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Redhawk Caldera [m] i know you feel it, too - Printable Version

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[m] i know you feel it, too - RIP Fox - December 21, 2014

For @Peregrine! ( ♥‿♥ )
I have to run to the store, but we can spree today if you're down!

Over the past week, Fox had been rushing around, a sense of urgency overtaking her usual laid-back demeanor. She couldn't even place it, and she had been distancing herself from Peregrine far more than usual. There was no logical reason for it, as far as she understood, but when she had awoken to an empty den this morning, she suddenly realized what was happening. It was happening. Suddenly, Fox was aching for her mate's company. It was as if there was a sudden emptiness in her life that had never been there before. Bursting out of the den and into the cold light of the winter solstice morning, she blinked twice, then immediately let out an urgent call to Peregrine, her tone filled with longing.

If anybody else dared to come near her now, they would be met with hostility. She wanted him and only him. Fox knew that she would be irritable, even toward Peregrine, until this phase passed. She vaguely remembered these things from when Tuwawi and Njal had been entwined for an entire week, but it was mostly instinct that told her these things. She wanted the company of Peregrine and no other.

RE: i know you feel it, too - Peregrine Redhawk - December 21, 2014

I should be around. :D

Tyler interrupted the writing of this post to go on a long rant about pomegranates...

His mate's peculiar behavior might have been distressing on its own, yet coupled with the subtle shifts in her scent, Peregrine took them as just another sign that it was almost time. Although he was veritably thrumming with anticipation by now, he took a step back and let her do her thing. He tried to stay busy with patrolling and hunting, though he frequently checked in on her, even if just to sniff check from afar before turning back to the borders or game trails.

Her call found him loping around the caldera, eyes shifting and nose wriggling for any signs of disruption. The sound of Fox's voice immediately tripped an instinctive wire within the Alpha male. He veered suddenly and began climbing the mountain with a quiet growl. Should anyone approach him, he would drive them away. Like his mate, he craved only her company and would not stand for anyone else's. And woe to any wolf that dared come near her or attempted to interrupt the two of them once they began.

Peregrine arrived, huffing and puffing, and when his jade eyes found his mate's fiery silhouette standing out against the snowy backdrop, desire swept over him. It burned all the brighter when her tantalizing smell hit his nose. He approached her with a very animalistic gleam in his eye that spoke the raw, carnal truth: he wanted to take her then and there. Yet his behavior was flirtatious, even supplicant, as he approached her. He grinned foolishly, his tail wagging, momentarily ignoring the insistent tug of his loins.

When he closed in on her, he tried to think of something epically romantic to say. What came out instead was rather silly, his delight almost childish. "It's time for you to have my babies," he breathed in her ear, then laughed at himself and swiped his tongue over her cheek. He did not—perhaps could not—stop there; he began to brush it over her forehead, neck and shoulders, an eager rumbling beginning in his chest as he came nearer to her backside.

RE: i know you feel it, too - RIP Fox - December 21, 2014

Fox was no pure maiden, but this would be the first time something may actually come out of their frequent romps. When Peregrine promptly heeded her call (Had he been near, or was he just quick on his feet?), Fox felt a rush as soon as she laid eyes on him. His words only sent another flurry of heat through her, and she could barely stand still. She fidgeted on her feet. “Well, I think that part comes later,” she replied, a dopey grin on her face.

When Peregrine began to make his inevitable move toward her, she hopped to the side, taking the prize away from him just as he was about to get ahold of it. She couldn't let him get it that easy. “Oh, is… is this what you want?” she asked with mock innocence, swishing her tail and wriggling her bum at him. In addition, she gave him her best pouty face.

RE: i know you feel it, too - Peregrine Redhawk - December 21, 2014

Naturally, his mate wouldn't pass up the opportunity to tease him over his word choices. He met her dopey grin with one even dopier, pausing to return to her face and lick the tip of her nose. "Sorry, I misspoke..." he murmured, his face suddenly transforming into that of a lustful predator. "It's time for me to put babies inside of you," he corrected himself in a sultry voice, gaze locking with hers.

He then resumed his prior ministrations, though Fox was quick to leap sideways. Never before had she teased him like this. Peregrine wanted to roar at her, yet at the same time, he enjoyed the hell out of it. He groaned loudly, knowing she would like to hear it. He wondered who would give out first. After all, her smell was enough to arouse him immediately, yet surely Fox was feeling just as ready to party, if not more so.

"Yes," he replied in a deep voice, happy to play along. "Isn't this what you want?" he added, swinging around and lifting his tail to shake the family jewels in her face. Peregrine peeked around his own backside, unleashing his best bedroom eyes on Fox. "Don't tell me you don't want the D. The P's D in your V..." He snorted at himself. Slam poetry: apparently not his calling.

RE: i know you feel it, too - RIP Fox - December 21, 2014

“Well, there’s not much I can do with ‘em in front of me. Except bite them off. Are you into pleasure and pain?” she asked with a pretty good feeling that the answer would be "no." Then again, maybe he would surprise her. Who knew what kind of incredibly kinky stuff he could be into? The two of them hadn't exactly explored that part of things, falling back to good ol' vanilla sex a majority of the time. Not that Fox minded. It worked, and they both seemed to like it, so what was the point in trying to fix what wasn't broken? Still, there was a part of her that was curious.

But really, what more could they do to spice up their life in the bedroom? They were wolves, and their main reason for getting slippery was to make babies. Strange that Fox would start thinking about this right when vanilla would do the trick that they were trying to accomplish so easily. Maybe it was part of getting older, or just the fact that she grew more and more comfortable with Peregrine each passing day.

RE: i know you feel it, too - Peregrine Redhawk - December 21, 2014

"No," he answered, swiftly lowering his tail and whirling around to face her. "I mean, you're welcome to, like, nuzzle them... but no biting," he said with a playful look of reproof. "Licking is okay too," he added optimistically.

But, while fun, that sort of play wouldn't further their intended purpose here. "Oh, man," he groaned when another wave of Fox's scent wafted over him. "There are no words to describe how good you smell," he told her, creeping closer. "And since poetry clearly isn't my forte, I won't even try. But... damn, girl."

Would she continue to prance away from him? The longer she delayed gratification, the better it would feel. Or maybe she had some other tricks up her sleeve. Maybe she wanted to make this baby-makin' session special, since they would actually be, y'know, making babies. That thought sent tingles from the tip of Peregrine's nose to the tip of Peregrine's toes.

More than anything, though, his loins tingled. "I want you so fucking bad, firecrotch," he admitted in a husky voice. "I've never wanted anything more in my entire life than your body beneath mine right now." Cue the heavy breathing, which was meant to be sexy, not creepy. For the record.

RE: i know you feel it, too - RIP Fox - December 21, 2014

I banged my head on my car's hatchback door the other day and it hurts really bad. :(
I also bruised my rib from coughing too hard. *self-inflicted disaster queen*

So, pain was a no-go. Fox would keep that in mind. If she could keep anything in her mind other than the intense desire to let Peregrine have his way with her. Although teasing him was turning out to be much more fun than she had imagined, and prolonging their coupling was only going to ramp up the intensity of it. Perhaps Peregrine would get pain in the form of sexual frustration. The thought of torturing him like that was oddly appealing, though for what reason, Fox could not say. Maybe it was the feeling of longing that was so delicious.

And, for the record, Perry's heavy breathing was far from creepy. They were no spring chickens when it came to lovemaking with one another. Still, she couldn't help herself. Fox leaned toward him, but pulled away from him at the last moment, the thrill of it only making her (and hopefully him) want it more. She giggled girlishly, her normally dull grey eyes sparkling with amusement. “Sometimes,” she said suggestively, “you’ve got to reach out and take what you want.”

RE: i know you feel it, too - Peregrine Redhawk - December 21, 2014

Chill some bottles of [insert preferred adult beverage here]. Then use them as ice packs... or drink them. Win/win!

If you mind any of the power playing, let me know and I'll tone it down. :)

Also, this gets pretty MATURE. Readers beware, you're in for a scare...?!

Her suggestive hint tugged another groan from him. Was he picking up what she was lying down? You bet he was. Although Peregrine had no desire to sexually assault his mate, he liked the implication. He could take her. He could (and would) ravish her. Besides, you couldn't rape the willing, could you? And he would never do anything to hurt her. These children might be conceived via some crazy dirty sex, yet they would be conceived in love too.

"Oh, I will." His eyes bored into hers in the three seconds before Peregrine pounced, growling like a savage as he aimed to grab the scruff of her neck. Despite his fierce behavior, his jaws were gentle as they grasped the loose fur. Anchoring himself via his hold on her, Peregrine twisted around to stand parallel to his mate, then quite acrobatically jumped sideways over her, maneuvering himself into a mounted position on top of Fox. He never once loosened his grip.

Quickly, he lined up their pelvises, using his own to nudge her tail out of his way. He was tempted to drive himself into her, yet just as she had teased him, Peregrine wanted to tease her. He abruptly relinquished his grip on her nape, though he tightened his legs around her waist. He clung to her like a baby koala as he proceeded to whisper sweet, dirty nothings into her ear. At the same time, he gently rotated his hips against her, moving from side to side rather than back and forth. He did not take her, not yet, but the skin-on-skin contact left very little to the imagination.

RE: i know you feel it, too - RIP Fox - December 25, 2014

Meow meow sexy thread. Ian is always asking me how much wolf porn I write, lol.

Fox gasped when he whirled around, grabbing her scruff and putting his weight on her. She had been expecting him to do as he always did and get right down to business... but he surprised her. He teased her, causing her to press her hips back against him as much as she could, moaning as she did so. There had been times before when she had wanted this, but this time was different. Her body was so ready she felt as if she would collapse from the anticipation of it. He teased her again, grazing over her and making her press further back into him.

Fuck me,” she whispered, the intensity of it making her grip the earth with her toes. All the while, she was amazed by the pure need to have him and how incredibly frustrated it was making her feel. It was just so... different than it ever had been before, and she realized why she was going to be glued to him during the entire time it felt like this.

RE: [m] i know you feel it, too - Peregrine Redhawk - December 25, 2014

I think it's done tastefully, for the most part... or hilariously, which is even better. :)

You get post #1,500!

He wanted to keep teasing her but those two magical words made Peregrine's blood sing. He bucked wildly against Fox, driving harder into her than ever before. It felt so good that it was over nearly as soon as it had begun. The Alpha male felt a tiny bit ashamed of himself as he slowed, then stopped. His mate was the one in season and he had barely given her a chance to enjoy herself. Well, he would just make rounds two, three, four, etc., really count.

"I've never been so turned on in my life," he whispered in her ear, still clutching her as their bodies remained tethered. He hoped Fox took that as a compliment and wasn't too disappointed in the brevity of their first session. "Sorry I didn't last long. I'll make it up to you in round two," he promised. Peregrine felt he would be ready again fairly soon. In the meantime, he preened the back of Fox's head and neck, his ministrations striking a balance somewhere between loving and lustful.

Finally, they came apart. He didn't even dismount. Peregrine rubbed himself against his mate's backside and was ready and raring to go again in less than ten seconds. For the second time, he tugged their hips together, driving himself deep into her. He moaned loudly in her ear, then began to move slowly against her.

"You set the pace," he told her. "Tell me what you like. I'll do whatever you want, baby. I wanna hear you moan," Peregrine breathed into her ear. "I love you," he added in a voice that was more than a little ragged.

RE: [m] i know you feel it, too - RIP Fox - December 27, 2014

Fox did not doubt that this would go on for the entire seven days of her heat. She was bound and determined to get pregnant, and what better way than to spend each and every waking moment entwined with her lovely (and apparently at least somewhat kinky) mate. When he finally took her, Fox let out a gasp, biting her lip and pushing herself toward him. Each and every movement pumped ecstasy into her blood, and even though it was over soon, she couldn't deny that it had been goddamn fun. “That,” she panted, once he was done, “was hot.” Quick, but fiery.

She supported his weight with ease, despite their size difference, and when he began to move against her again, she backed it up (whoop, whoop!). Again, she was reminded of how incredibly different this was compared to their regular shenanigans. Something between a growl and a whine rumbled in her chest as he spoke to her, as if words couldn't possibly explain how she felt in that moment. He rocked against her, and she rocked right back, setting the pace exactly as he had suggested. “Mmmmm,” she breathed, “Peregrine.” The rhythm was perfect, and she was of the mindset that she could do this forever.

RE: [m] i know you feel it, too - Peregrine Redhawk - December 28, 2014

[Image: Dog-Humps-His-Bed-Into-a-Seizure-Before-...-Dream.gif]

For every thrust, she met him with a backward rocking motion. Peregrine was afraid that he might not last any longer during the second round than the first. He swore his blood turned into lava, especially when she spoke his name. There was something so sexy and sultry about her deep, throaty croon. He lost control for a few seconds, becoming a bit of a bucking bronco before he forced himself to slow the fuck down (literally!).

A brilliant idea struck him and Peregrine grabbed her a bit tighter around the waist and pulled her against him (and sort of onto him, if you know what I mean). The Alpha male then planted his hind feet and vowed to remain absolutely still. Fox could truly set the pace this way and he generally found hers slower than his own... which meant he could last longer. Plus, there was nothing hotter in the world than watching his girl ride him.

He grunted and groaned in appreciation and pleasure. He could feel his peak building again but Peregrine could conscientiously hold it off, at least for the time-being. He hoped Fox came first. Maybe hers wasn't necessary for procreation, yet right now it was absolutely Peregrine's priority.

RE: [m] i know you feel it, too - RIP Fox - December 28, 2014

Lol, accurate depiction!

For a moment, she was confused. Peregrine stood like a statue, and Fox furrowed her brow, trying to figure out if something had gone terribly wrong. Like her hoo-ha growing teeth and biting onto his weiner. Then again, that scenario probably would have sent him howling with pain, so maybe that wasn't what was going on after all. After an encouraging word from her lover to point her in the right direction (so to speak), Fox pushed back against him, feeling only slightly odd about the idea of doing the majority of the work. However, once she got into it, she found that the rhythm and sensations kept her going, and soon it was she who was unable to control herself.

She rocked back against him with increasing intensity before the most amazing feeling of euphoria washed over her. “Ohhh.” Lo and behold, Fox had never actually gotten this much pleasure out of it, and she panted wildly, feeling weak in the knees. “I don’t think,” she croaked, “that’s ever happened before.” Sure, she had gotten pleasure out of their boinking before, but never before had there been such a rush. She felt flushed and more satisfied than she ever had previously.

RE: [m] i know you feel it, too - Peregrine Redhawk - December 28, 2014

Watching his mate climax sent him over the edge too. Body trembling, Peregrine gently pushed Fox to the ground and he sank down on top of her, although he was careful to place his weight to avoid crushing her. His tongue stroked over the top of her head as she caught her breath, her words causing him to pause momentarily.

He exhaled through his nose. "Wait, you've never...?" His brow furrowed. What kind of lover was he that he hadn't even realized his mate had never reached that oh-so-delicious peak before? "I'm sorry, babe, I didn't realize," he crooned into her ear, resuming his licking. "From now on, that's priority numero uno: orgasms for everyone! You come first," he joked teasingly, wondering if Fox would get the double entendre.

When they were no longer knotted together, Peregrine moved to lay beside his mate, unable to stop touching her all the while. "For what it's worth, watching you experience that was basically the hottest thing I've ever seen. I'm already getting another boner just remembering it..." he quipped, nibbling at her earlobe. "I love you and I want to pleasure you," he purled, his breath warm against her temple.

RE: [m] i know you feel it, too - RIP Fox - December 28, 2014

I didn’t even realize,” Fox laughed. How could she know that she hadn't had something? It wasn't as if every other time hadn't been fun, after all. It was just that this time had been the perfect storm. Everything had fallen into place, and all the stars aligned, causing her body to do that wonderful thing that Peregrine had apparently been doing all along. Then again, maybe it was just something that only started happening with age. Or perhaps it would only happen when her body was this receptive. She couldn't be sure, and she wished that somebody could have explained what exactly had caused it to work this time. Hell, maybe she could ask Finley. Wasn't she older?

Peregrine sank down beside her, nibbling and whispering and making promises. The happy ending had caused all of the energy to drain out of her, even though she knew that they had a whole seven more days to work on getting her pregnant. “I love you, too,” she said, eyelids heavy even as he spoke of boning again. Not two breaths after, Fox was snoring up a storm, tongue fallen out of her mouth and a trickle of drool pooling beside her head. Sexy, right?

RE: [m] i know you feel it, too - Peregrine Redhawk - December 28, 2014

Fox's lack of disappointment made him feel better, though he didn't quite know how to feel about the fact she hadn't even realized what she'd been missing until now. Seriously, what type of lover was he? Not attentive enough, apparently. Peregrine's new year's resolution would be to hike up his mate's batting average.

He expected her to beg him for a third round. Instead, Fox fell asleep, looking mightily attractive with her protruding tongue and string of drool. Peregrine smiled fondly at her, then rested his head atop hers. His eyes closed. Slowly, his own tongue emerged and his own rope of drool slid down the side of her face to join hers. Together, they created one big, united puddle.