever comes but there isn't anyone here that was thought the ways of the Knights besides me. and Knight training usually starts at a very young age. Not just anyone can call themselves a Knight.." He asked while thinking out loud. He probably shouldn't have bothered asking Rain for some kind of solution but he was preoccupied and didn't think about that.

RE: A Long Day - Rain - December 28, 2014

Thinking over Nishu's statement she says, "I don't know of any caves around here, but if you find one it would be a perfect place for you to stay." They could search along the mountain's roots. She would even want to stay herself if they found one.

Looking out across the valley, an idea starts rolling through her mind. She doesn't know if Nishu would approve, especially since it sort of went against his ways, but if he did agree, it would be perfect for his Knights. "
You could start a pack and train Knights under you," she whispers into the air, her breath fogging around her words. "It would be hard to start, but you could do it. Then every pack in this area could benefit. You would have the number of wolves you needed." He could form his own ranking system, create his own set laws. Give out deeds for wolves who wish to advance in the pack. It would be wonderful and she would love to be a part of it. Sadness fills her. She could never leave the Sunspire, she is completely devoted to this pack. But if Nishu did create a pack, then she wanted to help it succeed.

Another idea smacks her in the face and she grins suddenly saying, "
Or you could talk with all the lone wolves around here and if they like the idea of Knighthood, then you could train them. Unfortunately, I don't believe you will be able to bring back the Knights with pups alone. You will have to do the best you can with what you can find." This scenario she could help with. She could speak with loners that she came across while doing her ambassador duties to the Sunspire. She could remain loyal to them with no interference, but which will Nishu choose? She flicks an ear, from her standpoint the loners would be more convenient for her, but a pack was more steady and he would be able to do more. She waits for his reply with a turmoil of feelings lingering behind her icy eyes. If he agreed to the pack, what would she do?

RE: A Long Day - Nishu Inte - December 28, 2014

Starting a pack of Knights did sound like a good idea but it was complicated. At the very least Nishu could teach them the basics but that was about it. He nodded after hearing the idea. "I could start a pack of Knights but I'm not sure if I'm experienced enough to have the teachings necessary for it. Your idea is an answer." He said as he continued thinking about it.

Recuiting lone wolves may be the final piece to make it possible but Nishu didn't like the idea. All Knights that he known had all started at a young age and there was a reason for it. Adults are likely to be corrupted and may not actually learn what was suppose to be learned. While young wolves who have not been touched by darkness can be tought to be strong and to avoid corruption.

"Finding lone wolves may not give good results. They can be tought to take on the role of a Knight but the chances are they can never be true Knight. Adults are more likely to abuse the title than to honor it which is why pups or young wolves are prefered since they have more of a chance of becoming a true honorable Knight." Then he realised that they were talking about his problem which shouldn't be a concern to Rain. "Well, thank you for giving me some ideas but currently I'm your Knight, I should be the one helping you instead. We should try seeking an idea of where your sister could be located, That is my main task." He said as he sat up straight. It wasn't time to deal with future problems but atleast now Nishu was aware of it.

RE: A Long Day - Rain - December 30, 2014

I keep wanting to type like Grimnir xD

She doesn't understand his need for young wolves, but figures she doesn't need to. This was his quest, she is only trying to help him. Rain nods to Nishu as he changes topics. She knows that he is right about thinking of ideas to find her sister. She still wants to help Nishu figure out his problem with the knights though. It would be wonderful to have them in the Teekon Wilds. "I guess you're right, but where would we start?" She still needs to talk to Amekaze about Swiftcurrent and her next mission. She also wants to speak to the alpha about learning to be a healer since their current one has disappeared. "I will be going out again to travel the packs, so we can ask around. But I was hoping to stay in the Sunspire for a little bit."There were still pack mates to meet.

She begins to make her way back down the cliffs to the valley. "
If you wish to go out and start looking, then go ahead. I need to remain here. Just if you leave, I would like to hear from you after a day." She doesn't want to admit that if he stays out any longer than that then she will begin to worry about him. He wouldn't want her worry either. Nishu is strong, he can take care of himself.

RE: A Long Day - Nishu Inte - December 30, 2014

[size=x-small]Nishu is the light that will shine darkness away! so you cant xD[/size]

"I would suggest going to the last place she was last seen. Then start searching for clues and hopefully finding her afterwards. But the more time that has gone by the less likely we will find anything there unless she came back to visit that spot." He said calmly. He had already thought about what plan of action he would take the only problem was that he couldn't do it on his own since he has really no idea who Ryuu is. Only Rain would be able to seek her out effectively so it was best to remain at her side.

Nishu had already started wondering around the mountain every once in a while when he could but there was little to no chance of finding Rain's sister here and he doubt that she was close by. "I'm sure we would have found your sister already if she was close. I don't plan on leaving you alone for more than a day unless an exceptional task comes up. And I'll never be too far from you." He said as he followed her. Staying here until winter was over was his preferred plan but he was ready to move out if Rain was ready.

RE: A Long Day - Rain - December 30, 2014

if anything starts to sound like grim, please let me know so i can change it. This switching thing is something i need to get used to now.

There is a problem with going to the last spot that Ryuu was seen. "The last time I saw my sister was outside of the Teekon Wilds," Rain admits to him. "Somehow Ryuu always manages to find me though. I thought that she may end up here eventually..." She jumps into the soft snow at the bottom of the cliffs with a frown. All they can do really is to continue going around to the packs when Amekaze sends her off. "I'm sorry if I mislead you," she apologizes sincerly.

Nishu tells her that he doesn't want to be too far away from her. Even though she knows it is only his duty that makes him say this, she can't help but feel that maybe that wasn't the only reason. She sighs to herself over the wishful thinking. A fool only sits and wonders what could be and not what is. She tosses her head back and forth to clear it. "
There are a few people I wish to meet. Do you care to join me?"

RE: A Long Day - Nishu Inte - December 30, 2014

[size=x-small]If you want you can join in the thread I'll start with Vienna :P and no worries I warn you if something is off about Rain. [/size]

Following Rain down the cliff into the snowy bottom Nishu attempts to comfort her by saying "Even if it takes a life time for her to appear I will continue to be your Knight until that day. Within that time you have my protection. It doesn't matter how long it takes to me as long I continue to forfill my duties as a Knight." He tried to imagine what would happen if her sister never did show up. He won't give up but a whole life time did seem much. In his mind that didn't really matter, He has to honor the contract so as long as he is doing that then he is in the right path.

Since Rain had been out for a while it's normal that there was catching up to do between wolves. Although Nishu wasn't used to the idea of meeting wolves he knew that it was better to do so. "I'll join you. I must interact with more with others. I dont want to end up getting tossed off the cliff again." He said in a slightly joking matter. But he was actually a bit worried about that happening again. He wanted to remove that risk.