Wolf RPG
The Heartwood Dangerous Games - Printable Version

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Dangerous Games - Bandit - December 22, 2014

Ghehe. Open.

Human like hands gripped the bark of the tree as clawed hinds paws pushed the fluffy and fat body up in the tree. The ringed tail flickered wildly as the wild animal made a stop at the first branch. The mischievous raccoon settled and looked down at the wolf that would never be able to reach him. An adorably evil grin featured on Pippin's masked face. "Haha, silly wolf," he pestered and then stuck out his tongue before settling his teeth in the piece of though meat. Pippin was fat enough to survive through winter thanks to his excessive eating last summer and autumn but it was just so much more fun (and exciting) to steal the last bits of meat from hungry wolves.

Pippin made the loudest smacking and eating noises so the wolf would be even more annoyed. The winter was so boring. So the animal that got close to this raccoon would have a hard time with the rambunctious animal. Little pieces of meat fell from his open chewing mouth down to the ground. Once he finished the piece he stole let the cleaned bone fall down. "A bone for the puppy," the raccoon grinned. The raccoon knew his games could be really dangerous. Wolves could easily prey on him and make a meal out of his fat body. His cute face scrunched up at that. He had a cousin who had been turned in a wolf's lunch. Not a pretty sight to be honest.

RE: Dangerous Games - Sen - December 22, 2014

Going to have some fun with these two! xD

It had seemed to happen in only a matter of moments, but those few minutes were enough to have her running after a little bandit. One second she'd been eating a rabbit she'd caught, the next her legs were carrying after a scurrying animal. Why the raccoon believed it to be a good idea to steal from a wolf, especially one like Sen, she didn't know. She did know, however, that the little thief would be paying for his crime. If not right this minutes, than it'd definitely be soon. Seeing the creature eat meat was an odd sight, having not known the species to eat meats of any kind—unless, of course, insects were counted as meat.

As interesting as the sight was, the raven lupine was still annoyed by having her meal stolen. Like foxes, she would never eat a raccoon, but the grinning mammal didn't know that. There was no way for him to tell what her diet usually consisted of and what it didn't, and she could use that her her advantage. Slowly, Sen raised herself onto her hind legs, using the tree's trunk for balance as she growled, snarled, and snapped at Pippin. "That was mine, you bastard!" she stated coldly, the venom nearly visible as it clung to and dripped from her words. The bone was given nothing as it trailed down towards the ground, Sen refusing to acknowledge the fact that not only did the raccoon steal from her, but it'd also started to taunt her.

RE: Dangerous Games - Bandit - December 22, 2014

Oh my god. Yes. This will be hilarious! But I can also see them be friends and mess with other wolves. xD

The little bandit let out an amused chittering. The black wolf looked seriously pissed and the little mammal loved every second of it. He stuck out his tongue to the wolf that stood up against the tree. The small creature shook his head. "Nope. It was obviously mine since it is in my belly!," he rubbed it into her face. Pippin found another small bone and then threw it at her head. The small bone would hardly do any harm against the wolf skull but still. Another chittering chuckle sounded through the air. His plump little body looked like a ball of fur on the branch.

He rubbed his dark paws together. Before he lost his balance, which would be disastrous, he placed them back on the branch. The raccoon could eat everything, while his diet varies from fruits and nuts. Pip was not dirty from meat and insects. There were hardly insects now so if he wanted some protein then meat was the option. The raccoon hopped to another branch, slightly higher, when he did the snow of the branch fell down on the black female. A giggle sounded from the little rebel before he hopped back to his previous seating. "C'mon, doggy! Get your bone. Sit! Sittt!!"

The raccoon got bold and grabbed the tree. He climbed down, holding on tightly. He was still out of reach of the agitated female as he faced her. His nose wiggled as he sniffled her. He would need to hold on tight if he didn't want to fall face down on top of the black wolf. "Are you going to stay by this tree till you have me as a snack?"

RE: Dangerous Games - Sen - December 22, 2014

They would make excellent friends! xD All I can imagine when thinking of them as friends is Pippin riding around on Sen as they travel the lands, tormenting and messing with everyone they meet. Would definitely look something like this:
[Image: tumblr_n2fso7TkKt1qd8w33o1_250.gif]

The raccoon was an annoying and irritating creature, but he cause something to dawn on the dark female; perhaps that was how others viewed her. The idea was quickly dismissed and written off as being ridiculous, her inner mind not liking the thought of be similar to a scavenger. The small bone bouncing off her skull didn't help the thief's case, but did worsen it. She jumped at the tree a bit, snapping her jaws together to show she was a threat—despite the fact that she wouldn't actually kill the animal. Sen usually just killed to eat or when threatened, and since neither of those things applied to the raccoon, he had no real problem to worry about. It might have been helpful for him to know that, but then her actions would just look foolish.

However, when the snow fell down and landed on the top of her head, neck, and a bit of her back, the lupine actually considered eating him whole. She thought of jumping up to the branch he was on, despite it being an impossible feat, and swallowing him without saying another word. The idea caused a grin to crack across her own maw, amber orbs narrowing in on the bandit. "Maybe I'll do a trick if you just come a little closer to the ground," Sen said. Half of her was curious to see if he'd actually come down to where she could reach, but her logical side knew he couldn't possibly be that stupid. He knew a threat when he saw one, which is the whole reason the raccoon had climbed into the tree in the first place.

His next words cause her grin to widen, close to matching that of the Cheshire cat's. "Yes," she started. "I'll be staying here 'til you come down, so I can make up for that rabbit you stole by devouring you."

RE: Dangerous Games - Bandit - December 22, 2014

I bet they would! Haha. It will more be something like this!
Sen: "I'm not carrying you, peasant" XD

As the raccoon was clinging to the tree he watched the black wolf. It was rather scary how her jaws snapped together so close to his small paws. "Ewww. Your breath stinks like rotting carcass. Ever tried eating peppermint leaves?," the raccoon returned. His nose wrinkled in the cutest way. Another chittering sound came from the mammal. Pippin wasn't stupid. He didn't believe the dark female. He was the sly and cunning animal here. Not the wolf before him. "Aren't you seeing that I am already letting you do silly tricks, stupid wolf girl," Pippin grinned. "You are the one standing up against a tree and talking to me. Not very normal for a lupine."

Oh, the raccoon was really pushing it with this female. Her next words confirmed that. Pippin didn't really wanted to be stuck in this tree while his home was so close. He was a feral animal after all and those could make unexpected turns. The plump little guy jumped on the female's head. His front paws clenched around her jaw tightly, his ringed tail hanging behind her ear almost like Sen was wearing a raccoon hunting hat. The raccoon then let go and sped away at rapid speed. His tail waving behind him before he climbed in another more stable tree. This one was his home. There was a hole high up in the tree. He climbed in it and looked over the edge of his den in the thick old tree. "Good luck waiting, Doggy," he returned and stuck his tongue out again and popped his head inside his warm home. It was layered with leaves and mosses making a wonderful bed. Nuts and seeds stashed in one corner as the fat critter curled up safely.

RE: Dangerous Games - Sen - December 23, 2014

Unless Sen tries to climb onto Pippin, which would be one giant disaster xD

A low growl escaped her the comment on her breath. Her mother use to maker her and her siblings munch on them when they were still very young, and while she liked the scent of them, the taste could sometimes be a bit overbearing. That never stopped her from chewing on and eating more than she was allowed, though. She'd never come across any mint plants since coming to the Wilds, but that was probably due to the fact that she hadn't been looking for them. Whether the raccoon knew it or not, he had actually reminded her of something, as well as gotten her mind to make a mental note to try and find some mint leaves at a later date.

Shaking her head slightly, the woman's smirk faltered slightly at his next words. It was strange for a wolf to be stretched up along a tree trunk, talking to the thief of their meal, but that didn't stop her. "I was raised by bears," the raven wolf lied, attempting to play some more with the little creature. "The bear that raised me taught me to do this, so I could reach prey that tried to escape up a tree; such as yourself." The grin was soon replaced by a smirk, amber eyes aglow as they watched Pippin closely. Despite having her orbs trained on him, she was still surprised when he jumped down, and even more so once he landed on her crown.

Sen attempted to shake the little mammal from her head, but by the time she'd recovered from the sudden lump of fluff landing on her, he'd already let go and was bolting away. The dark girl gave chase, of course, and didn't slow down even as she neared the tree he ran up next. Instead, she bunched up the muscles in her hind quarters as she grew closer, only to propel herself forward towards the tree in a grand leap. With long, slender legs and a body built for running, she'd managed to get a decent bit of height, but still not enough to reach the raccoon. Missing the hairs of his tail by what seemed like a fraction of a second, her body sliding back to the ground as her obsidian claws dragged down through the tree's bark. An irritated growl escaped her throat, directly at both herself for missing, and the raccoon for, well, all he did. "You'll have to come down sometime," Sen called up, returning to all fours while her snout turned up towards the hole in the trunk. "And when you do, I'll be here waiting."

RE: Dangerous Games - Bandit - December 23, 2014

The little critter popped its head over the edge again to see the raging wolf still there. This female wasn't a quitter was she? If she was Pipping wouldn't let her live that down. The grey mammal chuckled and started nibbling on a nut, crumbs falling from its mouth. He could stay here for awhile. He could eat snow for water and have some of his nuts but that would be entirely boring. "Technically I don't. I can eat snow for water and I have a supply of food up here. Doesn't have a smelly beast like you have some duties towards other doggies? You don't seem like the top dog. More like a Lower Tier wolf," he pointed out toward the back female. "What is your name, doggy?," he curiously quipped.

Pippin had no clue she almost had his tail between her jaw. But then again, that was typically Pip, escaping danger by an inch. He finished his nut and kept looking over the edge. His plump body filling the hole in the tree. If he got any fatter he might not even fit anymore! His dark paws resting on the edge. Pippin told himself he was just very poof-y and fluffy. Yep. Him fat? No... "But I am curious what would you be waiting for? What would you really do to me if I would come down?" He wanted to hear it from her own mouth if she was going to eat him. Pippin found that he was too cute to be eaten. His small chin rested on the edge, keen brown eyes looking down.

"I'm bored. Why don't you just go?" He might go to the stream and have a swim. Oh he liked that. Or he could steal some other food of another wolf. "Can I ride on your back?," he then asked. It seemed like such a good idea, even though he probably knew the answer. That was his new goal to ride on the back of a wolf. Bet that would be fun. They would be excellent horses. He often hung out with the deer. One of the bigger mule deer would let him sit in his antlers. One time they ran way from danger with him still clinging to the prey animal's antlers. It was the most fun.

RE: Dangerous Games - Sen - December 28, 2014

Her bright orbs focused in on the smaller creature as he looked out from his hole, the crumbs falling from his mouth small, yet still visible. It mildly disgusted her how he ate, but it wasn't something she planned on dwelling on. Instead, her mind was thinking of something else, attempting to throw together a plan, but all ideas where tossed to the side. She decided to just wing it, and hope that she could somehow lure the animal down. He wasn't dumb, that much was clear, but even the most clever of beasts can be lured away from it's post when the right bait is used. As she thought, and listened to the voice of the bandit, her want to teach him a lesson was dwindling, starting to hang from nothing more than a fraying thread. Sen hated to admit it, even to herself, but a small bit of fondness was starting to grow towards the little guy. They were similar, her mind finally admitted to itself. "Any duties I may or may not have can be put to the side for now," the raven lady responded. Having not returned back to pack land in a decent while, she had no idea what was going on there, nor did she have a clue if the Outrider-in-training was needed at all. Probably not. "Name's Sen, pipsqueak. What's yours?" Tossing him a rather cocky grin, she awaited his response.

The famous grin that showed the woman's arrogance so often was soon wiped away. What would she do? In truth, nothing, most likely. Might pluck some fur from his body or chase him around a bit, but eating him was out of the question. Raccoons, foxes, and coyotes had never been one with her diet, and while the thief irked her, she wasn't about to change that. Still, she decided to not go with the truth, and just lie instead. "Eat you," Sen responded, her answer short and simple.

Pippin's next words where enough to draw a chuckle from her throat, and out through her maw. "Just leave?" she repeated, sounding somewhat astonished. "Now, why would I do that? I'm having so much fun here." Her low laughter didn't die when he asked to ride on her, but it didn't rise either. The idea was interesting, and the darkened lupine was a sucker for interesting things. It was also, however, a bit degrading, so she would never agree to such a thing willingly. Unless, of course, she stood to gain something from it. "If you really want to get that close knowing I have every intention of making you my meal, then sure; you can ride on my back."