Wolf RPG
Ocean's Breath Plateau Move Away - Printable Version

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Move Away - Rodyn - December 28, 2024

Rodyn had spend the last few days sending runners to moonglow, moonspear and even Akashingo. He only hoped the runner would return from Akashingo woth help as that was such a far trek.

He stared at the bundles around him. Elk firs, boar pelts, seal fat, herbs and spices, seaweed bundled and fixed. There were otter Skins, and fisher skins, groundhogs. All sorts of small game and deer. Elk and caribou too. There was entire caches of meat.

He had moved much himself in previous days. And today the final push. Would gather all the furs. All the items he had painstakingly made. The items from Chakliux's caches. He did not wish to leave anything.

they have hunted for the entire time they have lived here. There sre many furs, much meat. They have traded with many packs. Precious stones, seashells. Be creative within these parameters. Single posts are fine thank you for your help.

RE: Move Away - Raindrop - December 29, 2024

Tag for reference. Oh how I miss you Rainchaser. :')

It was with tears that Raindrop had been cleaning out the den that she and her husband had worked so hard to build. Where they dreamed of their future, brought to life the miracles they had created together, and raised their blossoming children for the first eight months of their lives. Memories had been made, memories that would stay for eternity, however long that may be. Now, the Morningbreeze family were met with a choice, a situation: With the end of Moontide, where would the family go? She knew of no other place, and so she went to Rodyn, after gathering the few belongings of the Morningbreeze's.

"Good day, Rodyn." Raindrop greeted the alpha softly, "I come with a question, but first, is there anything I can help with?" She offered him her assistance. 

Eventually, she proceeded to ask her question: "Rodyn, I don't know where I should take my family from here. This has become our home for so long, but, if it is not seen as an imposition, I wish to know... where will you go? I want only the best for my family, and the life of a loner is not easy, this I know. Would one of Moontide's sister packs welcome our family?

RE: Move Away - Rodyn - December 31, 2024

Rodyn felt the grief of his village deeply. he had not managed to keep them all safe and together and that felt like a true failing on his end. It hurt him deeply to know that he had perhaps brought them all to their demise, but they would make it they would .

If you don't mind helping me carry some of these to moonglow.

Rodyn sighed. I will return to Moonglow for now. You are more than welcome to com ewith me. Perhaps someday we can start again somewhere. But for now. This is an ending of a beautiful chapter.

RE: Move Away - Raindrop - January 08, 2025

Just mentioning the pups. They can participate if they wish or their contributions can be kept behind the scenes. Whatever you prefer. OOC permission was given for me to play Silvertip

She nodded, "Of course. It would be my pleasure. The kids can help with the small things too." She called to her children, to gather them before they headed towards the mountain. Those who wished to help carried only what they could. Ponderosa and Silvertip had each picked up a small bundle of fur, within it various trinkets. 'Rosa carried her bundle proudly, and held her head high. The pups had grown fast, almost in the blink of an eye. 

"It is. But, Rodyn, don't feel you have failed us. I know things have been bad, but you're a wonderful alpha. You've done what anyone could; you've done your best, for all of us." She wore a warm, comforting smile upon her maw, her clear blue eyes softened. "Thank you very much. I would love to come with you, to Moonglow. My one daughter, 'Rosa, told me that she made friends with a Moonglow girl."

Soon, when Rodyn was ready, they would begin their trek.