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Two Eyes Cenote vacio - Printable Version

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vacio - Soto - January 06, 2025

it's empty.

he should not be here. it was nino's harebrained idea, one that he would not cease yapping about. sangre, he said. sangre could be there, held prisoner same as you were. she may be dead. they killed her like they killed me!

soto knows something is off as he nears the ivy-studded stones marking their gates. snow dusts the place, serene save for the fact not a single breadth of snow is disturbed by pathways.


 no one coming.

no one going.

sangre is not here, because no soul is.

SEEEEEEE? nino yammers, a great racket against soto's tired skull. i told you we needed to come here! i told you!

but the only question soto finds tumbling around his brain besides the erratic yawp of nino is one question that refuses to sit neatly among his other thoughts: 
