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Blacktail Deer Plateau Some turn to dust or to gold - Printable Version

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Some turn to dust or to gold - Dante RIP - December 19, 2014

aw for anyone who wants a Dante thread! He needs to get movin on his last trade lols

Dante had been putting a bit more energy of late to once more honing his gamekeeping skills. He did his fair share of hunting, of course, but it always seemed when he tried for further game or trickier catches, his other duties got in the way, be it intruders or his own packmates' needs. He didn't mind (minus the intruders) but it made him question at times if gamekeeper was the best choice for him.

Truth of the matter was though the pack needed more and his size made him a good candidate. And whatever the pack needed he had to try to deliver. So he set to getting some work in.

Currently he was standing at the edge of one of the creeks that cut through the plateau. He thought back to his time with Julooke so long ago and how she had taught him to fish. Or tried to. He intended to give it another go. With careful movements he entered the water, then stood silently, watching the water run by.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Kesuk - December 19, 2014

Hope you don't mind me joinin :)

The one thing Kesuk probably disliked the most was the water. So be it raging river, or a tiny creek, the earth pelted girl did not like it. But today, that's exactly where she was. Having rejoined the pack only a short time ago, she had been making her way back over the territory, relearning the paths and hideouts the plateau had to offer.

She had been walking along the bank of a small creek when she spotted movement up ahead. Padding closer, she recognized the shape of her Alpha, Dante. He was partly submerged in the water and seemed to be concentrating very hard on the moving ripples in front of him.

He must be fishing. she figured, shivering at the thought. The last time she had tried to fish, it had not ended well. Knowing that what he was attempting took a lot of focus, she didn't know what to do. Should she go say hi and make him loose his concentration, or should she just sit and watch like a weirdo stalker. Deciding that it would be better to not look like a stalker, the chocolate hued she-wolf padded a little closer, cleared her throat quietly, and bowed her head in a respectful greeting. Hopefully that would be a good compromise.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Dante RIP - December 23, 2014

Dante thought back on the teachings he'd recieved, trying to remember exactly what they were. He stood in position with the sun, as she'd spoken, and with paws planted firmly, stance wide. Had there been more? He couldn't recall. This would have to do. He noted Kesuk's arrival and gave a glancing smile of acknowledgement her way, then continued looking. After a few moments a flash caught his attention and he snapped at it, hitting the water with a splash as he did so. It was too soon, the timing off, and he didn't even touch the creature. Now thoroughly soaked, he laughed.

"So much for that idea. I think I'll have the fish laughing at me by the end of this." He said her way, climbing out of the river a little ways down so as not to splatter her as he shook water from his pelt. He would still come practice though. It was a skill he wished to hone. "Any pointers from the sidelines?"

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Kesuk - December 26, 2014

Kesuk smiled and suppressed a laugh when Dante came up empty and soaking wet. It looked like he was just as hopeless at fishing as she was.

"Oh definitely not! I am so terrible at fishing, last time I tried I almost drowned." she assured him. She most definitely was the last wolf anyone should ask for help with fishing.

The only good thing that came out of the last time was the fact that she met Koda. He was a great fisher. The chocolate-pelted girl smiled to herself as she remembered when she first saw him.

"But don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it." she encouraged, smiling at her leader.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Dante RIP - January 03, 2015

Dante have her a small laugh. "Seems some of us just were made for land," he said, staring ruefully at the now rather empty waters around him. He would continue to practice though. It was a good source of food and he would never count out something so important. For now the cold was seeping into his legs. Pushing through the water, he climbed out, shaking water of his legs one by one.

"Maybe another try later," he said with a shrug and a smile. Then he recalled something, and a grin lit his face. "Congratulations to you and Koda, by the way! Good news! I'm glad you sound some happiness." It was nice to have some happy couples in the Plateau again. Such solidified relationships could only strengthen them. "You are doing well here since your return?"

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Kesuk - January 06, 2015

She nodded, a smile gracing her features once again. Since she had come back to the Plateau, everything had been going great. Not only had she and Koda made their mateship official, as Dante had mentioned, but she was settling in well, and even working towards a trade.

"Thanks, me and Koda are really happy." she confirmed. "I've been settling back in great and I feel much more at home this time around." she spoke, her tail wagging a bit behind her. Maybe it was the change in leadership, or maybe it was being with Koda, but either way, the dark furred female felt very content and secure with her life in the pack.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Dante RIP - January 12, 2015

"That is very good to hear!" Dante's tail waved happily. He could only be content if his wolves were content, and he finally felt as though they were moving to a place where they could be. A sort of tranquil, happy aura of expectation had settled over the lands as opposed to the heavy awkwardness that had been present so short a time ago. It was a welcome change, and he wondered what had brought it about. Likely the simple passing of time had something to do with it.

There was something he was curious about, but he wasn't quite sure how to put it. So he settled for a more general question. "You two have any plans?" He didn't know if Kesuk or Koda had any interest in children, or if they planned to settle down here or eventually move on. Of course he hoped they would stay, but he did not know if there would be a place for their children here. Perhaps, but Blue Willow and Lasher would always have precedence if they wished for more, and though Dante had no plans for any in the near future, a lot could change.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Kesuk - January 12, 2015

Dante's question was like a huge sign in Kesuk's face saying Get your life together and figure out what the fuck you're doing! Because she had no idea. Koda had never talked about wanting kids, but he seemed like the type that would. And as for Kesuk herself, she had never even thought about it. Having kids was like throwing your anchor out into the ocean, it made you feel more secure, but you couldn't really go anywhere after that.

But now that she was thinking about, it would be wonderful to have the little pups running around. Back in her old pack, she would always play with the pups during her free time. She loved seeing their excited little faces when she brought them a new stick or feather. It was one of the only really happy memories she had.

With a smile on her face, she answered his question with a little uncertainty. "Well, we haven't really thought about anything yet. Everything has been so hectic." she explained, remembering the first couple days she had been back. "But I am working on getting the outrider trade." she smiled, wagging her tail happily. She knew that wasn't what the alpha had been hinting at, but she didn't really have an answer for that question yet.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Dante RIP - January 18, 2015

Dante nodded. "That's what I expected, I just like knowing what's going on." And her answer truly made him rather happy, a fact he didn't hide. He'd feared to hear that they'd be moving on right away or requesting permission for children, something he could not grant. Thank the gods they seemed content to take things slowly.

"We can always use more outriders!" he said happily. Soon they'd have a number of the ambassadors, a good thing since he had little interest or use for going outside the borders. "How's that going so far? Been many places?"

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Kesuk - January 19, 2015

When we started the thread, Kesuk hadn't really gone too far, but now she has, so i'm just going to say she has :3

She smiled as Dante asked her about the places she had gone. She was finding it was really fun to be an outrider, she got to talk to many wolves she normally wouldn't, and it gave her something to lend her energy too.

"Yeah, I have. And that's one of the things I've been meaning to tell you about. I met a member of a forming pack south of us. The member I met seemed really friendly so I don't think they will be any trouble, but I just wanted to let you know." she explained, recalling her meeting with Runt. The gorge they were going to call home was absolutely beautiful and seemed like a amazing place to call home. But she still loved the plateau.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Dante RIP - January 22, 2015

Dante listened to her news with interest. A new pack? Hopefully they would be a respectable distance away, but so long as they didn't approach plateau lands with wrong intent, Dante welcomed them. He doubted any would be brazen enough to set up a home on their doorstep and so their prey sources were likely safe for the most part. "That is good to know. We will have to keep an eye out all the same, but I am glad they don't seem to mean trouble." Remaining in good standing with the surrounding packs was a task that Dante felt extremely important. They couldn't afford to compete with winter and their neighbors.

"If you hear any more on that account, or other news you feel important, feel free to come talk anytime. You outriders are my eyes for the most part." Dante gave her a warm chuckle. "I don't get out much."

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Kesuk - January 23, 2015

She smiled back when he mentioned not getting out much. Kesuk herself couldn't imagine staying within the borders all the time, but that was just in her restless nature. It was probably good that the alpha didn't wander to far away all the time.

"Of course, and their Alpha's name is Mara. Have you heard of her?" she asked curiously, as she hadn't heard the wolf's name before meeting Runt, but that made sense considering how big the wilds were.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Dante RIP - January 26, 2015

Dante shook his head. Her name wasn't familiar, but he did not meet many outsiders but by chance. The number of nonpackmates he had met probably numbered rather low, especially when compared to outriders and the like. "I have not. Did you get any indication as to what she might be like?"

Even if she hadn't met this Mara specifically, sometimes a lot could be known about a leader by how their subordinates talked about them. Dante wasn't sure what his pack mates said of him on their own encounters, but liked to imagine it was mostly positive. In his position image (frighteningly) actually counted for something, as many could judge the strength of a pack by the leadership it possessed.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Kesuk - February 04, 2015

She thought back to her encounter with Runt and she had seemed to have a close bond with Mara. And a lot of respect as well. Nothing about the little wolf had shown any feeling of dislike towards her alpha.

"Well, Runt seemed to really respect her and care for her, so she probably is a good leader." she responded. hoping it was true. She was lucky to have a leader like Dante who cared about his pack and she hoped that Runt had an alpha like that.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Dante RIP - February 07, 2015

wrap this one up? :)

"That is good to hear. I am glad." It really was. A weak leader settling nearby could mean trouble for them, for a leader who could not keep her wolves in line could allow them to wreak havoc on the balance of the packs around them. "If you learn anything more, I would love to hear it." information such as this was extremely useful to him, and he appreciated Kesuk for delivering it.

"I think I am going to give those fish another run," he said, peering into the water. "You are welcome to stay and laugh if you like." He joked, knowing full well it was more likely he'd end up soaked and empty than actually catching something.

RE: Some turn to dust or to gold - Kesuk - February 07, 2015

Okay, last post for me, thanks for the thread :D

She nodded in agreement. It was a lot better to have someone who knew how to run a pack nearby then a total whack job who had no clue what she was doing. That would just cause problems for everyone around them, including the plateau.

The dark-pelted female smiled at his returned interest of fish. It would indeed be funny to watch, but she had probably better be going. Things to do, places to see. And it would probably be better for both of them if she didn't stay to watch an attempt that would most likely fail miserably. It was less embarrassing that way.

"Well, good luck with your fish, but I should probably be going. I will definitely let you know if I hear anything else." she assured him, turning away with one last farewell and disappearing into the bushes.