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Cat got your tongue? - Printable Version

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Cat got your tongue? - Kove - December 21, 2014

Sorry for the delay on posting this. Figured it could be dated after his run-in with Laksha, to make things more interesting between these two.

With the cool Winter air blowing through his pale coat, the man found himself trailing through the area a little ways off from the border. Though he didn't walk side-by-side with the marked area, he was still close enough to hear any calls if he were to be needed. Step after step he took, no destination in mind. He just wanted to stay close to the area, or to be more precise, the boundaries. After his run-in with the albino at the lake, he wasn't too keen on going near there, not without knowing he had the support needed to tear into the cat if she still lingered.

Cougars, mountain lions, pumas... No matter the name you called them by, Kove detested the creatures. His birthplace had made him share land with the large cats, though things were never fair or right between them. The creatures were dangerous, but it was against his nature to just go out and get rid of them all—not that he actually could if he tried, but it was the idea that counted for him. A piece of him was able to understand that some members of the species weren't all too bad, but he was still on edge after the encounter with the red-eyed felid. He'd never thought he'd have to encounter another of them so soon, but that was soon discarded as the scent of one drifted into his nostrils. The scent was enough to make him spin about, copper orbs narrowed and scanning the area all around. There was no way in hell he was about to let the beast any closer, wherever they might be lingering.

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Calbrach - January 02, 2015

sorry this has taken so long!


Calbrach stepped lightly once the faint smell of wolf registered in his mind. Ever oblivious to the fact that he struck equal - if not greater - fear into the hearts of the numerous canines as their kind did in himself.
His neck ached with the strain of constant circling, searching for the being that he was certain stalked him.
These wolves and their territories. Never a way to tell if you're smelling the scent of a pack of thirty, or merely the errant urine of a loner in need of relief at the time, he thought to himself.

Finally, he felt both relieved and all the more stricken as he sighted a pair of eyes in the distance. Barely visible - in fact he couldn't be certain they were eyes at all - he stood stark still. Against his better judgement, but with a voice in his mind telling him there could easily be a number of the creatures at his back, he sat and called out as loudly - yet shakily - as possible.
"I come in peace. Alone. Alone and in peace. I'd like to stay that way, if it's all the same to you... however many of you there are."

His eyes remained locked onto the shape he believed to be eyes in the bushes, unable to move until the focus strained and it took on strange shapes as he struggled to clearly see what he hoped he saw.

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Kove - January 03, 2015

It's alright! c:

In took him a few more seconds than what he desired to set his optics on the cougar, but when he did, he did move them away. He watched the beast, even as it sat and called out. When the cat's voice reached his ears, Kove nearly had to go over and check to make sure the words belonged to the same creature he was watching. The large cat, the one that could most likely kill a wolf with a single blow, had not a strong and confident voice, but a shaky one. It was odd enough to make him temporarily lay his thoughts on the animal's to rest, even if it was only so he could bring himself to approach it without harboring the desire to attack. The urge was still in the back of his mind, the same one that had been there since he was younger, but he worked to ignore it.

Slowly, the ghost of a wolf drew closer to the golden-eyed cougar. Having heard his earlier words, the man decided to respond once he'd stopped in his steps, now standing only a minimal amount of lengths from the other predator. "Can a creature such as yourself truly come in peace?" His voice was not shaky, as the other's had been, but also held no indications as to what was running through the wolf's mind.

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Calbrach - January 10, 2015


What an odd question, he thought. Still, the voice sounded incredibly ominous, and nothing if not threatening with purpose. Calbrach struggled to keep his voice even. "Well, I can't speak for all of us, but I know that the creature that is myself can come as peaceful as... they come."
The sentence played back through his mind several times. He nodded to himself once he felt certain that it did indeed make sense. Then he scolded himself for throwing riddles at someone that likely already wanted to kill him.

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Kove - January 11, 2015

The cat still spoke of being a peaceful, and hadn't made any attempts to attack or showed any other signs of aggression. Kove wrote the cougar off as being nothing like the albino one he'd come across with Scarlett. While he didn't trust the creature, and would probably never trust one belonging to it's species, he knew he didn't need to worry about the cat trying to kill him. The man refused to relax, though, not wanting to be caught off guard if his reading of the cat turned out to be incorrect. "You do not appear to be lying, so I will take your word that you are a peaceful being." For now. "If to cause problems is not what you're after, then what brings you here?"

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Calbrach - January 16, 2015


He listened closely to the faceless voice. It had an edge, no doubt. The question put him on edge, as he instantly knew he had no clear reason. He was a wanderer, and wanderer's often wandered into the wrong place at the time. This would be such a place at such a time, it seemed.

He only hoped the wolf in the distance would not think him lying in this regard either. "I... I have no purpose here, admittedly. I simply wander. I'm a lonely creature, as well as a peaceful one, as I've said before -therefore I wander. I'm repeating myself, forgive me. I struggle to answer a question to which I have no good answer."

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Kove - January 19, 2015

That was it, Kove's mind had been made up. It was quite obvious that the cat was of no threat. If anything, the wolf probably seemed like more of a threat to the other beast, as could be told from the way he spoke. It seemed odd, still, that the two beings, though of the same species, could be entirely different. Thinking, he realized it wasn't all too strange, for they were alive and able to think, much like wolves. Wolves were never one in the same, even if they were related or grew up with one another, each one had it's own air and personality about it. The thought made the ghost feel a bit like a judgmental fool, but considering his past experiences with cougars, his initial reaction had not been entirely misguided.

“You are only here due to wandering?” Kove repeated, his words taking on a tone of inquiry as he did so. “That is good, then, that you possess no true purpose in being here.” Slowly, yet surely, the pale man made his way closer to the cat, bringing himself into his line of sight as he did so. His body was visibly rigid, making him appear like a moving statue. “While I can still not say I can see you as being peaceful, your status as a traveler makes me see you as less of a threat.”

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Calbrach - January 29, 2015


"Well, you're nothing if not honest." Calbrach took on the wolf's frank tone as the creature came into view. Like a ghost in the wilderness the wolf stepped forward. All white, not a speck of color. How vigorously does this one tend to his coat? Calbrach wondered to himself. A silly thought, in light of the situation.

"So, as I wander, I often come across those with purpose - like yourself, I assume." He sat now, inhaling and exhaling a deep breath. The tension of the last few moments talking to an invisible threat were exhausting. He relished the idea of seeing whom he addressed. If the wolf did decide to end him, at least now he could see him make the first move.

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Kove - February 01, 2015

Words of honesty coming from an overgrown feline seemed foolish to the white one, but he said nothing on it. If the cat believed himself to be an honest, nonthreatening creature, then who was Kove to stop him? He much preferred this calm cat to the psychotic albino one he'd met. His muzzle still stung a bit from the mark she'd left on him, but the actual pain had more or less subsided by now. When the scent of a cougar had first reached his nose, the pale wolf wanted for nothing more than to approach and possibly maul the creature, leaving on him whatever marks had been left on the lupine's crimson-eyed friend and himself. Somehow, though, he'd restrained himself from doing so.

“I possess the same purpose as any wolf wandering along the border of their pack's territory,” Kove informed the larger animal, somehow not intimidated by the size difference. He couldn't let himself be put off by such a trivial thing, or else he wouldn't exactly be worthy of the trade he was after. “That purpose is to watch for intruders, and keep threats away.” The man wanted to add in a comment about threats like cougars, but decided against it. The other didn't appear to be too bad of a guy, but Kove was just not in the mood to deal with giant cats. Had they met at a different time, or perhaps a different life, the two probably could have become friends to some degree. As it stood now, though, the chances of that happening were slim. Not nonexistent all together, but still slim all the same.

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Donna - February 16, 2015

PP'ing Calbrach since player left Wolf indefinitely

A light fitted sturdy woman trotted casually through some super scary dark forest. Not that she was scared. Her tail waved confidently behind her. The dark tip of her tail held up as she walked, because well, she was awesome. She was a beauty and an eye candy. She wondered if there was anything fun to to. The she wolf trotted forward and then spotted a white male with a.. cougar. Well that could have some fun. The female slowed down and then moved around them, like she was talking her prey. Normally a wolf like her would only hunt small game. She was an Iberian Wolf after all, they mostly at small game, they were a smaller subspecies.

Her body stayed low to the ground and jumped on the cat. She startled it and watched it dash off. Her tail wagged proudly. Her head held up with poise. "No, No. You don't have to thank me. I know I am awesome," she hummed with a smirk on her lips. She showed the pale male one of her good sides, correction, all her sides were good. Her golden eyes fell onto the male. "So you keep the lone wolves like me away? Interesting. Interesting. Do you love singing?"

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Kove - February 17, 2015

One moment there was a cougar before him and speaking, the next the place was replaced by a small woman. His coppery gaze trailed after the large feline as it dashed away, mentally humoring over the “scaredy cat” phrase as he did so. He was glad the cat was gone, but now there was the matter of dealing with the new, and slightly strange, female. “Interrupting a conversation, even if it is with some cat, is an impolite thing to do,” the man pointed out, making it obvious he held no plans of thanking her anytime soon. He wasn't quite yet what to make of her, except the fact that she seemed a bit off, but not in a bad way. More so in a crazy-like way, but the kind of crazy that is tolerable.

“That's what I'm suppose to do, yes,” Kove said, making sure to keep his posture alert and prepared for anything. Something had to be wrong with the little wolf mentally for her to just pounce on a cougar like she did. Though, maybe she just held the same dislike for them as he did, and was stupid enough to act “brave” and go after them. The could be the case, but without knowing for sure he didn't want to take any chances. For a second, however, his whole body seemed to go limp with confusion, before his mind chased it away and brought him back to the real world. “Singing? No, I don't really enjoy it all that much.” If you couldn't even enjoy something, then loving it was far out of the question.

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Donna - February 17, 2015

Love Donna more and more

Donna watched the male and raised her muzzle some appreciation would be nice. She was Donna after all. It wasn't just a name it was a title. The multicolored female shook out her fur and quirked up her lips. "I helped you, you should be grateful. Next them you see a cougar you will think; Donna, oh, Donna. Where is Donna?," she chimed dramatically. The sturdy female got a crooked grin on her face and then trotted closer. She moved her body against the chest of the male and looked up at him. "So you can't pay any attention to female distractions. I get it. I get it. Although my beauty has no limitations..." This male should definitely be affected right now.

The female then moved away from him and wagged her tail almost in a playful manner. Her face dropped comically wide. "You don't like singing? How can you can you call yourself a wolf?" Then Donna started a song of of howls and barks that actually sounded quite beautiful. She was definitely boosting her talents.

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Kove - February 20, 2015

After only a few shared words in, the white male had already come to a conclusion about the female—she had a flare for the dramatics. It reminded him a bit of his older sister, Pia, during a day when the younger Kove hadn't gone about causing trouble. She could joke around and could make serious matters for fun and humorous. Being dramatic, as the woman before him was being, wasn't such a common thing, but it did come about when ever she'd butt heads with their mother. It was always amusing for the boy and his littermates, but never for his parents. “Next time I see a cougar, perhaps I'll chase it away myself, then?” he said, humor in his voice. All that humor faded away when she trotted up closer to him, however, and placed her body against his chest. His body became rigid and he stared at the smaller wolf with a hardened look, before moving away from her. The way the man moved made it clear he hadn't liked such an action, and the look in his eyes as sure to warn her away from doing it again. “I can't pay any attention to your distractions,” he clarified, giving her a steady once over as he assessed her form. He couldn't deny the fact that she was pretty. “I'm sure your beauty has been very helpful in getting you what you want.”

As she stepped away herself, Kove followed her with his optics, confusion written all over his face as he noticed her tail moving behind her. “Not all of us enjoy hopping around and 'singing' like you do, and some of us don't even have the time to do that.” As he wished to be a Warden, he couldn't waste his time playing around and howling for no reason other than to hear his on voice. He did, however, stop himself from speaking right away in order to listen to her song. “Your voice does sound nice, so maybe it's for the best that you're able to spend your time sharing it.”

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Donna - February 20, 2015

Donna laughed when the male returned that he would chase the cougar of himself. "Yeah you were doing such a good job at it," she returned. The female realized that the male was not liking her attention. Internally alarms went off. She couldn't get injured and she needed to play this a different route. The female licked her lips. Although she was back to grinning once more when he called her beautiful. Well that was what she wanted to hear. She always liked to get at least 5 compliments a day. Most of those were from herself but this was a good start.

"Oh yeah, pack life and duties, ey?," she questioned. "Well fine fine.. I will leave your lands. It is not that I am not used to it. All alone!!!," she dramatically cried out. She turned away from the the male, a smirk evident of her maw while it first looked so dramatic. The girl slandered off in to the shadows, leaving the male with big question marks.

RE: Cat got your tongue? - Kove - February 22, 2015

Thanks for finishing this up with me! c:

While the woman laughed, Kove held a serious expression on his face. “I was trying to get some information out of him, maybe find a way to keep him from coming back in the future. That is, until you decided to frighten him...” His copper gaze narrowed slightly to further sell the believability of his words. In truth, he'd just been interested by the fact that such a large creature could seem so scared and worried over a single wolf. He had certainly been nothing like most cougars. “If I'd wanted him gone right away, he would have been.” A part of him was wishing for the woman to leave now, as her flare for the dramatics was just starting to get to him. It might have been something fun when he was younger, but now it was only tolerable.

Multiple questions were written on the man's face as he heard the last words of the woman and witnessed her walk off. He couldn't even figure out what to say in return before she'd departed, as her antics had left him at a loss for words. Kove would never understand the dramatic ways of some wolves, and often he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to. After shaking his head, he raised his snout against the wind and gave it a good sniff, wanting to make sure both the cougar and the female were gone, before turning and heading back into his pack's land.