Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek hell is as full as the devil's ego - Printable Version

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hell is as full as the devil's ego - Falwasi - December 23, 2014


Clouds manipulated the sky, casting a horrific gloom around Falwasi. The Earth had so much power... and it was like this. If she was the weather, she would be an autumn morning. She would be the soft glow of the sun warm against one's back, making the maple leaves illuminate with the orange ring that surrounded them. She would be the vibration of life beginning to wake, songbirds singing, rabbits canoodling and deer grazing. But before that, she would subconsciously hide herself, and she would be bitterly cold.

Falwasi found herself rising above land level, up the hill that made the Sleeping Guardians. If the dullness of the day was not enough, the shade of the few trees who's locations were grudgingly chosen made the sun setting even less visible to see. Should the fireball lower further, it would break through the doldrums of the atmosphere. But first, it had to stoop down below the clouds' level.

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Kaskara - December 24, 2014

Kaskara had been busier than ever with her brother's excessive broodiness lately. It wasn't that he was upset or angry with anyone; she was used to the mood swings that their family sometimes went through, especially during the long winter months. Kas was glad that her brooding moments were few and far between, but it seemed her brother hadn't been so lucky.

She didn't mind, though. She had promised to be his second and in that capacity she would do her best. Thankfully the threat from Shadow had lessened somewhat now that his children were born. Kas didn't think he'd do anything to harm them or their mother now that they were here. Today, she was enjoying the cooling weather and the calm moments she could get when she saw Falwasi ahead. With a bark, she trotted toward her golden friend and hoped she was well.

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Falwasi - December 25, 2014

[size=x-small]MERRY CHRISTMAS! <3[/size]

Falwasi stopped mid-stride as she heard the familiar, warm bark. She turned around to face the Beta, weight balanced on her muscular haunches so she wouldn't fall head-first down the sloping hill. Kaskara looked well. Full stomach, healthy coat, serenity apparent on her face... They hadn't spoken since the journey, apart from the meeting, which went fairly well (excluding Falwasi's participation). The velvet coated wolf wished that that hadn't been their first encounter in weeks, but unfortunately, it was.

"Hello, Kaskara," she said, dipping her golden crown to her friend. "Congratulations on your rise to Beta." Falwasi could see it working; the brother and sister leading the pack. It might cause some nasty sibling rivalry rows, but the she-wolf knew and hoped they were both more mature than that. They got along well, and they had different personalities with some similarities which could ultimately help each other out like a balance. They would do well together.

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Kaskara - January 06, 2015

You too! And Happy New Year! :)

"Thank you, Fal," she said, giving the girl a bump of her nose in warm greeting. Kaskara didn't care what Falwasi had said at the meeting, not really: she had spoken her opinion and that was the part that mattered the most. She felt comfortable in her place in the pack to say what she thought without fear of consequence. While both her leaders had disagreed with her, she hadn't been punished. That's not how they worked here.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you much since we returned." Not that it was a bad thing or Kas was accusing her of anything, but she was genuinely interested to know how she was doing. In her youth, Kas never had very many friends, especially female friends, so knowing that she had three now made her very happy. She didn't want to ruin anything by prying, but she was curious.

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Falwasi - January 11, 2015

Falwasi sighed, "I know. I'm sorry for that," she said, fully aware that she'd neglected her friendship with the female. While Scimitar and Kaskara had been dealing with the Creek's problems, the Theta had been doing some thinking and exploring of her own, away from the heart of Swiftcurrent Creek.

"I'm okay," is all she offered, smiling softly at the Beta. "And you?," she asked, sure that Kaskara had been just as busy as herself, if not more. It would be a lie if the grizzled wolf said she wasn't concerned for the swarthy woman's wellbeing — she was, even if it wasn't something she would display. Kaskara was one of few of her friends, and Falwasi planned on their relationship remaining that way.

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Kaskara - January 18, 2015

"That's okay, Fal. As long as you're fine, I'm glad to give you space." Kaskara grinned, wondering again how Falwasi was doing. "I hope everything is truly alright." she said softly, hoping her friend would be open to talking about whatever was bothering, even if it wasn't today. Kas had to make sure her friend knew that she was there for her, no matter what, and would listen to whatever ailed her, serious drama or petty issue.

"I've been good! Busy, but good. Scimitar is going to take a group of wolves with him to look for Star, our missing member. I have no idea what might've happened to her." Kaskara wasn't close with Star, but she was a member of her pack, and she was glad Scimitar was doing something about it. "I'll stay behind to watch over the creek, but I wish I was doing something more productive. I've been restless lately, even with all the tasks and border patrols."

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Falwasi - February 15, 2015

To her relief, Kaskara did not prod on Falwasi's current wellbeing. If people thought something was wrong, she would soon believe it herself, and she had no desire for that. Her world would be a canvas of truth and assumptions, and the colors would be a hell of a lot difficult to differentiate.

At the mention of Star, the chamoisee wolf pricked her ears forward. She was glad to hear the mahogany female was doing good — truly good, despite the restlessness. However, she was sure that besides the desert-borne's arrival, the whereabouts of their little white friend was on the wolves' minds.

"Could she have possibly left because the Creek didn't suit her tastes anymore?" Even as she spoke the words, she knew it couldn't be true. But she knew better than to trust the better judgement. For all the five months they knew her, Star could have been a completely different wolf. Anything was possible.

After waiting for Kaskara's response, the tall female looked at her friend, a sparkle of disbelief in her eyes. "Dovev's gone, too," she said, devoid of emotion. They had been friends, close friends to their standards, and he left out of the blue. Anger stirred at the pit of her stomach at the thought. If he ever came back, or if she ever saw him again.. Falwasi's brain would turn to mush with all the words she cared to spill.

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Kaskara - February 20, 2015

"I doubt it. Star loved it here." Though she had never said so exactly out loud, Kaskara had known it to be true. If you didn't love the place, you didn't spend your time learning three different trades. "She was learning to be a warrior for us. I don't think she'd do that if she didn't want to live here."

The news that Dovev had gone too hurt her. First Star, then Galileo, and now Dovev. Did everyone intend to leave them during winter? She hated the thought of it, but perhaps her brother's firm paw wasn't to everyone's tastes, and they were getting out while they could. Kas didn't want to believe it, but she also didn't rule out the possibility. "Galileo is gone, too. Last time I talked to him, he was going to look for some hot springs near the plateau."

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Falwasi - February 25, 2015

'scuse the crappy post — I know we want to wrap Swiftcurrent threads up!

Even though Falwasi trusted her Beta wholly, and she was inclined to trust her word, a part of her mind still thought that Star might have left on her own accord. Her random departure seemed more easily accepted, though. Even if she wanted to leave, she would've mentioned something to someone.

But the news of Galileo's departure shocked her even more. As far as she was concerned, the peppered man had been a part of the Creek for as long as Fox's reign — before that, Falwasi did not know. However she knew that if he'd left, it had been for a good reason.

"Everyone's leaving," she breathed, disbelieving her own statement. It was a strange feeling; one day she'd be hunting or catching up with her peers and the next she would be wondering if they'd ever return.

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Kaskara - February 27, 2015

That wasn't crappy! <3

Falwasi had the right of it; it seemed everyone was leaving. However, from the way her brother was talking, they would soon be leaving the creek. Although it would be hard and bittersweet to do so, Kaskara was hopeful that the new life they would build elsewhere would be better and brighter, especially for the little ones. The threats looming over the creek at the moment did not bode well for their lifespan, and Kas wanted to make sure they grew up mostly threat-free.

"I hope you're wrong," she suggested softly. It was true; she didn't want anyone to leave them, but it seemed Star and Galileo had done just that. "I still have hope that Galileo will return. He went on a trade mission, after all, and he's been a valuable part of this pack since before I came. I hope he hasn't abandoned us."

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Falwasi - March 07, 2015

"I hope I'm wrong too." For once. "Although it's not probable that Star ditched us, I don't think — at all — that Galileo would," she replied to her friend, a sad smile crossing her features. The secret he had kept for Falwasi meant a lot to her — she hoped it wasn't costly for him, and she did want to see him return.

After a thoughtful pause, the warrior looked down upon the creek, its waters rumbling ever so loudly but at the same time trickling softly like metal on glass. An exponential amount of thoughts turmoiled in her mind, and she returned her gaze to Kaskara: "Want to fish?"

It might have been able to take their minds off the missing wolves. Maybe she was wrong, and maybe she was right, but the odds were equal, and the time they chased so terribly never seemed to move. They had all the time they needed.

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Kaskara - March 07, 2015

Sorry for any typos. Posting from my phone. <3

It was hard to imagine either of them leaving, but it was true; Galileo was a tried and true wolf. He wouldn't leave them voluntarily. Kaskara nodded her agreement, wondering how well Falwasi actually knew the man in question. Kas didn't know him well at all, but there were a few wolves like that in the creek. She'd have to mend those loose ties soon enough.

When Fal asked if she wanted to fish, Kaskara was glad. Not only for the chance to do something productive, but also to bond with her friend. She had fished plenty of times with Bazi, but this would be a treat. "I'd love to, Falwasi." Kas smiled and motioned for her friend to lead the way, though the creek wasn't far.

RE: hell is as full as the devil's ego - Falwasi - March 15, 2015

Last Creek post *weeps*

And with the return of a smile, Falwasi began the short descent to creek level, trotting down with her balance on her haunches — even though the hills weren't steep, there was still a chance of an occurrence of Falwasi-the-wolf-avalanche.

The friends reached the base of the hill, the grass tickling beneath their toes and the essence of freshness filling their nostrils. And, miraculously, a golden glow was cast upon the Wilds. The sun had indeed won its battle; it had broken through the clouds, causing the Creek wolf to peer through the waters in hope that prey was plentiful. It was.