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Neverwinter Forest sumarsól - Printable Version

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sumarsól - Pangur - January 26, 2025

For @Luhtar

Pangur was laaaazy today. Up too late, deep in the territory; sluggish this morning as a result. She hoped it would be okay to shirk her duties for half a day. She'd still gone off to catch breakfast for herself despite the lethargy that haunted her bones, an old habit not yet broken by pack life. Even though she had to fight to make her legs move, she managed to catch an old hare just before he almost shook her. She said a prayer for it, of course.

Then back she came, looking over the grove for a place to sit while her hefty kill hung limp in her jaws. Her eyes would catch a Luhtar in the distance, minding his business. Pangur skipped over on light feet, coming to sit next to him. She set down the hare's body, gently laying it to the ground and bringing a paw up to wipe the red stains from her maw.

Mischief toyed at her features, bringing an amused grin to her face. Will you spar with me today? She asked with a slight lilt to her head, hopeful for a permissive answer. She came down to her belly and slung an arm around the hare, intent on eating it first, of course. She needed some recoup. Her eager soul was unshackled by physical limits, but her body? Not so much.

RE: sumarsól - Luhtar - January 28, 2025

luhtar glances up at pangur as she approaches, his yellow eyes gleaming with quiet amusement as she plops down beside him. his gaze briefly flicks to the hare before settling back on her, noting the mischief dancing in her expression.

you want spar? he rumbles. he shifts slightly, his thick frame relaxed but his muscles taut beneath his coat, like a bear ready to lumber into action.

he watches as she settles over the hare, her playful energy infectious even as she lounges. eat first, he says with a low chuckle, nudging her shoulder gently with his nose. need strength to keep up with me.

RE: sumarsól - Pangur - February 04, 2025

Well I did not bring it for decor. She snickers, slinging a paw over the hare to hold it in place, make it easy for the tearing. you want some? Pangur shifts the rabbit between them, now, as if it is not a choice. She tears away a big piece to scarf down.

Have you practiced? I have! We take down oxen, in the cliffs, me and Hárkonungr, and elk in the fields. I think I could take you now, you are not so big as them. She leered inwards and nudged his side with a paw, a smug grin on her face that practically begged to be wiped off.

RE: sumarsól - Luhtar - February 08, 2025

decor? luhtar not know word. a snort while he watches her shred flesh from the hare. he accepts the hare she shoved toward him, coming to grab it with his own paw, yanking playfully out from under hers. a glint of mischief in those amber eyes.

before he bends to rip a piece for himself, his ears twitch pleasantly, listening to her recent ventures with their chieftain. you boast! he cheeses. but fighting bear different than hunting prey that run.

he brings teeth to snap playfully at her cheek fluff when she paws at him, and then he he pulls a haunch from the rabbit, rising to dance a few feet away; instinctive that he eat his share away from her. he does not like to be pestered while he eats!

between chews: fox talk too much! more chewing, then he swallows. and belches, jabbing a taunting paw in her direction, squinting at her. bear make fox eat words.

he shifts, stretching out his thick limbs and then assumes battle stance, tail rising to drift playfully. no cry when i win, ok?

RE: sumarsól - Pangur - February 08, 2025

It is a wise choice when he slinks away and hides his portion behind himself, she would have most certainly done nothing but pester. Decor, as in... half of decoration. She clarifies with a snicker, and shrugs off his warnings, smugly brushes aside his words as if it was the wind talking, instead of him.

Hehe.. and fox will make sure bear eats dirt. She jeered teasingly, scarfing down the last bit of her rabbit and shooting to her feet; renewed vigour in her muscles. Pangur will try not to make you cry... She takes no stance, instead remaining mobile, her eyes tracing over him, looking for ways to take him down.

She makes the first move, running to get around him, where his jaws would strain to grab her.

RE: sumarsól - Luhtar - February 21, 2025

lmk if you wanna roll!!

luhtar snorts, rolling a shoulder as he watches her dart into motion. fox no beat bear. his words come with a knowing smirk, spoken as if they are law.

he does not lunge—instead, he pivots sharply, tracking her with a measured turn. he does not need speed when he has size. she will run, she will weave. she is quick, but he is patient.

when she moves to his side, his muscles coil, and with one sudden, precise shift, he swings his weight, a thick limb sweeping to try and cut off her path.